I um rat The Georgian.... Labor Day Sept. MENU This Menu is typikal of our Regular s.ilo Sunday Dinner Fruit Cocktail Tomate juice AsQorted Canapes Stuffed Xgg %vith Caviatr Perfection Salad Freçh Crabmeat Siad Mixcd Olivesq Assorted Pickles Fruit Salad in Mould Young Green Onions Creiam of Toniato Soup Cons;omme îlot or Cold Cold Tomato Boumlon Fred Fillet of Sole, Tartar Sauce Roast Capon with Dressing and Cranberry Jelly Ilroiled Half Milk-fed Chjcken with Spiced Pear Broiled Fillet Mignon, Chasseur Baked Sugar Cured Hlam, Champagne Sauce Iroccli, Hollandaise Sauce Rak,-d Sunmer Squash Canned Stewed Corn Long rtich Poa.» Whipped Potiloe, Sherbet: Orange, Tutti Frutti, Liime Fresh Greeni Apple Pie Fresh Blueberry Pie - Grahami Cracker Pie Fresli Peach Parf ait Cocoanut Layer Cake .Cup Custard Stewed Prunes Jello SeWed Rhubarb 'Chocolate Eclair Pineapple Tapioca Pudding IHaif Grapefruit Watermelon Ilonev Dew Melon Cantaloupe Lieilerkranz, Camembert or Roquefort Cheese 1- (C ir;&)ii V:ê,illa, Chocolaie, Srrawberry, .Frt-h Peach, Peppermint Lce: Orange, Tutti Frutti, Lime Coffte Tea lced Tl. Milk Buttermilk Iced Coffee SPECIAL Dinn or $1.10 Chefs Special Dinner 85C Prices Include Tex Hinman Avenue and Davis Street Evanston Fhe qcor i an Phone Greenteaf 4100 DUY NOW-That'Is the Best Adviïce Wel Can Give You SUMMER is slipping swiftly away. Soon the brisk breezes of Autumn will warn us that it j, time to fire up the old furnace agamn. With prices moving gradually upwards, our' advice isflUi your cool bnnow. And be sure it is Consu mers Guaranteed Coal or Coke if you want the best quality, a clean delivery and trouble-free com- * fort ail next winter. GUARANTEIED COAL-COKE FUEL O0L1 Duy Tour Cool on Approvol! TH ERSA CON S U M ER S @psumers &Pany- Y A RD IN Y OU R N E1G'HB 0R H 00D WUi - I TRELLISCS, PERGOLAS, RDR LATTICE OltPCK MMNES TLBBOZ289Wi E Dargnat. 38»8 Univesity 7780 am3 W. ailromaAv. Complète Sélection of Lown - Garden and Hickory Furitur. 'IU PLAY HOUSES, W.II buit with reul windows and wood floors. Choice of colora. Delivered ready to use. du Aqm* 30, 1934, .WILMETTEý LIPÉ