I 4 RE NIN ROM MICIJIGAN> Mrs. W. H-. Smythe and ber chli-ý dren, Marjorie, Billy, and Dorothiy, of 43 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilwortb. are returntng on Saturdày from their summer .home at Portage Point. Onekama, Mich., where they bad'been since june.. Mr. Smythe spent his va- cation with bis family. The Mens Whist -club met last Tuesday evening with' E. H. Cote- grove of 1227 Ashland avenue. Mise Jessie L. Pocock Children'u Private Classes in Dancing and Deportiment Ballroom, Ballet, Tap. Classes opening third week n October at Womnan's Club of Evanston. Register at Woman',; Club,. Sat- urday mornlng, October 6. Phone University 2485. Special OfFering.of Period Model Baby Grands by A uthenticity, of design passed on by the embuent stylist- Ross Crane Educationat Director Amercan Homes Bureau Thes. instruments were used for exhibiion purposes only and ore now - neyer used ouifide of o ur warerooms. LOUIS XVI WAS Now Wanmt .... '$2500 $1175 SPANISH Walnut; ...... .... 2000 1050 HEPPLIEWH 'ITE ........ 1875 92S LOUIS XV Waknit .......1w00 1025 MODERNE Ebomy.......2500 117S Many other' e q u a 11 y desirable models at tmre substantial savingjs. Liberal ellowance for y o u r old piano. Our Budget Plan applies to the -above offoeing.. Baldwin Pian o Co@ 323 S. Wa6bs Ave., Chicago Il September 13, 1934 16 .WILMIETTE LIFE, I ]VMake Careful Survey The North Shore' Field HIockey associat ion opens ifs officiai season The survey of educational materials Saturdav Pinorinqptr of this zieek at Skokic Playfield in WVinnetka at 9:30 !of the Exposition was miade hv univer-, 0 'tclock. T/te asso-ciationi, hich this season lias five teapns, is vcry an.riouis, sit% rfsos supervisors of public it annotunces, to hav'e off hockey fans attend, ezen though tlzey ena% Pnot as yet schools and a force of skilled teachers have mmcnd out for practice or have been mienbers of tearns priar to this assigned from the Illinois State Emer- season. For niewicomewrs to the north shore, and for players nte-w to flc place genc\ Relief commission. MNany of of iincetiniil and Practic'. the association gives direction f0o the locale of Skokie 1 these experts, are on the student tour P!a.vfield. If is at the. we'sf. end of Eb street. fihe marin easf and u-est street idvisory committee working \vith Beni- 1.Il fl7iipnctka. jamin F. Buck, assistant superintend- etin charge of high schools i Chi- Born to the North Shore Field icago. assigned as chairman by' Williami Hockey association famîly this sasn . C rtinS ece. Bogan, superintendent of Chicago is the fifthtem the Highland Park i ruce schools. to cooperate with Rufus C. team, now in the process of organiza- Churche Dawes, president of A Century of tion. The other four are the Skokie, Progress. in sponsoring the plan. captained by Miss Phoebe Nelson: the M*\an" vas the subject of the les- Educators who have %vorked out thiý Indiani Hill, by Mrs. Lewis Taylor; the son-sermon in all Churjches of Christ Plan express the belief that one sucli Lake Shore, by Miss Lucy Jane Hed- Scientist, on Sunday, September 19. wIplannied efficient tour is worth a lberg, and the Town and Country, cap- Th odntx 'a,"smn semester's work in the school roomi. tai.ned by Mrs, Thomas Taylor. as are'led by the Spirit of God, thev i 1T he educational subject matter of the AUl players in the North Shore Field are the sons of God" (Romans 8:14). expos ition lias been grouped to comply Hockey association' will be placed in Among the citations wvhich corn- %vith school curricula and classroom one of, these five clubs, much of thc prised the tesson-sermon wvas the FouiG use.rup placing to be done Satnrday at the following frorn the B ible: "Jesus Fu eSrlGop opening get-together. answered and said unto him. Verily. The sections of stndy are gronped Mrs. Hallett Thorne is president of verilv, I say unto thee, Except a iii four geieral gronps of exhibit bnild- the association; Mrs. XVarner Wash- man' he born again, he cannot see ý ings. The Hall of Science and Gen- burne is its vice-president; Miss Mary! the kingdomn of God. That. which is er-al Exhibits building cover the nia- DeLay, secretary; 'M i s s Elizabeth born of the flesh is flesh, and that1 tural and basic