Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Sep 1934, p. 11

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September 13, 1934 WILMETTE lAPE Girl -Scouts De fer > A ngna Enters Dante Pro gram to Oct. 26 The Glencoe Girl1 Scouts announce that Aigna Enters, dance mime, wlll' give a benefit recit al in the New Trier High school, auditorium on Fri- (Iày evening, October 26, instead of on October 22, as previously an- nouinced. The Glencoe Girl Scouts have changed the date so as îlot to conflict with 'the John Charles Thom- as concert being sponsored by the W\innietka Music club on October 22. Tickets for the benefit will be on sale the endl of September in ail niortb shore towns. The concert is tîuler the direction of Rutheda L. Pretzel. NIts. Dunbar, Lewvis, president of the Glenicoe Girl Scout committee, and lier board miembers are l)usv %vitlb plans for a vigorous ticket canm- paign., for the Scouts hope to make tup a good portion -of their quota to the New Trier Girl Scouit council, îlîrotigbi the benefit recîtal. Dancer- Pantomimist .\tngiia Enters is a unique conmbina- tieti of dancer an(l pantominîist, witb a keen sense of humor as well as a scholarIv seniousness. No other en- tertainer is like her, and lier "coin- jo..tions in dance form" are coin- parable to nîastenly paintings of the illîpressionists. Slîe gives eachi coin- position a completeness of, design ricbi iln c"ler and accurate ini detail. She- ~ie~ail gntertainmient which ranges fr<)n d<elicate fancv 10 'refinied lhumor on the one hand and tragedy on tlhe other. Slie is anl artist of. wide re- ,itîrce and imagination, and lier ci)n.;.umiiiate skill as a mime places lier ini the front ranks of, suent actors. WiII Do uDeIsartc"~ 'l'lie (;lencoe Girl" Scouts have asked NIî~Enters to include on lier pro- grain one of her most amusing coin- p)o.iti0iis. "Delsarte-XVith a Not Too Classical Nod to the Greeks." L ouis Untermever, distinguislied cri- tic. rescrihes thiîs composition;: -Here %\a- tion elaborate costume, no effort 1(1 capture a perie(l by color or coin- po>ition. Here, in simple flowing clii lin following the astonishing routine whicli once Nvas regar(le( as a 'Key te the Esthetics,'- the per- 'former registere(l joy' and Grief. 1 lope and. I)espair. Doubt, Delight. l'car. Abhiorrence, afid ail the otlier capital-Icîter eniotions sci dear to our graîidlarents. And tlhen she (laiced. gracefully-a little too grace- iitilI. Ierhaps; a littie too consciouslv, _- <anced andl (roope(l and posed and tiirofitted and(1 scattere(1 flowvers, al te the tune of Nevins'- 'Narcissus.' It Avaý,s sblimly full of si.,' subnerged ENTERS JUNIOR YEAR MNiss Jatiet Benson returnis 10 Be- toit college nexî \Vednesday 10 a,- -sumie lier junior year work. 'Miss Bell- -son. who is tlhe daug,,hter of the Lutir \V. lensons of 212 WVoodbinie avenue, Ï: a mienller of Kappa Delta sorority., Slîe %yas hostess at a bouse party at lier home Tuesday 10 a group of bier friewlls from Beloit. \Ir. and Mrs. . Clarke Gapen. 919 lmwiioodl ave nue, are driving Clarke. Ir., - t the University of Wisconsin, this Sa turday wvhere the latter will hegin bis senior vear. Mr. and Mrs: Gapen will- then spend the week-end at the foi nier's familv home iniNfooi- roc. \Vis, Paul Hosking of 818 Park avenîue bias returned to Purdue for bis junior vear.ý His brother, Teddy, bas eîî- tered the University of Illinois, hav - ing graduated from New Trierý last v1 The fear that there will be a food shortage la flot justifled. There Is stili an abundance of food for'al of us-mucb more than nome folks would have us believe. Jewel Food Stores have anticipat- ed your needs and have available almost every variety, -o! foodstuffs. Those who shop at Jewel can for- get the threats of alarmists. We invite you ta visit your near- est Jewell store. You wHilflnd the finest selection of! dean, wholesome foodas you know-al- ways at 10w prices. BUTTER 2 rolkS A fine sweet cream butter-prepared ta own rlgid specifleations by the saine mac, sanltary up-to-date creamerles - wee after week - assuring a consistency of excellence ln flavr STOKELYS GOLDEN BANTAM WHOLE" CORN GRAIN STOKELY'S FINEST SWEET STOKELY'S FINEST TOMATOES .. STOKELYS STRAINED ~ FOR I11FANT FEED- FO DS ING OR INVALIDS DEL MONTE RED SOCKEYE I«Jewel Special" SaUm.on. ....... N.TALL 19c BLUE TAG FANCY Prunes. .. INJUPV OAK TREE Diii Pickles.... LIQUID DISINFECTANT C lorox. . . . . . i NORTHERN Trissue... GAUZE TISSUE, *"Jewel Special" 2 NO. 2% ICANS27 "Jewel Special" QUART 4 JAR14 '*Jewel Special- P T.1C BOTTLE Qt. Dottie 25e ,*Jewel Special" .3RoLLS 1 7c SELECTED VALENCIA O0RA'NGES IDEAL FOR JUICE FANCY Cel-ery -Hers.. "i D.uut.smt mi i.wiI Tu CI SWISS FOOD DRINK Ovaltine ....... ALL. FLAVORS JeibmSeri' MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing. SALERNO MAJESTIC GrahMS. .,or GrahaSodas KIDDIES'FAVORITE CEREAL Wheal'ies 1. a 00 0 'Jewel -Special>" 50e SIZE cAN29 '«JeweI Special- PKG. 4c "Icwel Special- JAR 29c 'Jewel Special- PXG 19C "Jewel Special' 2 ipKGs.23c Auk Our Store Manager About Speclal Offer *'Jeel pecal, STOKELY'S FINEST 2 JeNo. 2 caI Diced Carrots N O. 2 lO1 c No.s 25C CANYS IES 2 2Whole Beets NI- 1lOc ~JeweI Speci*aI" STOKELY'S FINEST A 2No. 2 25C Tomato Juie JUMBO1lOc Canwels eia STOKELYS FPiNEST CA "JeelSpcir' Tom ato Soup . ""10~ c No. 2 1 OC STOKELYS INEST .CAN O 'Iewel Special- Kidney Beans. A 25c STOKELY'S FINEST WAX OR CUT 3 cons 2. Green Beans . n25Çc 5 Lb. Reg. 23c 241/2 Lb. Bal. 89c Posltively the finest flour obtainable. We unconditionally guarantee this flour ta do anything any ather flour wIll do. IF YOU ARE DISSATISFIED WE WILL REFUND YO(JR MONEY. WHY PAY MORE? SMALL SIZE PER DOZ. EXTRA FANCY LB. -SC Tokay Gropes.. NANCY HALL BU k Sweet Polatoes. Ail items mark.d "Jewel" On SALE la 87 .IEWEL FOOD si-ou» naAlWOd- neuday night. September 19. i..ok for the yellow upeclal tags"- they ulgnU " Extra Bavngs." e .4 LBl., 1115 Central Avenue E~MI~'Jd1 No WAITNe e e e e 15c 25c e..3 BS. Oc SYH ' I Serve. Yourself anid Save I 1: qaeth IF R u 1 lrf"«ýY-E ci £TA B LU. 5 1 WILMF..ÎrTý,E LIPE September 1& 1934 oür lem ýek r le

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