Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Sep 1934, p. 10

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WILMETTE LIFE September 13, 1934 Warrens Seibold Wed 'Constitution IsRe to Battle Creek Girl ,Miss Louise Woodward of Bttle Gourse at New Creek, Mich., and Warrens D. Se.- bold, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B.- Seibold, formerlv of Wilmfette, were Basic Law oft the Land is mnarried Saturday evening, September Cm usr td 8. at the home cf the bride's 'par- C musr id ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Stirling - W\oodward cof Battle Creek. The ýNew Trier High school students bride and bridegroorn have gene' ea st 1tudv the United, States constitution by moter on their hoenoon. and net only during Constitution week, will be at home after September 25, which is te be observed next -week, in1 Battle Creek, wvhere Mr. Seibold but Cfor 'a iuch longer period cf time is working for the Kellogg companv. (hîriîg their higli school careers. Arthur B. Seibcld. -J1r.. oc1f Glence Aoe a cus nUntdSae served lu s lrotlier as best inati. Mr.I e-arcueii ntdSte andI Mrs. W. J. King cf Wilmnette histery is required of ail students ini wvere guests at the wvedding. cîther their junior or senior vear. ____ ______Oiie month cf the first seniester cf Miss, l)oroilih Raggi(, f '10Ab this course is spent on the stud c- f the constitution at the tinte cf its botsford road. Kenilworth, a grad- adpin. Emnpliasis is given to thîe niate cf Nem- Trier. left on MNonday basic l)riflciples cf otîr government, to enter lDe Pauw uiîiversîtv at 'as vell as to its organized form .anid Greeticastle, Iid. She %vas accom- defails. As the historv ot the Uniocn1 panied tliere by ber fathier and is followed down te) the present vear mother, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Raggio. a study is miade of prol)lemis cf inter- lier brother, D)onald, and lier grandl- pretation anîd cf constitixtienal aneiid- father, J. 1). McDonald, whe. had menits as they arise. opl)ortunity cf I ooking over heauti- n O(ffer Elective Course fui grounds andI buildings cf the lu additioni to tlîis, required course college. - at the high school tiiere is an elective .l.and Mrs. Theron Cha ianand cou rse. Civics IV, which devotes, an Mher. t panThrnjrofCl entire semester te the furtiier stîidv ther bby onTheonJr. cfCli-of the constitution and its develop- cago are Ieaving the latter part of nment. Community civ'cs. offered te) this week after a visit .vitb Mr.s.frsmnabueeba teyar CbiapmiAn'sprents M.n r s. iisan elementary study cf govern- Kenilworth. **~u4 E EAUJ suH0P Finqer t;JPowder Wavincj Blendinq Beauty Culture in ail ifs Branches 1207 WASHINGTON AVIE. ( RE*m ou, tS&Irp0N oou o) #VI£. 3242 -SCHOOL "KIDS"!I Enjoy a Tasty Lunch MiIk Shake and Delicious Toasted Sandwich 25C nient. Higli school authorities point te the fcllewing incidents as exaniples of the manner ini which thie chccl Ii-s ac-, cemplisliîng sonîething (lehuite ianl understanding and appreciation c f tlîîs counîtr's governi-ent: 1. Several vears ago. xvben thie 1). A-. R. offered prizes for tbe best es-mavs oni the constitution, a Ne w TIrier student 'on seconid prize for the state cf Illinois.. This prize Wvas 'bffered only tlîat one vear. 2. One vear. iii.order t'o determîine %N, hether New~ Trier vvas mieeting a MOVE TO WILMETTE Mr. and MNrs. Horace.E. Frit.scl le and tlîeir children. Marie and Horace, Jr.. or Grosse, Point. Nfich.. have taken a house at 619 Central avenue. Marie and Horace %vil] attend Nexv Trier. Nîrs. Fritschle's mother, Mrs. Nlarv E. Nioran cf Chicago, ivill niake lier home with lier dauighter. Nirs. Fritsclile is a sister cf Nirs. Percv IDe Tamible of \V.iltnette. MuscalKindergarten At Commnty 1jouse. Drt-ctor .Dor)rt1iy Pleasants IIoIirs 9 to 11;30 Transportatio)n provided if desired. Phone WINNETKA« 538 I?hA gularStudy Kenilworth O.0 K.,« Trier High School on $78,500 Levy.; cf -Traffic Is Study (Continued from-page 1) ygeod standard in its teachinf the mittee was instructed to get in toucli purposes and functions, of Our gov- with county highway authorities, with erumenit. ail members 'of. the United a view 'to. having a county traffic States historv classes were given a engineer sent out to study the situa- standardized, test on civics at the end tion. of the second semester. The respIt To the police coimmittee also xva: %vas reported to be highly satisfac'- referred the question of repair or re- tory, for New Trier's average wvas placement of. stop signs on Kenil- ..everal points above the normal wverth avenue and Sheridan road. The average determined bv statistîcians committee %vas given power to act ii: as r.epresentiflg satisfactory teaching the matter. Bids for thirtv- four nieiv i 4f this, subject. signs, the number needed in case it is Schocil authorities have expressed decided to. replace the old sîgils, w.ere the opinion.tlîat the present înstruc- received. These bids rangeci fromi tien given. at Ne-, Trier in this field $1.75 to $2.75 per sign. Bids for the bas impreved mnaterially since these* lettering of signis at the village limits tests wvere made. At least the pro- also wvere turnied over to the police graini i better organîzed. it ipînted conmmite out. The Iboard decided, at the sugge.