Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Sep 1934, p. 45

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September 13, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE FOR SALE-HOUSES FORECLOSURE OPPORTUNITIES REPOSSESSIID H O M E S BEAUTI- uliy reconditioned by former mort- gage.hoider. Ail ready for Your.,oc- cupancy. Ternis to suit your pocket- bôok. See these -houses. 717 GREENLEAF AVE., WILMETTE 6 rin. brick. Tile bath. 3 porches. 011 ht. Near parochiai and grade *schools. $1&,'000. 299 VERNON AVE., GLENCOE 1(j rm. English brick. 3 beautiful baths, powder rin., li'brary, 23-ft. master bed- rmn. "ShipWs cabiîV' bedrm. for boy. FRsALE-HOUUEH OLD SOODB MIUST SELL AT ONCE! ]BEAUTIFUL, FURNITURE, O N L Y onie year old, Includlng Kashan rug (16.2x1.6); haind carved radio, cabinet and desk; bedroomn suite; unusual 9 p 1c. walntit diii. rm. suite. Will sacrifice. Leaving town. Gre. 2663. 129LTN19-ltp SPC. CIARVED )WALNUT (OBLONG) dining set, $450, seil $195- 5 pc. drop leaf breakfast set, $50, -seil $15; solid malti. twin heds & dresser complete, $85. Singer & eiectric sewing machines, auto radio, typewriter, nise. bargains. 970 Lindeni Ave. Hubbard Woods. W.inn. 2067. 129Ll9-ltp, $27,500. AMAH. LIBR. TABLE, SUN PORCH Both open Sunday 3 to 6, or by appt. furn., rugs, desk, davenpoi't, chairs, QUIN bAN & TYSON, Inc. gasstove $3. Extension ladders $3. Bysovercoat like new, size 13. Wanted 1571 Shîerman Ave., Evanston U7ni. 2600 -îîattress for double bed and oblong I11LTN19-ltc oak dining table sm-all size. Phone 1Kenilworth 1865. 129LTNý19-ltc 1,INCSATINODDAMASK UPHOL. COUCH O)N A STREET 0F BEAUTIrFiJLai-d overstuff-d chair. Also kitchen* homes this modern seven romn brick uteilsl-. Very cheap foir quick disposaI. residence is offered for immediate sale. Cail Thurs. oi' Sat. 510 Central Ave., Firs 't floor Living rm., dining rmn.,1 Wilmette. ý129LTN19-ltp) breakfast rmn., kitchen, lavatory, and C PEEFRISIG FHM toilet. CMLT RIHNG FHM I4e< ondl flnr - Four ledro"ms (3~ including A. B. Chase piano 'and a cmni;date twin beds), 2 tule bts upoieSea.Laing statean Hot water heat, oil hurmer, attached must seil. Shown by appt. P^ne garage, large yail. Wiliette 413. 129LTN19-1 te Piceof2250i in keeping ith the pr.'sent market. The BII4LS RE AITY, mic. 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Greenleaf 1166 Wilmette 3740 111LTN19-lte COUNTRY ESTATE NEAR NIUNDE- lein. Ramnbling Engiish brick resi- dence. 4 bedrms., 3 baths, garage and stables. Near lake and golf course, 2%,2 acres. Buiit at cost of $65,000. Prive today $24,.. NEW PLAIN RUG 9x12. BREAKFAST roomn set, large elec. refrlg., bed, dr'apes, garden tools. Tuxodo size 39. Silver saxophone $12. Phono Wilmette 3265. 129LTN19-ltc STUDIO COUCH, STOVE, BOTH practicaily new. Moving necessaryto sacrifice. Other pieces. 1723 Elmwood Ave., Wil. Phono Wllmette 161. 129LTN19-_l COMPLETE G R E E N STORKLINE bedroom set $45. Blue baby set bed an a ir- Ilà-. 10 Rezultio>Ln Blir 1DANDY ENGLISH BRICK HOME IN table, $150. Phono Glencoe 1631. elegant Glencoe location. 4 bedrms.,. 129LTN19-Itp 9 baths, recreation rm., H. 1W. (oul) ht., 2 BEDROOM SETS. 1 CH I L D'S 2-car gatrage. Can be bad for amount painted bedroom set. Large gas of Ist mortgage, $16,000. The Bille cooking range. 4 pairs hoavy silk Realty, Inv., 718 Vernon Avenue, Glen- drapes. Phono Winnotka 1322. coe, ask for 'Mr. Peistor. IllLTNI9-ltc 129Ll9-ltp Beautifuil Countrv Estate GRAND PIANO. TWIlN BEDS.. CHEST E N . 