46. WILMRTTH _______________________________________________________________ \ t,~- lAPE July 26, 1934 a e a OA DIFFERENT M AN, Try this plan.. Order a case of Pabst Blue Ribbon *.Put a few bottles in the refrigerator.. Now you are ready to tame thât f retful, irritatedl husband Serv him a bottie as soon as ho cornes home and watch resuts. . See how it soothes -and re- freshes him . .how it quickly restores his good humor... don't spoil your remnedy by serving ordinary beer.,. Moke sure that you get Pabst Blue Ribbon-it is pure and fuI-flavored. . with a distinctive faste that bas mode tf America's firsi choice.. P. S: H-ove the children been especially tryiîng today? Arè your nerves on edge? A cool, r.- freshing battis of Pab st Blue Rbbon wilI rest you toc. lis ideal at-lunch, or in mid- afternoon. Try it. ]BLUE RIBBQN BEER TOORDER A'CASE-PONE HIIGHLAND PARK 1700 Telephone toli wil. be deducted upon doliveiry. 1 934, Premier-Pabst Corp. Goicher Hostesses at Fair.Juy 1 G.oucher College alumnae, will, act as *hostesses at the Women's College board on: Snday, Juiy 29, in the Hall of Social Science at A Century of Progress. During the morning Miss, Josephine Huif and Miss Elizabeth, Foster will act as hostesses, while Miss Edith Freund and* Miss Flor- ence Edwards will serve ini the af- ternoon. Aiumnae and friends will assemble at 1 o'clock for luncheon. Thc Rev. J. H. Gockel and Mrs. Gockel of Wilmette announce the lirth of a (laugliter, Miriam Louise, 01 onJuly 20. SATURDAY ONLY, JULY 28 DOORSe OPEN AT 12:30 P.M. W. C. Fields. Buster Crabbe SUNDAY ONLY,. JULY 29 '62OTH CENTURY" MON., TUES., JULY 30-Si The. msons Most, thrilling Myst.ry "THE DOUBLE DOOR" With Mary Morris Sir Guy Sfanýding-Ev.lyn Venabi. WEDNESDAY ONLY. AUGUST1i The stars of "Cavalcade", Clive Brook, Diana Wynward 1'Where Sinners M-eet@' b . - - - ý Ringling Circus A'ppears August 2 on. Evanston Lot, Ringling Bros..* and Barnum' & Baily CO'mbined Circus, the greatest show on earth, making its 1934 tour of the continent and definitelv sched- uled to exhibit in Evanston Thiursdayv. August 2, lias assembied from the four corners of the earth-and points ini between-the greatest aggregation of clowns in ail amusement historv. Qne hundred -and fifty internat ion- ally-famous funmakers, cavor't and caper about the seven rings and stages and the huge hippodrome track this year in the most stupen- dons circus presentation ever off ered., Clownshave alwayvs been an imi- portant part of the circus and ttie amusement world wvas amazed anid delighted when an evein hundr-ed of them were brought together for the first time by Ringling Bros. and Bar- ilum & Bailey. But when 150 of the funniest clowns imaginable weère placed on the same' program ini a simultaneous displav this spring, the enthusiasm of circus-goers knew no0 bounds. Besides the clowns, -there are 800 men and women arenic stars of in- ternational eminence, many of them touring the American continent for the first time. The great combitned circus wvilI ar-, rive on four long trains of 100 double- length steel railroad. cars, bringing over 1,600 people, 50 elephants, 1,000) menagerie animais and. 700 horses. The circus will be held afternoon and night àt Huntington's golf field, McDaniel,. Simpson and' Emerson streets near McCormick road. Luxemburg Day at Pair. to Be Interesting Event The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. the smnaliest nation in Europe, is one of the few nations -in the world that lias a purely governmental exhibit at the 1934 Century of Progress exhibi- tion. The Luxemburg pavillion at the 1933 Fair has been eniarged to twice its size and is' located on! the first floor of the Travel and Trans- port building. In addition to its tourist promotion section, the ex- hibit contains products of the littie Duchy sucli as champagne, Moselle wine, liquors, cordiais, leather goods display, statistical placards on bank. financial corporations, holding com- panies, steel and iron production, etc. Luxemburg Day at the XVorld'.s Fair bas been set for Saturday, juIy 28, with an 'officiai program from 3 to 5 p. m. Extensive preparations have been made by the Luxemburg Chamber of Commerce in conjunc- tion with the, other Luxemburg socie- ties to make the Luxemburg Day one of the outstanding festivals in the history of the Luxemburger people. Some of the features for Luxemburg, Day are, Luxemburg music, songs, dances, colorful pageants and stage attractions to be held in the' spacious Court of the Federal and States build- ings.1 Prominent governmen t. state and, citv officiais have been invited and wili attend the festivities. The main speaker wili be.Fred'A. Gilson, grand president of the Luxemburger Brotherhood of America and secre.- tary of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce. William Capes ius wîlj lie the master of ceremonies. and Capt. Perry Daubenfeld will be the marshai of the parade, which precedes the officiai. program. Mr. and Mes. Thomas M. Mintz, 50 Crescent place and their house- guest, Mrs. John Shields of New York, spent the week-end at Madi- son, Wis. Mrs. Shields left for home on Tuesday. july 26, 1934 46.- ýWILMETTE