Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1934, p. 30

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r '(Vclcins +enagements +flotice Bg VisRA McDERmiD Mary MacCaughey John Jacob Schreine Wed at Bride's Homr Gowvns.ofperiwinkle llue sal were worn I)y the twvo atteii ants of Miss Mary Houst( MfacCaughey at lier %veddir Sattirday to John jacob'1)Scire ner of Chicago. 'Mrs. Flarrv A Jen of, Kenilvorth served matron of hionor for lier siste and Miss Sarahi Davis of Pitt burgh ivas the iaid of lionor-. The attendants' gowils lhad hro. shoulder straps of wineberrY velvi reaching to the waist in back. The short trains were of the saineeit terial. as were the gardei-ia-decorate muifs tlîey carried. Miss M\acCauglh< was in an off-wbite shade of satii Her gown. was made .%ith long, tigl sleeves. wvth lace falling over tli bauds-, a bigh neck, filled wvit duchesse lace. and aà long train. Hc tulle veil fell from a cal)0f heirloot rosepoint and duchesse lace that lia been worn by ber Q'.ter. H-er bouque was made of gardenias andl Iles o the valley. The bride wore orchic with ber going-awýNaN dress of ligli iveight bIne wool. Mrs. Andrew B. MacCauigheN mother of the bride. wvas iii beigi silk lace and wore lavender orchids The' bridegroom's niother, «Mrs. Charle; Schireiner, wore sapphire bIne crepe with gardenias. anid tbe bride's grand. mother, Mrs. Frank J. Tuttle, -whc lives at the MacCauighey home, waf in lav-ender chiffon. Chiarles Sebreiner %vas best mai for lus son, and the ushers iveri Jamies Corus of Wilmette, Pauil Gil- lerlain of Chicago, Charles Schreiuer, Jr.. Robert Prown of Park RidIge, and HarrY Allen of Keiniltortlh. At anc end of- the liv-ing rooni in the MfacCaughey bouse at 535 War- %vick road, Kenliorth, an altar was built of* palmns andI ferns, two taI] vases of white asters. gladioli, and babv's breath, and two tail, seven- brancbed candlesticks. Here the Rev. Christoph Keller. rector of Trinitv clurch, H-ighland Park. read the serv- iCe al 4 o'clock. Returning September 1.5 froni a maotor tr:p tbroughi Canada, MIr. Schreiuer and bis bride will spend a week with ber famiîv and a week with bis. before settling ini their apartmeut at 5333 Harper avenue, Chicago. To Enterfain Garden Club Nirs. John '.F. Weedon, 204 Fifthi street. willI be hostess ta the \Vil-. mette -Gardeti club. of wbich Mrs., C. P. Berg is president. Friday 'after- noon, September 7, at 2 o'clock. l'le assisting hostesses will be Mrs. johin Hardy \Veedon and Nirs. Charles Vran Deursen. George' Mclntyre will speak on "Lawns. New and Old." The twentv-minute discussion on gardening iu Septemnber will be led by Mrs. Frank J. Scheidenhelm. The annual election of officers will also take place. Toloif Photd, .41 Christ churels in Iinncika Mliss DJorothy Grsqqs of Ev-zalstoni w as iarried on, Auflusi 22 to R.o bert l.inylzans L.ubke offHigh,- land IPark, forn,,u'riv of Glencoe. Wlîcn >fr. and Alrs. Litehke return front .their honcv,,,iooii tleX II ,uaL' their home in R'ofers Park. Marie Kirkwood fo Wed William C.Covington 0 Miss Marie Antoinette Kirkwood, ýs daughter of Mr. and Mns. Thomas Kirkwood, 2017 Highland avene, Wilmette, and William Charles Cov- e ington of Winnetka. son of MIr. and Mns. WV. C. Coviuîgton of Browns- ville., Texas, will be married at 1 Ào'clock Saturdav. September 15, ai the Levere Memiorial temple ini Ev- anston. Only mermbers of the fami- Ilies andc a few îwns.onal fricnds %vill * le present. sBoth the bride and the l)ridegrooi 1 attended Nortlivestern universitv. ýMiss Kinkwood wvas a member ai Gamma Phi B3eta soronitv and ",\r. *Covington of Sigina \lpha Epsilon fraternitv. Homer Taylor of St. Louis, a Kap- pa Alpha at WVashington tunivensity ini St. Louis, -wiil servýe..Mr. Coving- ton as liest mani.l'li e twvo young meni attended prep schooi togetlier at the Webb) school, Bell Buckle. Tenu. Mr. Taylor's fiancée, 'Miss Norma Witter- scheim of ,St. Louis, will be MISS Kinkwood's maid of lionor andI onl% attendant. The vouing couple expect té make their home' in Wiunetka. Thursday of, this week Miss, Polly Grove, 1208 Ashland, avene, \Vil- mette, and Miss Bertuice O'Pizzi of Chicago are ententaining at a slboll- er for M1iss Kirkwvood at Miss Grove's luom e. W. C. T. U. Meeting The Wilmette and Winnetka W. C. T. U. will meet Monday afternoon, September 10, at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Lydia 