- tion of Village Manager F. I.. Streed. that the through street ordinaunce Legion Auxiliary should e rought up and iin- tVilitete Pot No 46structed the police committee to pre- U'dmetc Pst N. 46pare a revised ordinance for subniis- sien at the next Iboard meeting. MNrs. '1'. L. D. Hall, rehabilitation Grant Tag Request chairman. announces a birthday party Onîe request for a tag day permît sponsore(l hy our unit for patients at i wvas granted and another wvas re- North Chicago bespital September 19. fused. The Chicago Federated Char- Cards at 2:30 o'clock and refreshments 1tmes were given permission to tag ini %vîll feature the event. Anyone wvho Kenilworth on Thursdav, Septemiber wishes te go or to drive lier car there 13. The request of the Disabled will please caîl Mrs. Hall. Wilmette Ainerican Veterans of the \Vorld \Var 1252. to b0ld a. Forget-MNe-Not, tag day in ______t he village on Mfondayt, October 1. wvaý 'l'lie disahled veterans at No .rtlî Clii- denied because of the fact that an -, cage hospital are verv much iniineed ô ther organîzation previously hiad of plaving cards. If you have any Ibe ie emsint a nta ,which you do not use. the rehiabilita-dae tion chairman, Mrs. T. L. D. Hall. Will The iatter of painting the Ken il- %vort h water tower wvas left in the be very glad te take them out te thie, beys for their birthday party Septeni- n' o hewtrsplycmite lier19.'feeploneWilett 122. 1 Trustee Harold F. Tîdeman, chair- mani ith po-wer to act. Eight bid: were received for the labor on the 'l'lie regular sewing meeting mwîll be water tower 'Ob. Thle lowest bid wa, held T'hursdav evening. September 27, S305.(00. Tru stee Tideman Said the at 8 o'clock at the home of «M\rs,. H(',- comimitte hîad îlot yet madle i*t_5 de- ar(l J. Hickev. 350.Oak circle. cision as to what type of paint sheuld be used for the Job. Several comnpai- Ruthî Mestjian. the Junirors' secre- ies sul)mitted l)i(Is. The conimittee tarv, xvas rewarded for hier efforts and vas înstructed to go aliea(l with tlwc hard weork in rmaking a lîistorical scrap- project, wvhicli must îîot cest more book te enter tîe. centest. Nrs. Franîk tlîaî $750,. the board ruled. Dowd. Junier adviser, preseiite liber, wîtli a l(ively giilçl Auxîliary bracelet Rutt's hook xvas one of two extrie., ini the district and we are very pr id of lier fine wrç RETURN FROM EUROPE MIrs. Rudolph' Ostermaiîi. Edith. Ruthi, and Robert. of 234 W\arvick road. returnied to Kenilworth Mon- (lay ot Iast, -week frcin a two and one-lialf nionths' visit ini Europe, visiting' Gernianiv andl Hollaîid, and attendîng the Passicn play at Ober-I amnîergau. Edith and Ruthi are lea- iîîg September 17. for Welleslev col- lege, Wliere Ruth enters as a freslî-ý Matn after graduating front Royce- more. To n ttrini. wvho is the* son c f -Nir. and Mrs. Elbert M. Atitrim cf 1136 Ashland avetnue, wvas the guest last week of Stuart Wade at bis home in, Detroit. Thie boys were class- mnate.s at Cranbrook in Bomfleld Hilîs. Mfich., and attended' a class reunien there. Tom leaves Saturday. te enter bis freshman vear at Dart- mouth. -o- Mrs. C. B. Baker cf Portland. Ore., arrived W\ednesdav cf last week te visit Mfr.and Mrs. William C. Fox cf 831 Forest avenue, atnd A Century cf Progress. -o- M rs. J. R. Rice cf Birmingham, Ala., arrived Tuesday te visit the Charles Sanford Clarkes cf 526 Washington avenue. 'William M. Babcock Dies at Winnetka Residence William F. .Babcock, 1resident of the FeIt and Tarrant coinpanv, Chii- cago, and a resideîît of the northi shore since 1913, died last Fridav at his home. 566 Center street, \V-in- n et ka. Borii at Rome, Ohio, ini 1867, 'Mr. Babcock spent niost of lis ,youing imanbood ini Seattle, Wa'sli., iii educa- tional. work and in b)usiness. He came to Chîicago ini 1911 as.secretarv, aînd treasurer cf the Felt and Tar- rant concern, which maniufactures office calculating equipment. The cempany's general office and factorv- is located at 1735 N. Pauilina street. Chicago. In 1930, after the. death of Dorrý E. Felt, founder cf the company, Mr: Babcock was elected its president. Mr. FeIt was. a brother-i'n-lawcf Mr. Babcock. Since 1923 Mr. Babcock had lived in Winnetka. For ten years prier te0 that his home was in Wilmette. He is survived by his widotw, Mrs. Gertrude, Elizabeth Babcock, two sons, Charles and Richard, and twip daughters, Elizabeth and-Jane. The daughters and the son. Richard, are at the family home. The cther son lives in Chicago. Funeral services for Mr. Babcock were held Monday morning at his late residence, and burial took place at Memorial Park, cemetery. 4'. I aMl2 Nash P'rices Reduced SA&VE TO15O NASH-LAFAYETrE MODEL-$585 AT FACTORY EVANSTON NASH CO* 1735 Benson Ave., -11/2 Blks. N. of Davis 'V' Station MUMWA 'ir- WIL-METTE LI FE. ,September 13, 1934

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