September 13, 1934 -WILMETTE LIFE OP»ose. Holding B a c k o0 Funds I Garden of UniqeDsg Dute Municipality ._ __ _ _ _ (Continuied frorn Page 3) bpecial assessmients ,in 't le citvor vil- lage concerned are not sufl- iet tiio cover the suini deemed necessarv' >.. v thé, collector to reinl)urse lus ôffiCe for the expense it fias beeri pujt to ni the miatter of delilnquenit sp)ecials. HoId Back Glencoe Funds Trhis fiftv cent itcxîî amounits t0 a (('nsl(erahlt sum. ln the case of tue ý \-illage Of Wîlmeite, $18,063.50 lias heen so rctained l)V thle ()lllt\, col- lecter luring tlhe past four vecarý- $1 8,003.50 w hibsould hiave licen de- Ilivced to tl î1the t rLastirer tk> b lised ti) retire special assessmcî,it bonds. Otlier miicipalities, less for- tunate in the inatter of delinquent siiecial a sscs.neits, have biad uch larger sinus lîeld up. 'llie Officiais of the Suiburbani Area and ltîtrv T owns association real- ize that the expenses incidleit to col- lecting (Idelinquent special assessuients nflilst île et somehoxv. But to per- l'it I lle Counitv Collector to %vithbiold iroin the sîiecial assessinent or gen- cril tax îuonev lue to the cities and This. atfractive c crenlar yardeur0ftihe honte of 31r. anrd Mrs., Joseph vilhige.. this fifty cent itemi-a figure lrauin, 113-I Illinois r-.oad. is unique ini concePtion a.nd irrsall3y WelI arrîv-ed at by hirrself as necessary î'xecitted. FIow.,vrs of vartegated coloriny nmake ,rp the circular, border, and for tlle purpose-is enitirelv wvrong,,,. in1 the center is il Pool. aiso srrrorinded. with flowers. At the back is a Sîne tereis o satuorvprovision emin;iatiire house. compite n z'er detaif of architecture, beajtifidll con- on Illîe tîatter, the Couity collector sirueit<'d. Tihe larye freces afford ant excellent background tirai sets off tihe mliglbt .ust as Weil increase this , qarden and cottage lu splendid effecf. Tihe garder: is Iocated ont a vacant ainotinIt to a dollar (or decrease it to teircens iif ie O (esied.Utue .panse of groinnd b flhe souti: of tihe faiilv homne, affording affplc roolil thie present practice special assess- fo iedsa fiotclrripauirqaidvl/nn .lii rsbe muent lioniliolders receive, îlot tîe full w 1 l atilized. amnount paid in to retire the bonds, but onily hat is left after the Countv RETURN FROM NORTH ENTERS EASTERN SCHOOL collector lias taken ont -%ýhat he thinks 1 Mr. and Mrs., Maurice W. Vanj Miss Florence Sellery, 968 Ash- lie îîeeds to repav bis office for its Arsdale, Bill, Patricia aiid' Wilson, 241 l and avenue, Ieft Tuesda7y for New work, ltven- the general revenue to Cumberlan d avenue, Kenilworth, re- London, N. H., where she will enter lie receiv'edb1) local goveruiments is turned Truesday of last week from, her sophornore year at Coli) Junior subject to arbitrarv recluction at the their summer borne at Trout lake, college. baudfs of the Counitv collector. as Il( Wis. Mr. Van Arsdale spent week- secs i lle nlee( for adlditional funds to ends with his famuly. ilîamtaîîîlits owni office. Soýc the tax Iloiev lvid ivYou MIloa< , fr. and M1rs. Bruce Hulbert (Mary IfOd D c0oilicîl to bc speut for police pro- Alice Utlev) bave returned froni their' tecti 'on. .,treet maintenance aiid other honeymoon and will. spend the winter ericeni vour city or village, could with the former's mother and grand- bc dîe to i the supplort oftlthe mother, Mrs. C. E. Hulbert and Mrs. p Couintv collecto)r's office. This 15isi Minnie Livingston, of,316 Richmond. fact wlibt 15happening lnow. raKnlot.W l ah Te Case Now in Court ro0 KnlorhLiI oas hn P Atlas nelw ut is en r.Katherine Felke, 1210 Wash.ýlunhl are avai startud to comnpel the Counity coîlc- ington avenue, entertained twentv- hue, tor to stol) bis practi1ce of> four children and grandchildren on ber refinance hue iiîg tins fifty cent iteml. IBecauise Of -t birthday Sunday, September 2. Her to makg inlistake sîiwee ugeî by le- son, Edwin Feike, and bis family ha.