8WILMETTE LIFE September 13, 1934 6tctivities in SocialG cls. By JEAN TEN BRoECK Makes Debut at Dance Northridge Club for Economy Shop Party TIhis Montlî The ,chairman -of iEconomy shop and lier large coimittee are niaking plans for the annual card party alm-ays given at this tinie of vear. The shop, although a l)roject of the \Voman's Club of WMiniette, is maintained by 4cotributions froini al Winette people and bas for its main ob- jeet the supplying of people of lifliite(l means with wearing ap- parel and articles of ail kinds at prices -within their reach. It also, at stated times, makes gen- erous -cash contributions- to deserving charities, local and city. It ranks as ,a civic institu- tion deserving of general aid. The card party is being planned to giýe a most enjoyable afternooni for a small price. Prizes including table prizes are promised and refreshimcnts will be served. Tables will be set in the lounge for those who prefer the comparative quiet of the smaller room and an,, preferred game may he play cd. Mrs. Walter J. Gough, 619 Maple avenue, has charge of the arrange- ments with Mrs. George D. Conîce. 7-)9 Greenwood avenue as ticket chair- mani. Mrs. John J. Milîs. 400 Park avenue, is again taking care of the refres hments. This will be an opportunity to meet one's friends and spend a pleasant afternoon wvhile aiding one of the in- teresting and worth wvile parts of the Village life. Remember the date- %Vednesday, September 26, at 2 o'clock anà the place-the: Clubhouse, Green- leaf and Tenth Street.-E. G. XV,. 0. of M. Is fo Meet With President Monday The Order of Martha, St. Francis Household, will have its first meeting of the year at the home _of the new president, Mrs. Harry H. McDermott, 620 Washington avenue, on Mond ay afternoon, September 17, at 1 .30 o'clock. The annual luncheon of the Martha auxiliary, which is composed of ail the 'Martha chapters, will be held at the SoVereign hotel où Thurs- da%. Septexinber 27. M rs. 'NIcl)eriiiîott is general chairman of the entiie auxiliary. Luncheon' for Board Mrs. A. V. Gruhn of 953 Ramona * road, entertained fifteen:members of the board of the Baptist Women's society at luncheon Monday.- Plans were made for the coming year which * promises an enjoyable and profitable season. Moffet't Photo Miss Charlotte Chandler is inak- ing lier debut Saturday even'ing, when her parents, the Biiwkinghain Chand!ers of 9 Indîan Hill road, give a dance for lier ai Indi'an Hill club.h N. S. Group WilI Tour University of Chicago The committee on tours of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league is announcing the first tour of the season on Friday, September 14, bcginning at 10:45 o'clock. Those making the trip will visit the Uni- versity of Chicago, with its many ýin- teresting buildings. As this necessi- tates a great deal.of walking out-of- doors, the date was set early in Sep- tember, while the weather is still de- lightful. A vcry inexpensive lunch- con will be served, and a pîcasant as well as educational time is promised& Members wishing to, join the tour are askcd to get. in touch with the com- mittee. Mrs. F. T. O'Brien of Chii- cago is chairman, and. the members of her committec are Mrs. William Schildgen of Evanston, Mrs. James McCarthy, Mrs. William Pavey, and Mrs. Harold Voltz, of Winnetka, Mrs. Francis Bonner and Mrs. William Davis, of Glencoe, and Mrs. F. J. S. Farrell and Mrs. T. M. Gilkison, of Highland Park. GuiId Picnc Members of the- Associated guilds of St. Augustinc's Episcopal church were, entertained. at% a picnic Iincheon Wednesday of this week at the sum- mer home of Mrs. E. A. Kaumeyc*r of 601 Linden avenue at Chiwaukec. Circle fo Resume Tuesday The Neigliborhood circle of the First Congregational church will hold an aftcrnoon meeting on Tuesday, September 18, at 2 o'clock, at the home of Miss Alice Whcelock, 830 Central avenue. Plans Underway Il,' Launcties New Year The first meeting of the Northridge Xoman's club) of Xilmettc for the year of 1934-1935 took place Monday evcning, September 10, at the home of Mrs. Allan Thompson, 2006 Thorn- wood avenue. Officers leading the club in, its various activities this year include Mrs. Leonard Van c Deursen, president; Mrs. H. B. Inger- soîl, vice-president; Mrs. Frank Crawford, secretary;, Mrs. Maxwell t Rust, treasurer, and1 the committe I chairmen, Mrs., William Hughes, social;- Mrs. Edward Devlin, program; Mrs. H. B. Ingersoîl, membership; Mrs. 