INSTALL COOLINGý SYSTEM The: San Pedro, popular restaurant at 918.Spanish court, No Man's,,Land, bas recently installed a Frigidaire cooling system,. The new system is thé only device-.ofits,*kind on the north shore, it is stated. The tem- perature is varied to make. the place comfortable at 'ail times." Mfiss Harriet Mons, 157 Woodstock avenue. Kenilworth, is spending two weeks visiting several former *college classmates ini Cleveland, Columbus and Canton, 0111o. The'Best You've Ever Tasted HOME MADE FULL CREAM FUDGE. IL.50c Trial iiug 10e SPANISH KANDY KUPBOARD 924 Spanish Court lu No-Man's Land Wilmette 5423 -- q 'a.nt. ,* n WILMETT~ LIPB August 23, 1934 Mrs. Laurence Hechit of Barrîng- ton is visiting lier parents, Mr. and MIrs. Fdar I.. Koenig, 1028 lm- Iwoo(l aveinte. 0o- The Misses, Margaret and Caroline Harris, 223 Melrose avenue, will en- tertain at a bridge luncheon Saturday. 0'f The Red 1Il Wil a cash Then consider the Household Loan Plan. Lons of $30 to $300 loan neIp are available to families keeping refinance house,who bave sufficient income to akereglarmonthly repay- your debts ? mentsovr 0 onths. Only sig- natures required are those of bus- bandandwife.Quickcourteous, businesslikeservice. Reasonable cost. Visit, write, or'phone the offices of * nd FI., 1737 Howard St.' l4th FI., 105 W. Madison * West of t"L", Chicago Chicago Phone: Greenleaf 2550 Phone: Frank lin 0885U SE? TEMBER BRIDE, Mathe-t Francis Photo Invitations have -been issued by Ir. and Mrs. R. P. Herr of WiI- nztte for the wedding of their daughtcr, Mliss Caroline I. He rr, to Ainsworth B. Demmnon of Evansç- The ceremony- will be performed aý 6 :30 o'clock Saturday, September 1, ai St. John's Evangelical Lutheran churèl of Xilmette, with the Rev. Julius H Gockel officiating. A recéption follow, at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Pauline Haus of W.ilmette, tînt bride's aunt, will serve as her maid of honor. The bridesmaids are to be Miss Betty Kaspar of Wilmette and Mrs. Mary Dietrich of Chicago, a cousin. 4James Currey of Evanston, a cousin, is serving as b;est nman. Rudolph Kas- par and Emil Kaspar of Wilmette are ushering. >7~ i Si.. OU'L *LIKE OUR SERVICE' Now under one manageet these g arages. offer you efficient service * .the combined capacity makis it possible to. give yearý 'round service .. service. that you'll like! *Storage Repafring Greasing Gas end Oit tires and Tire. Repairing Accessories Complet. Body and Fender Work 1 it Lt 's New Additio-nI -NowReady for IGunman Robs Women at Kenilworth Bridge iGame Jewelry valued. at $3,000 was tak-- 2enî froni women by a gunian iiii ho abruptly halted a bridge party at the home of .Ùrs. Henry Zander, Jr., 736 Cummings avenue, Kenilworth, yesterday atternoon. hlie robber es- cape( i i a smail automobile which he hiad parked at thle curbing. Mrs. Zander is the wife ot the Illinois state director of the Home Owners' Loan corporation.i At press tîîne, de- taîled iniormatiozi about the robbery was flot avai labie ironi the* Kenil- worth police. INJURE.D IN CAR CRASH An automobile accident occurred at Eigtith street and Linuen avenue Sat- uraay morning, iii wnicn a car driven by Liorcion 1 k.ettn,,." Linth street, going north on .bigntii street collided wîth the car ot - L. t Reid, 1419 Cen- tral avenue, traveling east on Linden avenue. 1 fne impact overturned the 1Keith'car, but iiie driver was unin- jured. Mr. Reid susiained a broken shoulder and severe tateracîons, of the lace. Alter, being given rieuical at- tention he was rcinvVeu to nis nome. khoth cars were (bauy damitged. FRANK BRYCHTA DIES. Services for rankc Brychta, 1225 'I wenty-tuircj street, wlno uieu Mon-. day, Aiugust Zv, were heid today ( infursuay) -froin mec Winam H. 'Scott ltneral nome, 1118 t.reenleaf avenue. Interment was at the Bo- hemian i\atîoiial cemetery. M r. liryci-na, who is survîiu by tus wife, Annie, a son and a daughter and two brothers, hadfiîved in i Wmette the past three months. SHAWNEE SERVICE G ARkAGE 5 15 Fourth Street' Phone WiImel1'e 636 LINDEN GARAGE 332 Linden Avenue: Phone Minmette 5430, AL RODENKIRK SAM MARVIDIS - GEORGE SCHAEFER Former Wilmette Girl EntrsOreonConvent Word was received this week fromn Seattie, Wa. that Miss Winifred Jo- sephine Barr%,. formerly of 15P7 Cen- tral aven ue, Wilmette, bas entered the' Order of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary at Oswego, Ore. Miss Barry had attended St. Frap- cis Xavier school for-four years. the Howard school for two y~ears, and had her first year of highl school at Mallinckrodt, before moving with her famnily to Seattle. She had just com- pleted her first year at the University of 'Washington where she mnajored ini science and art. before entering the Novitiate. Miss Barrv is the second daughter of Mr. and M.\rs..Franik T. Barr%- and a sister of Betty and Helen. (Continued from Page 3) of the addition was _,filled with gloom but flot with rooms-and crowded' New Trier carried on bravely. "Get Fédéral ýAid Assurance, however, that New Trier would not have to linger in the sha- dow of a melancholy shell came in September, 1933, vwben the federal public works administration (Harold L. Ickes administrator) awarded $141.- 000 for the completion of the addition begun ini 1931. The federal public works administration made an ont- right grant of $40,000. The balance. sorte what in excess of $100,000, rep- resented the amounit of high scliool bonds to be al)sorI)ed by the governi- ment at 4,per cent interest.' So it ivas then work on the inter*~ of the addition began ini Februarv. 1934, progressing until the pre s eit. wvhen Mr. Biesemeier is exultantly watching and guiding the worker.. i!n applying the finislîing touches. Helpe New Trier Grow Besides serving as head of the school's, manual education depart- ment, he bas 'figured prominentl% iii the struggle for a "bigger life",- for New Trier students. Since comilig to that school in 1912, he bas been super- vising engineer for the additions nmade in 1922.and 1926, as well as for the' gymnasiumn built in 1927. The 1931- 1934 addition project marks hîs. big- gest engineering gesture for the sake of New Trier elbow room. According to Mr. Biesemeier, the first building of the present N ew Trier High school unit was erected in'1900. Additions were made in 1907 and 1912. It begins to look as if New Trier is growing-what with a total of six ad- .WILMETTE LIFE, ,&ugust 23 1934 rooooo nu 1