1 1 H TONEHiý-SE-WII-1 of drawers. Princes dresser. Ice box. beNGiflLSH sOEapeHgouS WITI-lofRugs Chairs. Dishes. Lamp. Day 3are.5mse )dondressin bed. Chair. Winnetka 3806. rni., 3 baths, servants' quarters. Lovely 19T1-t wainut panelied library. brkfst. rmi., 10-PIECE WALNUT DINING ROOM r('reation î'm. with fireplac'e in base- set $40. Twhn beds_ complote, bureau ment, miodemn in every way. Muchj-j un- and chiffonier, $5 e'ach piece. 833 Chest- derrii-edj at $95,000. nut St., Wilmette. 129LTN19-ltp Frances J. Winscott 2 DOUBLE BEDS, COMPLETE; 1 - Simmons, other mahogany. Drophead ¶'02 Siîruc-e St. Winnetka 1 267 sewing machine, good condition. Win- IIITNI - netka 1376. 129LTN19-ltp FORCED. SALE LOIVELY 'MODERN WHITEW-A.S I El) brick residence on, large lot. 7 roo>ms with 3' baths, attached 2-car garage, oil hêat, extra lavatory. Extremely attra- tive Gliencoe location. Priced at mivý $ 20,00f;. NORTH WESTE RN REALTY & BUILDING CO. 528 Davis St. University 950o' l1LTN19-1 tu BRICK HfOME NEAR LAKE AI transp)ortation. 4 baths, 3-car garage, beautiful lot 80x170, for haif priee, $20,000. FRA-M E COTTAGE, WOODMI) LOT l40xl3O, 4 rooms and bath, g',nly $4,000. The Bills Reaity, Inc., 7 18 Ver- non Avenue, Giencoe, ask for- 'Mr. Tucker.11LTI'-t FOR SALE-VACANT BEAITTIFUI, CORNER LOT, 88x82'2 One block <î'eeiey sehooi, 2 blocks New Trier' High school' or trans. Sac- rifi<c prive, $7,500. Phione Winnetka 1665 or' Dearborn 2263. 114LTN19-ltc REAL ESTATE LOANS \V'e Desire.,Applications FOR $3,000, $5,000 AND $6.000 FIRST mortgage residential loans for imme- diate requiremnents. Owners,-must live on promises. McGUIRE & ORR 40 Years of Dependable Service 530 Davis St., Greenleaf 1080 127A-LTN19-lte ÎST MORTGAGE LOANS 3 TO 15 TEARS Wd are in a position to represent you ini obtauning Insurance Company Loans; at very low rates. SMART & GOLEE. mnc. LOAN DEPARTMENT 1564 Sherman Ave., Evanston University 0283 Rogers Park 0271 127A-LTN1O-tfc FOR SALE-HOUUEHOLD 000DS ORIENTAL RUGS. STAIR CARPET. Chlld's bed. Gas stove. Winnetka 1977 or 564. 129LTN19-ltc PORCH- FURNITURE, B E D R O O M furniture, large pull up chairs, tables and odd pieces. Phone Glencoe 1321. 129LTN19-lte UNIVERSAL STOVE, YELLOW, crearn and black. In-a-drawer broiler. Oven regulator. $25. Phone Wilmettc 3706. ___ ____ 129LTN19-ltp DINING ROOM TABLE, $10. SILVER cabinet, $10. Six chairs, $15. Ail ini excellent condition. Queen Anne tstyle. Phone Winnetka, 348.. 129LTN19-ltp STOVE, DINING 11.00M SET, BED. dresser, porchi furn., rugs, sewing machine, chaiir, teza rt table. Phone Glencoll-1117. 19T1-t FOR SALE - HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Mon., Tues., Wed., Sept. 24, 25, 26. Susan Northam, 731 lth St., Wilmette. - 129LTN19-2te 8 PIECE DINING ROOM SET, LIVING room table, cot, lamps, chairs, etc. 931 <'hestnut St., Wilmette. Phone Wilmette 4115. 129L9-ltp $30O0 RTHOPHONIC VICTROLA with records $30. Reese, 720 Linden Ave., Phone Wilmette 1072. 129LTN19-ltc LGE. THOR WASHER AND IRONER also Airway vacuum cleaner. Cheap for cash. Phone Greenleaf 4646. 129LTN19-ltp FOR SALE-M ISCELLANOUS WONDERFUL. BUY-1930 PACKARD sedan. Cost $2,'300. Chauffeur, cared for. Neyer off boulevard.* Low mileage. A-i condition, inside and out. Terme. Also Roamer radio, perfec t order. Also spacious Frigidaire, perfect condition. Phone Whnnetka 1459. 131LTN19-ltc J3oy's Sidewalk Bike Coaster brake. Also tricycle. BOTH $5. Phone Wunnetka 26. 