WILMETTE LIFE September 13, 1934 HEINZ CREAM 0F TOMATO 2 sIoup 0 5c Ileiuz Dea s OVEN 3 : 25ec Hfeinz IEI Vinegar1O Ileinz Rire Flakes 1Oc~ Heliz UCUK4SER Pickles 25e Meat Specials THR@ OMIDAY AND OATURDAY HA*MS IO.LU. 1/ Lb. AVEMROE1 9/2C PORK LOIN EN ROAST.a- .m. 151/2 C CIENTERg CUT CHP9.. LB. 25C BHOU LOE ROAS LAM......aa 0 0 15 C «& . . . . .. LB. 7C RIOS of BEEF TO D5TH....... Lu. 23r. 1.3.1 9c SUNIRITE 9ORN 9UICK ARROW :.F. JUNKET Dessert... . mo. De9 LARsEN3 PURERD Foods.. l2A95 LAKESIDE TINY UIFTED P........ 19c IONA MRAND>-GREEN CUT Beans. CAR . . :19c ANN PAGE FRUIT .Preserves.. iL.7 GRANDMOTHER'U ULICKD Bread ...... eo-6 ASP FANCY RED sOcWKEYE Samon.. 110- 1NO 5 ON£ CAN 0F COCONOG AND ONE lPKa. 0F MELLO WHEAT BOTH FOR3 c * 3 CS3c * . ee * ** . * ...2 *<::. 2er MINUTE TAPIOCA .......... ...******:: i CALUMET BAKING POWDER... ....... 24c lakers %pOE'ANT :,<O.l Log Cabin Syru Jell- o Dessert 3p. 19C Posi Toasties 23c *g: 9 *Faniry Washingt on JONATHAN' APPLES 3 â. 25c I New' Howard Teacher Another fifth grade teacher i-ý Miss Ruth Davidson at the Howard schiool. She is a resident of Wilmette and has done substitute teacbing in the public schools liere. She also taught at one time ini a private school in Egypt... Miss Virginia Rockafellow. %vhose home also is in %Wilmette. ir the new kindergarteîi_ teacher at the Highcrest school. She succeeds 'Miss iAlice' O'Connell '.who this vear is teaching a ne%% first grade at the Lgan school. M.\iss Rockafellow I ýÎfaduate of the National Colletre of Education. New Gym Inatructors The two new members of the phy- sical education department are iClarence Mfackçie and Mliss Janet Browvn. Miss Brown.' a University of Illinois graduate, takes the place of lirs. Olga BaIl. MIr. M.\ackie. who b as been here this year as a C\VES Iworker, replaces Dudley Stone. who bas gone to Wisconsin as recreational director of a CCC camp. '.\r. M ackie had teaching experience in Chicago before coming to Wilmette. Spt. J. R. Harper again head' the school system. Following is a list of the iaculty members and the grades each téaches: CENTRAL SCHOOI, Kindergarten-.Mi.ss !Laura FIentý -. Ist gr»ade-MNiýss Charlotte Reese, Misis Roena Mulford. And gradte-Miss, Dor-ice Turner, Mi"~ Veronica Carmody. .3rd grade-M1rs. M-%argar-et Burtner, Mr.Ella Clegg. 4th grade-Mrs-. Laverne Htîter, Missk Helen Hiardick, Mi-.,. Elizabeth 5th grade-Miss Matalea Brown, Miss Myrtie Cash, r Catherineý Julian. 6th grade-Miss Trenna Scott, Mis Lulu Johannson. s 7th grade-Mrs. Kathryn Vernon, MrX VISIT. IN BOSTON Mr. and Mrs. Sanford S. Holden and their daughters, Jane and Helen. of,527 Wa rwick road, Kenitworth, left last Tuesday b3; motor for. Boston on a ten-day visit. Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and -Mrs. William Searles (Barbara Holden> -of Evans- ton', Will stay with Jack Holden dur- ing bis parents' absence. Mrs. G. D. Levis of Dayton, Ohio, arrived last Wednesday to visit the. Merritt Deinents, 337 Abbots ford road, Kenilworth. She came to place her daugbter, Geraldine, in North- western. -o Mrs. Alfred McDougal, 325 Abbots- ford road, Kenilworth, left Iast Tues- day to visit Mrs. George Olmsted of Chicago at ber summer home at Dele- van lake. 3rd grade- Miss Marjarie Van Homre. LOGAN SCHOOL Kindergarten-Mrs. Julia Da venii[ort. Is t grade-Miss Fannie Ferris, M~ '211 ( grade-Miss Eva Jones. :1A grade-Miss Marcella Schriiier. 4th grade-Miss Culla Brickey. H[GHCREST SCHOOL Kindergarten-Miss Virginia Rocka- tellow. lst grade and 2nd grade-Miss Lcila -K urz. 3rd, 4th ind 5th grade-Miss Norin.