'J. Pearson, community inter- est; Mrs. R. C. Quinlevan, philan- thropy; Mrs. M. A. Borreson, gar- den; Mrs. J. D. Kinnear, publicity.Y Mrs. Inez Bliss wvas the gucst1 speaker of the evening and talkedt bricfly on the work of the Wilmette Community Nursing., service. Her talk was most entertaining and en- lightening and will act as an in- centive to the program outlined by y thé philanthropy chairman. Committee r ports.were given andc announcement made by Mrs. Hughes,1 social chairman of the' first party oft the ycar to be held Monday, Sep-c tember 17. It will be a dessert bridge at the home of Mrs. Frank Crawford, 2034 Thornwood avenue, at 1:15 o 'c loc k The meeting was adjourned to en- joy refreshments. providcd by the liostess. assisted by Mrs. Ingersoli and Mrs. Kenneth Long. Mrs. F. J. Scheidenhelm fo Head Garden Club The following officers were elected by the Wilmettc Garden club at the. meeting of the club Friday, Septem- ber 7, at the home of Mrs. John F. WTedon: Mrs. Frank J. Scheiden- lielm, president; Mrs. Henry WV. 1Drucker, first vice-president; Mrs. W. A. Kendrick, second vice-presi- dent; Mrs. J. H. Mathison, recording secretary; Mrs. Edward Burge, cor- * responding secretary; and, Miss Id a Nourse, treasurer. They will take office at the annual meeting in Oc- tober. An instructive talk on "Lawns" was 1given 'by George McIntyre.. After his talk, lie answered the questions which the members asked about their individual lawn problems. Mrs. Frank .Scheidenhelm took charge of' the twenty-minute discussion on "Garden- ing in September." The assistant liostesses of the day . vere Mrs. Charles Van Deursen and ;Mrs. J. Hardy Weedon. Mrs. C. P. îBerg is rctiring president of the club. Memfbership Tea The Mary Crane league will have 1a membership 'tea and program ou, Friday, September 28, at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Burt J. Denman, 21 Linden avenue, Wilmctte. A group 1of ballads will be given by Clarissa 0and Adeila Anderson. The tea is in charge of Mrs. J. Edgar Lee of Evans- ton with Mrs. Paul Fleer of Evanston as co-chairman., 3kokie Valley D.A. R. Unveils Tablet Sept. 24 Mrs. J. K. Fariey, Jr., of Ken- lworth, regent of the Skokie Valley chapter of the Daugliters of the Anierican Revolution,. an- nounces a, change ini the date of the unveiling of the bronze tai)- et at Christ church in Winnetka. which xvill take place at 3 :30 o'clock Monday, Septexuber 24, .instead of the Friday preceding. rThe chapter plans a regular mneet- ing on that day, with luncîteon at 11.30 at The Chimneys. tavern. .%-itii the state regent, Mrs. Juliain G. Goodhue, and the cliaplain general. Mvrs. Raymond Kimbeli, and local re- gents Zuests of hoonr The "18x24" tablet of bron ze is .iearly completed. With burnishied letters against a dark background, it commemorates four dates, the build- ing of the churcli in 1869, building of the inn in 1836,' the gift of church and cemetery.in 1876 to the Episcopal dio- cese, and 1674-1680, when the first French explorers and missionaries are said to have passed along the old Indian Green Bay trail. The Skokie Valley chapter, Daugli- ters of the American Revolution, will assist at the special celebration of Constitution day at the Century of Progress Monday,, September 17. Meeting at the south side of the Hall of Science, they will march, with es- cort of contingent f romn the army, navy, and marines, a color guard and band, to. the Illinois Host House. There. will l)e fifty white-clad pages. ca rrv i ng the national and D. A. R. flags, as well as the state flags. Judge Thlomas J. Norton will be the speaker on the program at the Host House at 1 :30 o'clock. Among the pages f rotn Skokie Valley chapter will be Mrs. A. E. Kramer and Miss Carol Jackson. who servcd at the Colonial village onl Flag dav , and Mrs. Vernon M. Welsh. Fromi Septemfber 17 toý 22, thiere will h e on display at Mount Vernon ini the Colonial village at the Fair, a collec- tion of o4d china, glass, saxvîplers, cov- erlets, quilts, old letters, dceds, and tables, loaned by members of the vani- ous chapters of the D. A. R. wh ich have been hoste.ssing at Mount Ver- non during the Fair. Members are asked to take any intercsting old arti- cles which they are willing.to exhibit, down, to Mount Vernon Saturday or Snaor Monday rnorning at the latest. Each article is to have at- tachcd to it a card bearing the naine ýof' the owner and a brief. anecdlote regarding thé hcirloom. Tea Honors Visifor Mrs. Evan J. Mcllraith, 1127 Chest- nut avenue, entertaincd at tea a week ago Satuirday in honor of Miss Mabel Elias and Miss Frances. Wilkinson of Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Elias is the daugliter of the Lester W. Eliases, 843 Sheridan road, and was recently here visiting lier parents. 1