Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Sep 1934, p. 30

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September 13,.1934 WILME-TTE LIFE 'J <Velinq + iaeet otices By .3EAN TEN BROECK JMâriorie Tugaw, Richard Westbrook Wed at St. Luke's Five bridai attendants ini two shades of green and two flower girl s in blue enbroidered or- gandy preceded Miss Marjorie Tugaw down the aisie of St. Luke's Pro-cathedral last Thurs- day evening wvhen she was niar- ried to Richard M. Westbr'ook of Evanston. The bridaI gowvîx was of rich ivor% satin; and was made witlh leg of mutton sleeves, a high, round ineck- Iine, and a long train. Therosepoint lace. wbich was fashioned into a cap with a halb. had been worii at the marriage of the groom's great grand- mother and by various lbrides iii bis family. Attached to the cap, which was fastened witb a crescent of orange. blo'ssoms at the back of thle neck, was a long, ivory colored tulle veil. The bride's bouquet was of gardenias and liles of the valley. Miss Carol Tugaw. ber sister's maid of lionor, wore chartreuse satin with matching turban and slippers. The bridesmaids, Miss Dorothy Spil- lane and Miss Virginia Buck of Wil- mette, Miss Jane De Boit of Evans- ton, and Miss Vivian Wedgwood of. Appleton, Wis., wore gowns and tur- bans of a daiker shade of green thani that of the maid of honor. AUl the dresses were made alike with small bustles, and ail the attendants car-' ried bronze chrysanthemums. The little flower girls, the bride's five- year-old sister, Jeail Tugaw, and ber cousin, Gay Anne Wright, carnied rose petals in white baskets trimmed with pink sweetheart roses and blue corn flowers. Another cousin, Charles Wright, Jr., who served as ringbearer, wore an Eton suit. The bride's mother was ini a gown of flesh colored crepe witb a short. dark green jacket. The groom's mother wore beige colorèd lace and a brown satin evening bat. Both had on shoulder corsages of purple orchids. The ceremony was read at 8 :30 o'clock by Dean Gerald G. Moore. Taîl candelabra with lighted tapers. ferns, white chrysanthem.ums, and white gladioli.adorned the altar.. Ed- .ward Westbro.ok servedl bis brother as best man, and the ushers were an- other brother, Ruggles Westbrook. and James Harden of Evanston. B3aird Markham of New York, and Jack Kennedy of Omaha. A reception at the parish bhouse of the cburcb followed the wèddin service, and ýa bridaI dinner for the * attendants and relatives was beld later at the bomne of the, bride's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Tugaw, 414 Isabella street, Wilmette. Mr. and' Mrs. Westbrook motored to New York, and then sailéd froni there for a cruise througb the Pana- ma canal to California. They will motor back from the west coast to. make their home in Evanston. The groom is the son of Mn. and Mrs.5 Edward S. Westbnook of Evanston. i Weds in Laie August Alice Edmonds l'o Moffett Plioto 7f latsi Tlursday i ifiiiuqst b theyif li eddiiîg of Viss f~r .-1,dcrso,î of 11liiiette and .John, Githo>-p of !Svi-anstoin. T/he lîoî,u o ' fthe bride anîd br-ide groioi. <tif tel' (unir refin froîis Pike Lake lodge iii l 'isconsiii. is 7011 Ridqe cu'-, nl u. Ch icago. Honor Vassar Freshmnen af Reception, Luncheon The Chicago Vassar club and the North Shore Vassar club will bold a reception for the incoming fnesb- men and thein mothers, who live -in Chicago and its suburbs, at the Women's College Board booth in the Hall of Social Science at A Cen- tury of Progress, Monday, September 17. This is to be followed by lunch- eon at the Trustee's lounge, at whicb tbey wilI be guests of bonor. Mrs. Hasseil Howelîs, president of the Chicago club, and Mrs. John 0. Karstrom, president of the North Shore club, will receive. Tbe follow- ing north shore fresbmen, with their niothers, are invited: the Misses Mary Bartelme, Hubbard Woods, Caroline Buck and 'Helen Sheafe, of Evanston, Anna Burnham, Virginia Munster and Josephine Zeiss, of Win- netka, and Joan Smith of, Lake Forest. Enterfain for-Brde Mfiss Vivianna Târnow, duhtrof MNrs. Maud' Tannow of 126 Fourtb street, bas been feted at two parties the past week-end preceding ber marriage, on September 29, to Ray- Mond J. Groh, son of Mr. ànd* Mrs. Nicholas Grob of Chicago. Mrs. J.* E. Costello, sister of the bride, gave a miscellaneous sbower and luncheon Satunday .aftennoon and Angeline Gnoh, sister of the bride- groom, gave a surpris.e party and shower ini the evening at ber borne ini Chicago.11 Be Married, Friday Gowned in bier mother's wedding dress, Miss Alice Woodbead Ed- mouds will be married to Norman Ellswvorth Dally, Jr., Friday evening of this week in St. Augustine's Epis- copal cburcb in Wilmette. The Rev. D)r. Hubert Carleton will read the marriage service at 7 o'clock, after w'icb a small reception will be beld in the Parisli bouse. