September 13, 1934 i1711 1AVrTP I IPR 40.-- -- DEMONSTRATES AERONCA 'A Wednesday visitor at. Curtiss field was, Leigbton Collins of the Ae- ronautikal Corporation of America, mnanufacturers of the Aeronca air- plane. Collins, who has been denion- strating the sbips at airports ini this vicinity, left Curtiss for Cincinnati Friday of last week. Mary Susen of 700 Linden- avenue returned last' Saturday from Mis- soula, Mont., wbere she had spent six weeks with friends., George W. Springer, 724 Forest avenue, lias returned froni the H. F. Bar ranch and Yellowstone park where lie spent the sunimer.' 0_- Mrs. John O'Connor, 149 Kenilworth avenue Keniworth, was lulicheon hostess to bier bridge club Friday. ENTERS: SPEED EVENTS "Art" Chester, flying bis 'fast ship' the "Chester Special," left Curtiss airport Tuesday of last week for tbe National air races at -Cleveland, Ohio, wbere lie was to compete for prize tnoney in the speed events.' SOARS TO SEÈ FAIR Longing to see bis relatives and the, World's fair,- H., K. Canning flew bis new Stinson Reliant, fromý Cleveland to Curtiss airport Saturday, August 25. He winged bis way back to Cleve- land the following Monday. INTERESTING SITUATION A father and lover rival eacb other for a beautiful girl's.affection witb an interesting outcome in "His Greatest Gamble," RKO-Radio's new film drama starring Richard Dix. FATHER MAKES SACRIFICE Discarding affairs of the heart for his daugbter's bappiness is the sacri- fice wbich provides the drama of 'His Greatest Gamble,". Richard Dix's new~ RKO-Radio picture. Mrs. Edward C. Geither and daugh- ter, Jeanne, 321 Raleigh road, Kenilwortb, returned, Wednlesday. September 5, from a two weeks' visit to. Pine lake, Wis. Mrs. J. T. Seng of 1222 Cbestnut avenue and ber two sons, James and Thomas, left last Saturday for their winter borne at Leesburg, FIa. Bob ýKendigs speedy. work ini re.- placing a plank ini "Silver Spray" after the collision of last week per- mitted him to enter the second race of Sheridan Shore Yacht club's "C" series on Saturday and corne home ini first place. Max Hayford was second in "Twinkle Ditto" and Hal Reeve third in "Glider." For the first time, the spar off Wilmette bathing beach was used as. a mark of the course and this provided a long beat in a choppy sea from the twin buoys off Grosse Point light. With "Neo" and "Gemini" racing in other waters there were only nine boats ini the race. Order of finish Saturday, Septemi- ber 8: 1. No. 356-Silver Spray- Tinie Bob Kendlg, Polly Kendig, B. Chapman............... 1-23-361 2. No. 412-Twinkle Ditto- Max.Hayford, Gordon Jones, L. Towne ................... 1-25-40 3. No. 681-Glider- Hal Reeve, Don Bergmnan...1-27-10 4. No. 354-Walrus- W. T. Stockton, Dick Sues .... .1-27-15 5. No. 355-Hummer II- John Denison, Earl DeMoe, Earl DeMoe, Jr ............. 1-27-45 6. No. 704-Al Baba- -Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. H. ,Noble..1-2î-46 7. No. 500-Carol- FR1 DAY-SATURDAY-SU NDAY WHITE FRONT TAVERN. JoIS. PETERKO1RT, Pro>. 