'Hufton, 462 Provîdent avenue, Minnetka. Miss Mary Catherine Bell. dau<',lî- ter of Mrs. Louise W. Bell of 832 Ridge road, and Richard Herl>eri Curîl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Curîl, 45 Crescent place. will bc married at 4 o'clock Wednesdav after- noon, Septemiber 20. The wedding, will take place at the home of the b)ridle's aunt, Airs. John A. Hoffman, 1922 Wilmnette avenue, .vithî the Rev. Ber- ficiating. A reception will follow. The l)ride's cousin, Miss Elizabethî H-offman. will >e lier mnaid of honor and( only attendant. Jolhn Bell, brother of the b)ride. will serve as best mait. Mr. Curîl anîd bis bride will make their honme ini Bvanston. Miss Mfazie Mouat. 616 Lake ave- nue, entertained at a lingerie shower. August 20, and Monday of last week a kitchen sbower %vas given by Miss Rosenmarv~ Bleser, 729 Ridge avenue. Bridge and Tea Will Aid.Camnp Waulconda Mrs. Sydney H. Gettelmian is opeii-t ing lier hiome at 525 Sheridan road, Glencoe, at 2 o'clock Friday, Septemn- ber 7, for a bridge and tea to benefit Waukonda camp, a free camp for un- derprivileged mothers and clîildreni maintained 1w tlhe Chàigo Council of Jewish Women. Assîsting Nfrs. Get- telman and ber miother, Mrs. Anna Tanner, are MNrs. Milton Grauer and Mrs. Milton Stern of Glencoe, Mrs.a Barnett Faroil of Winnetka, and Mrs.a l-arrv Catumanui of Highland Park. l Tickets ma-,,lw obtained froni an%- 1 of the asý:istanss, or at thec (oor. Married In Glencoe M1iss ularjinrîe Fueériatn of Eîe- anston becaine the bride of Mor- gans Heny Nelson on August 18 in flhc charsninqg farde,, of tihe grooîuz's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gustaf Nelson, of Glencoe. Af ter October 1 tihe vaing couiple wvill bc' ai haine in Hubbard Woods. Wed af Christ Church Mary Bell, R. 'H. Curil ________________ o Wed September 26 Vi rginia B urgess, Paul Aldrich WiII Be Married on Sept. 15 Miss Virginia Emmons Bur- g~ess, (laugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Burgess of \Viliinette, wviIJ teconic the 1bride Saturdav afternoon, Septeinber 15, of Paul Packard Aldrich, son (of Mr. and Mrs. Paul 1. Aldrich. 394 Chiestnut street.. Winnetka. Tihe cereînony wvill bc rea d at tîn Wilinette Panisl Methodist chutrcx at 4 o'clock by the Rev. Oscar Iloinas OIson, and will be followed bYa reception in the churchi parlors. The* bride's sister, Dorothv, xwill be the maid of hionor, and the brides- mnaids are ta be Miss Margery Hume of Wilmette, and thé groom's sister. Miss Helen Aldrich. Francis Glenn of Chicago will serve Mr. Aldrich as best mani, and tbe tushers are Flovd \'anl Eroy and Lewv Merrili, both 'of Miss Burgess is being feted during the next week at a round of parties~ given by lier friends.. Begining t(,- night, Miss Lila Johnson of XV-l n'lette and 'Miss Margerx- Hume wvill be co-liostesses at a Iiiiscellatlscos, shower at Miss jolinsoni'shine, 1221 Cleveland avenue. On Suidav after- 110<-ni Miss Helen Aldrich ivill give a nersonal shower. Next NNîda iss I-11unte %vîil entertaiu the IbriIe-to-l>c. aa kitchen shiolter, anIdil inclucli. aniong -lier guests-niembers of thse Evanstoui XValking club. Ctn)c 13 Miss PRurg.ess's frieuds, lieiCil)rs (q lier alit sororitv, %vîll giv-<- a dlance an the Stevens h1otel for lier and for Miîss Johunson, w11o is aIso o I)e a bride 50011. IMr. andi Mrs. Bur- Vress Will gýie the bridai (diluner at ud1cr homle onl ila.Septeinber 14 Aflfouflce Betrothai of Formne'r Glencoe Girl M[r. anîd Mrs. Maurice Schoenth ai )f 1157 Lunt avenue, Chicago, forni- rly of Glencoe, annoutice the ens- 1gemient of their daughter, Georgia. oMorton F. Nioses, §on of Mn. and Jrs. jUlitus C. Xioses. 1704 XValIen xenue, Chicago.1 Miss Schoentbal tentled Pniiicipia college, in St. Louis id Northwestern. university. M r. Joses atte,îded I 'oyola uiniversitv. lorthridge Club Ope 1 Th'le. Northridge VVoman's club wvili ave its first mieeting of the new year il Nonday eve.ning, September 10, at ce homle of Mrs. Allen Thompson, [00 Greenwood avetnue, Wilmette, at o'clock. The meeting is to be almost tirelv a social one, s0 that ail are rged to attend. The new president, rs. Leonard Van Deurýeui, 2114 reenwood avenue, called a meeting the board of directors-last Tuesday which, plans ivene coxnpleted for ie year's program. WILMETTE LIFE September 6. 1934 7

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