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and.Mrs. Wil- liam Edmonds of 1935 Greenwood avenue, Xilrnette, the bridegroom the son of Mr.' and' Mrs. Norman Ellswvortb Dallv of 1031 Oak' street, W ii net ka. Two attendants only xill be in the wedding party, Miss Gretchen Collins of Chiicago, miaid of hionor, and Leon- ard Happ of \\Viinnetka, serving as I)C5t mnan. MIiss Edînonds wvas guest of hionor at a personal shio,.er given by Miss Vera Archiambault of Wilmette iI1urs(ay of last wveek. Monday evening. Miss Phyllis Dally gave a linien showver at lier borne ini Win- netka, and ou, Tuesday Mrs. O. H. .Bersclb of Evanston and Mrs. Win- nîfred Bersch of Xilmette wvere liostesses at a towel shower. List We*ek's Hostesses at College Board Boothu Saturday Sweet Briar college bas charge of the Woman's College Board booth at A Century of Pro- gness, and Sunday Trinity college is in charge. Hostesses for next week are announced as follows: Monday, Vassar, Mrs. Gordon McKeldin of Winnetka, Mns. Stanley K. Peirce of Glencoe, and Miss Editb Lapham and Miss Elizabeth Buck, of Evanston. Tuesday, Wellesley, Mns. Robert A; Judd of River Forest, Mrs. Louis Falkner of Chicago, and Mrs. Wil- liam H. Riker and Mrs. Chester A. -Normann, of Oak Park. Wednesday, Wells, Miss jere Richards, Mrs. James Cary, Mrs. Fenton Kelsey of Evanston, and Mrs. R. G. Rockwell of Winnetka. Tbursday, Western, Mrs. Helen McCullom, Miss Mary Hostetler, Miss Leida Kingery, and Mrs. Ger- trude Baker. Friday (September >21), Barnard, Mrs. Anne Lee Gault of Evanston, Mrs. E. V. Clarke of Glencoe, Mrs. W. P. Hilliken, and Mrs. E. D-. Hol- lins bead.. Saturday (September 222), Bryn Mawr, Mrs. Nat Blatcbfond, and Mrs. Samuel' Greeley. White Elephant Tourney In thie white elepîxant golf tourna- ment played, by the women of Suniset Ridge Country club Tuesday, Mrs. Walter Jobnson of Chicago placed flrst; Mrs. George Montgomery of Evanston, second; and Mrs. H. M. J'ordan of Kenilworth, third. The women are holding one of their regu- Ian bridge days Friday of this week. Tuesday of next week wilI be their guest day, and wilI also be "last chance" day for the menibens. Dorothy Perry Sets Sept. 25 for Wedding Day TIhe miarria<'e of MiNss Dorothy Katherine' Perry of Wilmnette and the Rev. Charles R., John- son of Kiel, Wis., ivill l)e soleni- nized on Tuesday afternoon, Septeniber 25, at 3 :30 o'clock at. the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie L. Perry, 1127 CGreeiNNvood lavenue. 'l'ie wedding service will be re;i<l 1)k the Rev. George H. Carey, pastor of the First Presbyterian clîurch of lZice Lake, \Vis., a former classuîate of the bridegroom at NlcCornîicl Iheological seminarv. MiIss Helen I)avid of E7vanston i-ý to bieNMiss Perry's only attendant, an(l the Rev. Robert S. Harvey of the Ncighiborhood Settiemnent bouse, an- otlier classmate of the bridegroomi at McCormnick seuîinary. is to serve as best mnan. Trhe ceremnonv ill be followcd b%, a small.reception and tea, after whichl the bride and bridegroom will leave oun their honeyxnooni to Cedar Lake. \Vis. The Rev. and Mrs. Johinson w ill be at homne about the' middle of Octo- ber in Kiel, where the former is pas- tor of the First Presbyterian clitirci., Mr. Johnson is the son of Mrý;. Charles R. Johnson of MMnvle 'Fe n n The Mse Clara, Ida, and Har-. riet Nourse of 1137 Greenwood ave- nue,ý Wilmette, will be hostesses at a tea this afternoon in honor of 'Mis., Perry, and Mrs. Charles Eldridge i, 1gîvnga shower nexÎt Monday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Perrv vill enter- tain at the l)ridal dinner on Septemi- b)er 24. Luncheon Opens Evanston Juni.or Leaigue Season The Evanston Junior league, of which Mrs. Alfred H. Taylor of G'lel- coe is president, will open a busy year at a luncheon on Monday, September 24, to be lheld at the Gl',en View Cou,,- try club.. A meeting of the board of directors was held at the Georgian hotel on Wednesday of this week. In an announcement last week it was erroneously stated, that Mrs. Taylor was president of the Junior au.xiliary of the Evan ston Woman's club. Discusses Follies. Mrs. Sidway McKay of the E%- anston Junior league has returned from New York by the United Air lines, where she has been conferring witb representatives of the company which directs the Junior League Fol- lies to be given in the Central school auditorium in Glencoe on. November 1, 2, and 3, for the benefit of the league's cbarity projects. The trip was donated by the United Air lines as a prize and was awarded to Mrs. Mc- Kay of' the advertising conmittee for the review. 1

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