3445 DEMPSTER ST., NILES CENTER Look for the Pabst Blite Ribbon Sign! FRIDAY September 14 FREE Fish Fry SATURDAY Septeniber 15 FREE Chicken Sa'ndwiiches SUNIDAY Septeniber 16 FREE Hom Sandwiches DINE aud DANCE with thé White Front Orrhestra and REDR" PETrERSRACC.ORDION The most heautiful and modernistic tavern on the North Shore. Pabst Blue Ribbon and Fox Head Beer on Top. Frce Park- ing spqicc available lot ail times. Hal Elliott, Sami Gos....1-29-00 8. No. 461-Cora K- Harry Richter, Tomi Wolfe, Virginia Coulter........... 1-33-20 No. 802-Pegasus did flot finish. On Sunday afternoon the second race of the "Blue" series was sailed over a course similar to Saturday's, but ini a very light southeast wind. "Glider" took first place with "Silver Spray" and "Carol" in second and tlîird places, respectively. Starting south from the line off the entrance of Wilmette harbor the fleet, sailed to the spar one mile east of Grosse Point light, north to tbe Winmette beach spar. back to the twin buoys off the lighthouse and home. The Sunday afternoon races are becomi- ing more and more popular witli the wonîen sailors, in t his race five of thein, Mrs. Kendig, Mrs. Ellis, M-\rs. I)enison, Mrs. Noble and Mrs. Bing- ham being the skipper's only crewv on "Silver Spray," "Walrus," "Hunîmer 11," "Ali Baba" and "Hermes." Order of finish Sunday, 'Septeni- ber 9: 1. No. 681-Glider- Tinie Hal Reeve, Dick Barnes, 1-56-34 2. No. 356-Silver Spray- Mr. and Mrs. Rober t Kendig 1-5--03 3. No. 500-Carol- Sain Goss, Wesley Bowmnan, 1Sonny Goss'..ý...............-i 4o7 4. No. 354-Walrus- W._T. Stockton, Mrs. W. B. 1 Ellis ............... ......2-00-30 5. No. 355-H-unîmer Il- Mr. and Mrs. John Denisoîi 2-00-34 6. No. 704-Ail Baba- Mr-. and Mrs. Bill Noble .2-01 -00 7. No. 461-Cora K- llarry Richter, j. O. spots- wood ..... . . . 2-01-02 ~No. 802-Pegasus-- W. V. Gathan>', L. 'Maee 2-03-51 9. No. 377-Hlermes- Mr. and -Mrs. AI. Bingharn 205 - 07 10. No. 412-Twinkle Ditto- Jiin Martin, Ralph Hamlin, Virginia Coulter ......2-(7-1,5 11. No. 824-Aquila- Max Hayford, Tomn Wolfe 2-10è-57 12. No. 556-Blue Mist- Don Bergman, S. H. Bodden- house ............ ........._.2-11-14 Sheridan Shore Yacht club's entrN "Neo" in the Star class races for the championship of the. Great Lakes Detroit played in hard luck and lost the series to the Detroit entry. Tom Waage with1 Charles Knight as crew ini "Neo" took twvo firsts and one second place, but were thrown out of the second race be- cause of an unusual fouI. "Neo's" back-stay broke loose from the deck and, passing the buoy at the finish line, it swung. out and hit the flag thus disqualifying them and causing the loss of the champion- ship. The series ended in a tie be- tween Detroit and Vermillion, Ohio, which Detroit won in a sali-off. The final result of the three-race series was: lst, Fleetstar-Detroit, Knevols a nd Kilevols. Znd, Trilby-Vermilllon, Ohio, Latugh- ln and Taylor. 3rd, Neo-Sheridan Shore, Waage and Knlght. 4th,. Maybe-Peoriaý, Bloom and Me- Laughlln. (Ill. Valley Yacht Club) 5th, Sandpper-Benton Harbor~, Upton and Dane.. Word b as. been received that the Pirie brothers bave arrived at San Francisco witb "Gemini" in perfect condition. The boys hauled the Star sîoop on a trailer behind. their car and will enter it in t he International races, September 14-21. At Wilmette racing will continue every Saturday and Sunday through September. Next Saturday will take Place the third race of the "C" series and on Sunday the third race of the *Blue" series. Sheridan' Yachting" ShoreNews