sciences, the studv of Lanctot, treasurer; Mif ss, Margot At- which is born of the Spirit is spirit mi.tcnclatsadpoess n kin, publicity chairman. (John 3 :3, 6). buhisiness~ and commerce. If any north shore hockey player 1 The lesson-sermon also încluded The Social Science building and and enthusiast is desirous of further the following passages fromn the Hall of States cover fine arts and nmusic, information, she is asked to caîl Mrs. Christian Science text book, 'Science counitries and travel, social science anld \Vashburne at Glencoe 1904. and Health with Key to the Scrip- co~munications. ___________tures," by ay aerEdy -Mn The Home Planning Hall and Model Mrs. 1'. Weller Kimbaîl, 333 Lei- individaiyi o.mtr . , h Homes cover home, planning and cestr rod, Kenilworth, will. return unreality of the dlaim that a mortalecoic.hl tesbcsofra- Friday f rom Pasadena where she' is the true image of God is illustrated prainaelctda h ot n ~ven to ee hr faher ho ws iby the opposite natures of Spirit and prainaelctda h ot n * matter, Mmid andbdy, f or . oneerouds She flew there, and is also retlirning itliecewieteot, r i on 1 The nniformed guides in these vai- by plane. intelligence. Is *God a physical per- l'us buildings are particularly instruct- 0 ~~sonalit? Spirit. is not physîcal. The ed to be of aid to the student tour Mr adMr.FrnisH Jc dbelief that a material. bodv is man, parties n seeing that, they keep each thirso, rncsJrofDatois a false conception of mani" (p. gronp going in the..right direction, and Ohio left last Tuesday. after visiting .5 that they. travel between onie group Mr. Jack's 'sister, Mrs. Alfred Mc- 1__________ and the lother in the minimum. amounit Dougal, 325 Abbotsford road, KenW R hî-, 1 Iof time. WVith the aid of a 10-cent wvorth. Miss Beatýice Driver, 423 Abbots- for d road, Kenilworth, who attended! Wellesley last year, has transferred to Leland Stanford university ini California. Mrs. Grant Ridgway, 207 Cumber- land avenue, Kenilworth, wvas. host- ess at a bridge luncheon Saturday at Indian Hill club. The. Paul Cornelîs, 245 Cumnor road. KenIlwarth, have moved to the Hyde Park hotel in Chicago. avenue, is leaving next week for No-, tre Dame uniiversitv. His sister. '-'rgaret, will resumne her studies at the Convent of the Sacred Heart. at Lake Foi-est. Mr. and M.\rs. Corliss Nugent, Corli.-s, Jr., and Warren, 804 Elmwooid avenue, were gnests last week of Mrs. Nugent's parents at Leansborn, 111. 0o Mrs. Ray Collins (Ruth Holdoway) of Omaha, Neb ., is v isiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert E. Holdo- way, 723 Forest avenue.ý 1 bus, tare, it is possible to cover thve ,entire grounds with a mininum of fatigue. Grade schdol children, the advisorv committee points out., ill do well, to enter the exposition grounds at the l8th street gate and visit the Hall of Science and General Exhibits group. Mfrs. 'M. C. Petersen, 417 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, returned on Wed- nesday of last week from a vacat-on spent at Lawsonia Country club, Green Lake, Wis. Mrs. Leon Welsh of Evanston accomparaied her. I FLD HOCKEY DEVOTEES MEETI Inuit e Students to A tt end Tours ineat World's Fair. Siiethe Worlds Fair will close its gates forever October 31 and the greatest collection of'study and teach- ing material ever assemnbled will be scattered to the four, corners of the worlId. the management of A:Centurv of -Progress has announced.a special ieducational plan which will enable hundreds of thousands of students a .ifinal opportunity to derive the edu- cational benefits of the Fair. Feeling it would be almost tragic if this great collection of material were flot utilized to the f ullest extent, the Fair management several wveeks ago ordered a comprehensive survey of strictly academic educational ex- hibits and engaged -the services of a large staff of education specialistS to make the survey. This task now com-, plete. the Fair management has gonc even further by establishing a staff to conduct student tours and has grant- ed special admission' rates of 5 cents for students on conducted tours and f ree admission for conductors of the tours. The low rate has been pro- vided ini order to bring these tours j xithin reach of every student.