Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1934, p. 26

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WILMETTE LIPE Auguit 30, 1934 SaIIy Clark Wears Wedding Dress of TIiird Ceneration Miss Sally Clark, duriing lier inarriage last Saturday after- noon to Bently G. MNcCloud, jr.. of Kenilworth, wvas one of the third generation iii lier fainily t0 wear an ivory gros (le laine gown with a short train and veil. In addition she %vore a miodern tulle veil vvhichi fell froin a halo wreath of orange blos- soins, and carrie(l a Colonial bouquet of auratuini su rrouind(ed Iwv madonna lilies. The bride's younger sistenr, 1Ma(e- Une, who substituted for Mfiss ESliza- beth Quinian, -the maid of honor, wowas taken ill, wore a green net gown with a short traini, and carried a Colonial bouquet of Hill roses'sur- rousided by madonna huies and maid- en hair fern.. The groom 's cÔuisiiîiî. Suzanne and Mary Florence Oim- sted made a quaint and charîning picture in Kate Greenaway gowns of a iighten shade of green th4n that wvorn by Madeline Clark. They wore hair bandeaux of greeni and carried small Colonial bouquets of Hil roses aint maiden bair fern. The ceremony wvas soleniiized al 4 :30 o*clock in the1 gardeits (if tlit home of- the bride's parenits, MnI. and Mrs. Walter U. Clark, 419 Niîîtl street. The Rev. Hubert Carleton ofm- ficiaîed. Senving the groomi as best man %vas bis brother, Robert Mc- Cloud, and ushering wverc George Kiîslev of Kenilwortlî, Hinman Bis- he of. Evanston, and iBen> Kittnitige if Fainfield. 'Conn. The brid'e's mother wore green sheer, bnown acces>ories, a browît bat, andi a corsage bouquet of'laven- der orchids. The grooim's mother, Mrs. Bently G. McCioud, wore a beigWe and black ensemble anîd a cor- sage of orchids. '1 The .young couple arc spending a ten day honeymoon at the Lake Placid club in the Adiroîmdacks, New Yrork, andIon their returu îlîev wvil reside in Uvanston. G ives Luncheon Party Mrs. William J. Worcester (Flor- ence Branson ') of Kennebunk. Beach, Maine, who is visiting bier parents, te Foster Bransons of Wilmette, was liost-. ess at a luncheon ast, Moîîday at the Georgian botel for twenty of lier friends. Mrs. Worcester was matroti of hionon at the inarriage of hier sister, the for- mer Miss Dorcas Bransoiî and Robent Jerome Nickles, Jr.. last, Friday. Dinner Guests Mn. ,and Mrs. Elias Dsme fPont- land, Ore. and Mns. E.Va Wiersum of Chicago were dixînier guests hast Sun- day of Mn. anti Mrs. George Bassler, 301 Seventeenth street. Mn. andi Mrs. Disney are parents of Walt I)isîîev, f amous artist and cartoonist. WiImette Bide Garden Group WiliI Dorcés Branlson Weds Have Aufumn Exhibit DL&Ikà,eI~ Ij Dl'Iorcas Branson miade a beautijul bride in h-lirlsfr-ois ivory saluut qown îwutlils beconing lace colla,- and long ,tiqh t-fittin * ysiceves. fler. tarrioqe to Robert Jeroinc Nickles of Madison., [Vis. too k place hîsi Frida -v e"ening ai iit, hiomte of lie'r parents. Ir. (1,11(i rs. Poster 'u ra*soe., 8.17 Xl?(',uural '- Annell-e Thompson, James Kraft lfo Wed Miss Annîette Elizabeth T1hompson oif 'Evanstot, formerly of %Viîtnetka, ieft Tuesday for Portlandt, Ore., where hen manniage 10 Jamnes Leoiîard Kraft will take place toda>-. After a short trip through MVasiingtoiî and Oregont Mn. Kraft and lus bride wîli be at home in Cathlamnet, Wasb. He is tue 'sou of Mn. andi Mrs. Charles H. Kraft of 1236 Greenwood avenue, XVilneîte, and. Miss 'rîompsoîî is the (laujhter of Mn. andi MU. Edwin J. Thompson of Ev-. anston, fonmeriv of 1067, Oak street, Winnetka. Sue was guest of honor at a tea given Sunday by- Miss Helen Ald-. rich of 394 Cbestîîut street, Winnetka, and at two showers giveil tle previous week, a linîgerie *shîower August 19, at which Miss Meta Miller of Evanston was hostess. and a itosiery, shower given August 21 b>' Miss. Betty ltckett Of Evaiîstoni. Sns.t Ridge Events Miss Betty Hon smian o .f: Winnetka wvon low net ini Class A withi an 89, playiîîg at Sutîset Ridge Couîî l'uésday. Tue how net win ner1 in Ciass B wvas Mrs. A. J. Luick of Chi-. cago, wvho sliot an $1.- Mrs. A. R. McCartan of Chicago wvas the winier in Class C, witlî a 91. Fniday of Ibis wveek the womeni of Sumset Ridige are baving a progressive bridge party, and Tuesday of mext wveek they will uua! ify for the club and class cbam- pionships. The first eight in each chass, A. B. and C, wilh qualify. An autumn garden shov will Ik- iîcld hy members of the Xilumette Eveniiîg Gardenit clbon 1'uesday, Septemiber 1l. .in Pilgrimi hall of the Congregationai clitrch at 7 :30 o'clock. 'l'lie exhibit iý- als() open to friends, an l(lal arc ai least invite(! b attend. 