ý G reen. 6th' and, 7th grade-Mr. Raymuý Murphy. Evanston Fine Arts, Academy Opens Mondav The Evanston Academy of Fine Arts,, 636 Church street, aùxnounceS the opening. of the faîl term of day and evening classes, Monday, Sep- tember 17. Childreni's classes will be. resum-ed Saturday, September 22. The school is directed by Carl Schef- fier and offers opportunities to preý- pare for the field of art for either professional or leisure-time activity. Instruction is under the guidance of professional >artists of recognized standing, it is pointed out. Peter- paul Ott, noted sculptor, wilI continue his classes as beretofore, offering in- struction for -advanced students in figure, ceramic, portrait, life and ar- chitecture. WILL TOUR EUROPE 'trs. Homer H. Johnson and daughters, Ruth and Prudence. l5ýS Mfelrose avenue, Kenilworth. Ieft Sat- urday for Xew 'York from wbere M.\rs. Johnson and Ruth sailed on W ednleï- day on the Majestic for a tour oi Europe. They expect to be gone un- tiI December. Prudence will, enter Connecticut college. -GOES TO DENISON Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guthridge and bier daughter, joan. 917 Greenwood avenue, left Saturday, motoring to Granville, Ohio, wbere Joan will at- tend Denison. Thomas Allison of Wilmette accompanied them and will .also attend Denison university'. Mr. and Mrs. Le on M.. Allen, 2;8 Melrose avenue. Kenil worth, re- turned on Wednesday.' September ;. from Sekonnet, R. I., where tbev liad a cottage for five weeks on the sea shore. They entertained their chil- dren and their families, who reside ini the east. 1 . -o- Miss Caroline Roberts and Mfiss Marion Hedrick of Kenilworth leit last Monday with a group of Alpha Phi sorority girls for Champaign to attend the rushing parties at the University of Illinois. HEINZ KETCHUP- 80fL17c --.- --- il FOOD STORESI September 0, 1934 WIILMEIrýTE LIFE Few Changes in Public Schools FaculIty as Glass Work Beg ins Fiv Nw Istucors Fi!1Agnes Clark, Miss Dorothy Steveis, Five ew IntrucW FûtMiss Faye Perring. Vacancies o n Staff Ft rafCdOe is, Hermia Wynian, Ms MisMil rdFlaskered., \Vilniettes. public schooks opened OADSHO Moda mrnngwith a. teaching Kîndergarten-Mrs. Elizabeth Hesse. ltgrade-Miss Elsie Lnem~r staff* practically the samne a«s that of 1Miss Ruth Slown. last year. There are onlv three liew Ond grade-Miss Apollonia Petrivý, grade teachers and two nev menibers Miss Mr Reese. 3rd gr-ade-Mis,;s Ida Gunderson. Ms of. the physical education department. %I;trgaiet Joyce. Miss Mfvrtle Cash is a lie%% member 4th grade-Miss Pearl Olthoff, Mrjjs. of the Central school- facultv. She :Agnes jones. succeeds Mliss Ruth Bodenhamn. wbo' 5th grade-Miss Ruth Davidson, Mrs. unierstv.Geene Gibson, Miss M4ildred VanHomne bas gone to Mliami unvri% Oxford. 6th grade-Miss Aleda Larson, Mirs Ohio, where she will «be associatel ýVila. Theman, Miss Mary McKay. with the teachers' training depart- 7th grade-Miss Violet Madsen, Ms ment Mis Cshwho as eentakOrrel D)avis, Mrs. Clara Groves. men. MssCas, wo iasbenvrtk- 8th grade-Mrs. Pearl Jones, Miss ing graduate %work at theUiest Mildred Flaskered, Miss Dorothy Stev- of Chicago, hias had teacbing ex- ens. perience at Springfield. Ill.. and at a LAUREL SCHOOL teachers' training school in Virginia. Kindergarten-Miss Annette Kelley. 1 1t. grade-M.Nrs. Barbara Buirge. She will teaçh a fifth grade liere. 2nd grade-Mrs. Gladys Herron.