Enjo-the Convenec AUTO ATIC HEAT wi"th NORMALFuelCost Think of the convenience of setting a thermostat at any de- sired temperature, and then just forgetting ail about heat until springtime roils around! Braun Bros. "Keep-FuIl" service offers just that. No Furnace Worries No shoveling coal and ashes this winter for Braun Bros. custom- ers! Freedom from worry and responsibility. . . that's wliat Braun Bros. "Keep-Ftull",' serv- ice offers. Clean ond Odorless Less cleaning and dusting-no odor-no srnoke-no soot tseadvantages and rnany others with Braun Bros. Automatic Heat. "Xinter Comfort" ., . . and vou will us that it is just that. BUY A FEW IEXTRAS' Wil'h the Money You Save! The money vou save linomie season over other forms of -Automatic Heat" should buy rnativ extras... the things you would like to have. H av e Autoinatic Heat and the other things too! Inivestigate now! The Lowest Cost Aulomalic Heat There is a difference between "oil heat" as it is ordinarily called and the Automatie Heat which Braun Bros. "Keep-Full" service provides. With this serv- ice, heating plants become f ully automatic. . . and of utmost importance . .. at a norimI fuel cost. Why not enjoy the luxurv of automatie heat this winter *..it costs nothing extra the Braun Bros. way. Ask a repre- sentative for details. are vours We cail it agree withi Braun Bros. "IIKEEP FULL" Service ma-kes 011 Heat AU TOMATIC HEAT Fuel supplv does not concern Braun Bros. customners ,usîng the *"Keep-FuIl" service.. With the acceptance of your oil contract, Brauni Bros. assu1nIes ju. il respon- s "SILVER FLASH" ... the North sibility for a constant fuel supply throughout the' heating season. Thiiikwhiat thiat means \ViiiterCornfort without care or wvorrv Shore's Leadinq Fuel 011 We operate 17 Retail Gasoline Outiets, on the North Shore for your Convenience DRAUN DROS. I01CO PHIL H. BRAUN CARL L BRAUN CH ICAGO 3900 Devon Avenue Hollycourt 1300 EVANSTON 608 Churcb Street Davis 7870 WILMETTÉ 1222 Central Avenue Wilmette 831 812 Oak, Street Wmnnetka 3020 HIGHLAND PARK 15 N. St. Johns Avenue Highland Park 3290 SEPTEMBER 13, 1934 .Z21 RBy F. DOEPEL Rofor f'uel - use-oul" -I 0 Ir