- your debts? ments o tauît vastaken agaînst the collectoi- )refurned froni a two weeks' visit with natures and tbe merits of the question wvcre bis mother in St. Louis. bandandwife.Quick,courig liot (leci(le(. Counisel ini tlis case,-0 Reasonablecost. Visit, wri have agree(l to have this judgment 'fomn Hicks, 241 Melrose avenue. set aîe and to bave tbe case tullY Keiîlývortlî, is r-eturniug Sunday from @ uo.lni a argucd liefore hIe court so that tlhe a thiree niolutls' tour of E'urope. He issues i;îvIolved eaui be detcrined was acComnpanied liv a elassmnate froin 2nd FI., 1737 Howard St. once and for ail. Dartmnouth.. jack -Hicks 's îeaving west of eLl", Chicago Thbis is as it slîould be. If thiere 1 Nlotiday- for 1,ehigli un iversitv aàt Phone: Greenleaf 2550 tieed.'for some additional revenue .tou_________________ take care of the expense incident t ehlbni a the collection of delinqueut special assessmients, it should be pr'ovided- for in the propcir mauner by the statute. O The County coIlector slbould îîot lie perrnitted, to arbitrarily ,withliold 'EA ý onipense lus office for tbis, work ont d,~.,.. of mioney collected l)y Ihlm on behaîf FRii EiiR'4 OF> W AREHOUSES of cities and. villages for the, payment j of general expeiuses or for tlîe, retire- 'aW ruentof bonds.À& C E ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Greenwood avene, entertainied at a Easo im 'k ihadPr dinner party on Septem ber 1, in honor Our 3 warehouses are conveniently of Dr. and Mrs. Josepb NMCHale 0-f aedtoseveths eritry Washington, D. C.,, who W .e iit- l. WARtiEereftOUSLSitry ing in Chicago. Mrs. Mc Hale, isaPhn fo esmts niece of Mr. Lynch. PhonTORVAN iate Earl C. Moss, Ji., 316 Cumnior road, UN.90-WL ET 13 CCir£Do w-4 Kenilworth, is leaving Sunday to be- WINNETKA 1332-HIGHLAND PARK 181$W Burns and scalds should be quickly and gprop- ar1y treated-not only to relieve pain, but te prevent bad after-effects. Oi-of-Sait relleves instanty-is saf e and sure. Equally helpful for cuts and bruises. Tour dnaggist wilI refund the pricé (5oc> if you are flot satisfied. Used as first aid in îhousands of factorjes and fire sta- ,innq. Krep 011-nf-Sait on hand for emergencies. ester Toi. consider the Household %an. Loans of $30 to $300 ilable to, familles keeping ,who have sufficientincome ke regular monthly repay- over 20 months. Only Sig- srequired are those of hus- :eous, busineislike service. rite, or 'phone the offices of 14th FI., 105 W. Madison . Chicago Phone: Franklin 088 VISITS IN EAST Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Burchard of Houston, Texas, who are staying at the.Orrington bhotel, are on their way to ,New York to visit Mr. Burchard's daughter and, family, the Grant Keehns. Mr. and Mrs. Keehnand Mr. Burchard are former Keniilwortb resi- dents. Miss jane Darling of 256 Kenil- worth avenue entertained at a bridge buffet supper last Monday in bonor of ber bouse guest, Miss Kathleen Sturges of Mansfield, Ohio, whom she recently visited. _-o- Tomi Sinding,, 315 Richmnd road, Kenilworthi, iili not return to Dart- mouth as he now has a posit ion witb the Wrigley Chewing Guni company in Davenport, Iowa. -o- The Misses Emma and Margaret Bickham of 429 Ninth street, are leav- ing Friday September 14, for Grin- neil college. -- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barnard and family, of Evanston, moved Wednes- day to 326 Oxford road, Kenilwortiî. Irm EVANSTON ACADEMY 0F FINE ARIM An Accredjîed Art School CARL SCHEFFLER, Director Full and Part Time Courses Day and Evening Classes Children's Classes Saturday NMornings 638 Church St. Gre. 1074 BiNSARE DANGEROR -W.1-LýMETTE LIF-E