WJLMETTE LIFE July 19, 1934 'ThatsOur soyand weyre COING TO01STICK TO UT!" Yes, there's quite anà uproar.over our G-3 advertising. People who got the irst G-3's put out-months before the public an nounicement - say " you're pulling your punch" - cite. mÎleaie records to .prove 43% 'more non-skid -life. is an undermstatemùent. Very likely it is low - very likely the 0-.3 does do better - but, by speeding-up to 50, jamming on bràkes, every few miles day and night, in harder driving than most people'do, the Goodyear test fleet èstablishedthe average of 43%7 greater non-skid wear-and we'll stick« to that figure because: That mnuch extra safety at no extra cost is plenty to offer! If you have yet to sec this amazing new Goodyear Ali-Weather, don't wait longr-corne in right away! Wilmette BatteFy 2ai) 740Tw lh Street - Plio SHAWNEE SERVICE GARAGE LYNAN SERVICE GARAGE mis 4TH Sv., WIL. 605413 RIDGE AVE., WIL. $426 *G-3 Users Report 43% Is To. Modest-They're Gelting More Extra Non-S kid Mileage Than That B- ut Hfe Prefer 10 Re Conservative Fld Electric. Service n«e WiImcète 691-5454 SHIMONEK SERVICE COMMUN ITY AUTO SERVICE 803 MAIN ST., WIL. 5374 123 WILMETTE AVE., WIL. 5340 Jet this down- oc Why not setle next winiter's fuel problem NOW by lettng us -fil your, bin with Consumers Guaranteod Coal or Coke? You- will be sure of a clean, carefiti delivery, freshly-mnined 'fuel -of the highest quality and trouble-free comfort ail winter long. -OEvery ton.is soId. under our unconditional guarantee - of quality, full weight and custo.mer satisfacton. GUARANTEED H uy Your Cool WILMETTE 1200 COAL-COKE on WINNETKA 3386 FUEL 011 J Approvol! GLENCOE 75 umiam mAin_ * T H ER E 'S A C0,N'SU'M ER S YA R D 1N Y 0U N E1G H B ORH 0 0D TIUE GARDEN THAT INVITES YOUI. *..a white Iatticed fonce with vines entwining it * a trellised gato with. roses clianbing ovor it . .. a vino-covered pergola which invites you to enter .. . an ornamontal gardon, seat, shudoed by a tiellised.arbor .. .and ail the woodwork snow whte é ..where You'rewolcome to relax or play- Ail' homes co be made attractive and ( inviting by the use of artistic Iawn and garden furniture. No matter how large or small, thore's a pieco, for every garden. Our seloction places a varioty ôf piocos well within the redeh of any pocketbook. Let'm talk about what can be 1. . I donc --for your lmw,, or garden. ~KLPHNU2809w, m m 3SW. Ralwàà v.. -PLAY ]BOUSE: WelI buit with real win'- dows and wood .'loor' Choice Of colors. De-. livered regdy for use. Complet e Selection. of Law. -Garden and Hickory Furniture july 19, 1934 W14METTË. IIPÉ