'Ihere ili he a talk on evcrgreenis. and rilbbons will l>e awardeçl t( the winning exhibitors. l'le exhihits are t" he as follc>ws I- perfection o f hloonm, three specinlens o each varietv of floý%ver inclnding dIl:~ gladioli, roses, zinias. mnarigolds. phlo x. asters. calendulas, snap dragons. pc- tînias, gaillardias, antd an%, otîters; Il- Artistic arrangemient' frotît (wil gar- dlen: 111 -_ artistic arriitig')eneiit itl necessarily froîn mown garden: IV - table setinig. V--iniiatuire arrange- ment : VI-arraiigcmnî of seed po(ls or bernies. Thle .'tigisî ' îetitîg of the Ev ening Garden club of Xilmnette took the form of a picnic hield in the garden of the home of '.\r. and Mrs. C. R. Norman at 618.Greeieaf avenue. The idea was a new onie for the club and proved a deliglîtful novelty. The members sat about in.groups at small tables, hringing their own picniic supper. Tea. coffee- and dlessert were served by 'Mr. and Mrs. Norman, assisted by thieir daughtcrs. Retining to the 'living roonis, flhc group was pleasantlv eiitertained with vocal selections 1)y \Mrs. \Walter Birmingham, assisted at the pianio by lier daughter, Catherine..4 Following this Mrs. Nornman gave a very complete paper on "Lilies"- their history, culture aind outstanding varieties. Beauitiftil bouquets of liles added to. the understaîîding of their desirability in the garden. A short business session wvas con- ducted by Harry Pifer, president of the club. The club is co-operating in the work of the Garden Center which is holding forums in Winnet1ka Community House every Mondav. A report on this wvas made by Mrs. Au-. lîrey Williams. The Garden center is open to the public starting at 10 o'clock each Monday niorning. The yarn-spinning spirit of the eve- nigg invaded even the business ses- sion and there was much amusement over varions tales of wondrous growths achieved in some, of XViI- mette's gardens. Jane Roberts Engaged l'o Fredericc Hanson,. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Linscott Rob- es,808. Greenwo'od avenue,' Wil- mette, 3flnounce the engagement of their. daughter, Jane deBerard Rob- erts, t0 Fredenick Brown Hanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Theodore Hanson of Evanston. The weddingi will take place the latter part of Oc-i tober. Miss Roberts is a graduate of Roycemore and of the National Academy of Art in Chicago. Mr.i Hanson attended Northwestern uni- versity and is a graduate of DePauw and of the Kent College of Law. H-et is a member of Sigma Nu fraternity. KODerf IJ. 1 1FIe JE. In Home Ceremony Lustrous ivory satin %vas stnl) fashioned into the %ved- liiig (Iress %vorn by Miss Dorcas Braiisoii, hen, in the home of lhcr parents, the Foster Bran- sons of 817 Central avenue, Wil- mette, slie was married to Rob- ert Jerome Nickles, Jr., of Madi- son, \Vis., last Friday evening. A voke with pict uresque standing collar, of rosepoint lace brought f roin abroad by the bride a f ew years ago. was te only trimming on her dres., except for -tiny satin buttons at the back of the waist and tight-fitting sîceves. Shirring headed the train in- to which the skirt elongated. Rose- Ioint lace fnom her mother's wedding dress wvas the cap of her tbree-tiercd tulle veil, the .shortest leîîgth of which f cil over her face. White flowers. with roses and ývalley hules predominat- ing, were cauglît. into her weddiniz bouquet. Mrs. William Jarvie Worcester, hen- self a bride of tbis past June, came on from the east to be ber sister's matro-n of honon aaîd oniy. attendant. lier -dres w as of rust chiffon witlî a iow, square îîèck edged with Alencoti lace of matching colon. Talisman roses with gypsophila were the flowers she carried. Clyde Redeker of Elgin served Mr. Nickies as best man. *The mantel of the living roon' Wa> tnansformed int an altar background for the ceremony, aI which Dr. Hubcrt Carleton of St. Augustine's Epis copal church officiated at 8:30 o'clock. Banked withi green and flanked with two three-branched wrought iron cande- labra, il had a graceful arrangenment of Madonna lilies, white gladioli, white and pale pink asters, and a white satin pillow nearby, to afford contrast. Pali., were at the stairway ianding where a duo of violin and hanp played wedding mus ic. White summer flowers, artistically arranged,. graced the ail-white bridai table with antique silver candlesticks holding lighted tapers. The punch bowl was on the porch. Out-of-town guests included. thù bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mns. Robert Jerome Nickles of Madison, bis sistens, Mr. Worcester, and friend-, fromn Madison and Milwaukee. After tbeir wedding trip on the Great Lakes f0 Duluth by boat, the. bride and bridegroom will. make their home at 3318 East. Gorham Street, Madison. Wellesley Pcnic A beach picnic at Binken. Craig, the home of the Bruce MacLeishes, 85 Wentwortb avenue,. Hubbard Woods, will be beld at 12:30 o'clock- Saturday afternoon, September 8, by members of the Chicago Wellesley club and the North Shore Wellesley cincle. Membens are asked to bring their own box lunches. There will be swimming and bridge. 1 August 30,.1934 WMMETTE LIFE

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