WILMETTE LIFE September 13, 1934 another room for, it. OUR ADVERTJSE, You need R S TELi III HATINSERVCoE . 011Rner' Srvicee ALLI MAKES Wlnneta 375Day or Nlght O L -IER HANSEN, flot even leave your bed to mak or answer cails. And you'l b( surprised how littie it costs>t have an extension telephone in vour. bedroom or, any room. Cal] our Business Office and learri about the, low rates for. this con- venient addition to yolSeri. New Trier News WiII Be e ~Tabloid.Size This Year The first issue of the New Trier News, wveekIv student publication ai New Trier High school. for the 1934- 1935 term xvas distributed amonig the students \Vednesdav of this ek The publication this-year is of stanl- [dard tabloid newspaper size. Accord- ing to Robert Carpenter, facultv ad- visor for student publications at New Trier, the paper usually vvill be four * pages. Last vear's New Trier New>. *was an eight-page weekly, in which the size of the pages was* on1ýI haif as large as that of this year's publication. Bill Casseli of Xinnetka is editor-in- chie f. Two other students f ronm \Vinnetka, Bob Eastman andi At \\inscott;* respectively, are the man- aging editor and business manager, I L @SBELL. TEL E PE«bN E 'e *Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Megowen. 1197 Oxford road, Kenilworth, spent three days visiting Mr. MIegowenl's parents at Alton, 111. PA T RON IZ E So often when you want fhe tele-, phone or the telep hone icants voul, Vou may be dressing, you. may have retired, or you mav be resting., It's then you'll appre- ciate- being able to reachfor the telephone. without walking to 1 Septembe r 13, 1934, .WILMETTE LXFE New Tier Opn 'Grid Season Against BkKnn on Septem ber 22 1Ninet'y Lads Turn Out for ýi ill be Bloom, and,'the game îi, to PreSaso Driis be plaved at Phelps field in Wî."nnetka. Pre-Sason rillson Saturday, September 22. Meaniwhile preparations for the Followers of the New Trier High opening of the 1934 season are going sc.hool football team have little more :ahead, at full speed. Coaches and than a week to wait *for the first: plaiers, although skeptical about . regularly scheduled game of, the New Trier's 'chances for a Suburban îseason. New Trier's first opponent; league championship in view of the fact that most of hast year's regulars were lost by graduation, have set- tled down to the business of giviniz New Trier partisans a winning team. NmIety Candidate Report Thie fact that seyenty players re- ported when the first practice was called last week is sufficient proof that the bovs are enthusiastic. Bv the end of the wveek the number turn- ing out for practices had increased to ninetv. Coach ,XW. J. Aschenbach, returning to his coaching duties aiter a vear's leav-e of absence, states that the squad probably will he cut tu fiftv in the near future. Season tickets. available ta the pub- lic as well as to high' school 5uet. 'Ill go on sale next wteek. L.dgar B. 'ï _T~ackson. XNewý Trier faculty mnember icharge of ticketcapign., an- nounices. The season tickets are tranSierable and may be purcha-sed tDr a sum fair below the total ýýingie admission prices for Ne,,% T ri er-, home games. it is explained. Deliver by Messenger Fr the canvenrience or iocthat tanS, _N[r. Jack--on states that l~ ie diver .sea-son tickets bv highicl~ meýs enger to anvone phoning to hini and reu~ing that such ticket, bý! sent. The home games on-,ri Trier*- -clIedule thi-; season include. 1)e s idtru encounItcrýý with tw,ýo West SUIburban Schools. Proviso of Mavawood on Oc- ~ y'tober (j and Morton of Cicero on Oc- tober 20. and the annual scrap with \ew' Trier's traditional rival. Fvani>- ton. on NXovember 10. The Ev-ansto6i game will close the s;eaSonI for Neu. Trier. At this writing onle open date. Sep- tember 219. remains on Nc Triersý schedule. The schedule. as com- ifleted to date. is as., low 1934 New Trier Football Schedule Sa . S-'î. 2-Blomat N.-w Trier. s;ti. . 29-Open date. Sà! Je.6Pria New Trier. Sat. <t. 13-New Trier at Waukegan. 'APH O N E -sat. )t. -) n, . Neýv'Trier. Sa . Ot' 7-Nw TieratOak Park.> *St*Nov. 3-Ne'w Triear at Deertieid. *5.l No. l-Evanston at New'Trier. Var17ityýgaines st.irt*itt 2.p.ni. *F .i-s pýrh garnes start at 12 :31).m