131LTN19-ltp 2-1)AY SALE - COATS, LEATI-ER jackets, -day and evening dresseq, 14-18. Shoes -51h~-6%,. Children's books. Phone Wunnetka a848. 131LTN19-ltc $200 LIO NEL ELECTRIC TRAIN. Must ho sacrlficed Immediately. No reasonable offer refused. Phone Win- netka 1828. 131LTN19-ltc ý 1 A. R.PETERSO' Secreta ry. J. R. GATHE-RCOAL, Pres4ident. NEW. TRIER TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS Cook (Jounty, Illinois Wilinette, Ill., Sept. 1 3, 1934. The foliowing, Tax Anticipation War- rants of the New Trier Township'High School District No. 203-1932 Tax Levy- have been cald for paymnent and wlhl be pald on presontation at the office of the Township Treasurer, 1200 Central Avenue, Wllmette, Ill. Educational Plurposes from E79 to B93, inclusive. Interest ill cease five days from this date. F. A. Ândrew, Township -Treasurer. LOVEKIN AUTOMATIC GAS WATER heater, 32 gallons, practically new, $40. Winnetka 1132. 13lL19-ltp WTDM. TO B3UY-MISCE»LLANEOUS_ $$ OLD CLOTHES $ $ WVill buy men's used - suits, shoes, overcoats; also fur coats. Best prices. Prompt service. A. MARTIN UNI. 0347 132LTN19-tfi) TABLE VICTROLA Aý.ND RECORDS. MUST BE REASON- able. Write A-170, Box 40, Wllmette, Ili. 132LTN19-ltp ENCYCLOPEDIA Children's and Brittanica Wanted Wlnnetka.1725 132LTN19-ltp Goldman-Junk Dealer Highest prices paid -for Junk._ Wilmette 5417 Winnetka 3720 f 32LTN8-tfu NOTICE 0FINTENTION 0OF NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP JIIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER 203 COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS TO ISSUE BO-NDS Public notice is hereby given that on the eleventh day of September, 1934, the Board of Education of New Trier Town- ship High Schooi District Number 203,' Cook County, Illinois, adopted a resolu- tion ,declarhng its intention and deter- mination to issue bonds for the purpose of paying legal dlaims and for the payment of orders issued for the wages of teachers as authorized by "An Act to authorize school districts having a pop- ulation of 200,000 or.less to issue bonds for the paymnent of legal ciaimis, and for the payrnent of orders Issued for the wages of teachers, and to levy taxes to pay the principal and interest of such bonds," approved June 30, 1933, as amnended by an Act approved May 4, 19)34, and it is the intention of said Board of Edtqcation to issue-sýuch bonds for the purpose of paying orders issued for the wages of teachers and for the paymèent of legal dlaims against sucli district that are duly audited and allowed by the Board of Education. A petition miay be filed with the S~ec- retary of thisBoard of Education on or before ten full days from the date of publication of this 'notice, signed by not less than twenty per cent (20%) of the legal voters of this School District requesting the submnission to the legal Voters of the proposition, to issue- the bonds and avail of the provisions of the above referred to. Act,. whereupon a speclal election shahl be calied for vot- ing upon such proposition. If no such petition le filed with the Secretary of this Board of Education on: or befoe ten days from date of publication of this notice, then the Board of Education of this School District. shahl thereafter be authorized to issue bonds for the purposes as hereinabove provlded. By. order of the. Board of Education of New Trier Township High School District Number 203, Cook County, 1iii- noi. FOR UALE-MiscaLLANOUB BASSINEKT, BABY AUTO BASKET, eaeh beautifully luned and trimmed;, also Perfection Rock A-Bye Swing,> Play Pen and Pad. AIl like new. Cheap for Immediate sale. R. W.. Clark, 430 South Ave., Glencoe. 131LTNÏ9-ltc GJRL'S BICYCLE SAduit size, very cheap. Cali Wilmette 10361 evenings. 13ILTN19-ltp FËULL S-IZE -VIOLIÏN. ,-GOOD CONDI- tion. Aiso emse. Large, weli con- structed rabbit hutchi. Winnetka 3867. 131LTrN19-ltp FOR SALE--VICTOR ADDING. MA- chine, in excellent condition. Capac- ity to 1,000,000. Telephone Wilmette lu91. 131LTN18-2tp M%.AN'S BICYCLE. NEW TIRES. EX- cellent condition. $12. Phone Win- netka 3063. 131L19-ltp Wilmette's Only Fireproof Storage Warehouse Offers Security Efficiency Responsibility w ith its Moving, Packing and Storage Services Estimates Furnished Without-Obligation -Telephone TI"aSC X 521 Main Street, Wilmette Phites WILMKrJB 32 UNivumsry 7317 September , 13, 1934 A nnounce Pro gr-am o f Education a t ASkokie, CCC Cam> Ànambitious educationaL program ini connection with the- CCC camp work at Glenview and Harms roads was inauguratçd Wednesday" evening of last. week, with the formai opening of Skokie Valley university for the 2,400 men engaged in the Skokie drainage and reclamation project. Since the beginning of this work more than a year ago, officers in charge of camp have been directing courses of study for those who die- sired this opportunity and have also provided an abundance of recreation an-d amusement for the men wvben off duty. During this wveek of enroliment in the new university, nearly 2,000 men have corne forward to take advantage of the new and broader plan, news of which, it is announced. has already heen 'received in Washington with equal delight. Capt. john P. Crehan, district commander, is president of the uni- versityand Hugh Kent, of the Na- tional Park Service, superintendent of field activities, is vice-president. Chaplain Walter H. Ruth is dean of me n. Capt. L. G. Mandel is legal adviser of the university and Dr. R. R. Oison, district surgeon, is dean of the Col- lege of Medicine. The, university is divided into vani- ous colleges, corresponding to the number of companies and named in honor of former presidents of the United States. Captaun Schroeder is dean of Adam coilege, the school of journalism. Lieutenant Creamer, dean of Jeffer- son colioge, the school of mnechanicai engineering. Captain Travis, dean of Washington college, the school of electrical engineer- ing. Lieutenant Larson, dean of Madigon college, the colloge of law. Captain Louis Earlix, dean of Jack- son college, the college of fine arts. Lieutenant Aubrey Reid, dean' of Roosevelt college, ischool of physical education. .Lieutenant Bertness, dean of' Lincoln college, the echool of agriculture. Captain Keller, dean of Taft college, the college of liberal arts. Lieutenant Phelan, dean of Monroe. college, the schooi of mines. Lieuteant Deeley, dean of Wilson college, the school of dramatic art. Lieutenant Olsen, dean of Coolidge college, the school of commerce. On the coaching staff are: Lieutenant Dally, athletic director of track and basketball; Captain Monson, athietic director of football, and Lieutenant, Friestedt, athietie director of baseball. Junior officers and National Park superintendents compose the board of regents. The, instructors will be various of- ficers,, the forestry, superuntendent and enrollees with college and high school tra ining. WILMETTE LIFE

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