Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Sep 1934, p. 46

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WILMETTE' LIFE September 13, 1934 ENTÉRS KENTUCKY U Mrs.. Benjamin A..Poîzin and' son Frank, 1241 Forest ýavenue, left Mon- Jay. morning for Lexington, Ky., where .Frank, will mnatriculate at the Univer- sity of Kentucky. He was graduated' f rom New, Trier high school with the class of 1932. Mrs. Poîzin will visit, bier mother, Mrs., Edward W. S hields, in Cinc innati'be fore her returni. .Mrs. Daniel V. Huguenini and lier children, Nancy and Danny. of Bur- lingame, Cal., arrived in Wilmette last week-end for a visit with Mr. Hugue- nin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pbilip I4uguenin of 506 Lake avenue. Mr. Huguenin will join bis fainily ini about two weeks. 0o- Miss Mary Alice Hayes, dauglbter of the Clarke L. Hayes, 911 Lake ave- nue, wvho gradû*âted ini Junie froni New Trier,ý will leave the latter part of September for tbe Chevy Chase school in~ Washington, D. C. '.%r. and Mrs. Frank Barrett and their daugbiter, 'Mary of 615 Essex road. Kenilwortb, returnied on Satur- day fromi a three weeks' visit at Car- dinal lodge, Trout Lake, Xis. ANNOUNCE BIRTH. A. nine - pouid, son, Lawrence Charles Hecht, Jr., was born on Wed- nesday, September 5, at. the Evans- ton .b ospital to Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence, Charles Hecht of Barrington. Mrs. Hecht, the- former Marjorieý' Koenig, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Koenig, 1028 Elm- wood avenue. Mrs. David Luick and lier children. of Minneapolis, former Winnetkans arrived Wednesday of last week to- spend a monthvisiting Mrs. Luick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cherrv of 517 Sheridan road, Keniilwortlî.. Miss Maxine Livingston, 215 Wood- bine avenue, is leaving September 25, for Ohio State university, where she will begin bier freshman studies. Sbe was a New rrier High school June graduate. Fred J. Stebbins 329 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, is in the Presbvteriant hospital recovering froin an emerg-- ency operation for appendicitis. His son, Jack, left Wednesday to enter Princeton, baving graduated froi Pbillips Exeter. THE WATER REPORT September 10, .1934. 1Editor, XVJJmFntTELWE: On page one of the Septembei 6 issue of î. mmwT LIFE, you gavc a detailed statement of the cost oi operating Our municipal water xvorký for the montbs of Marcb, April and M1ay, averaging 8 8/10 cents per 10( cubic feet, and vou compared thai figure with the estimated cost ol 797/100 cents, if the supply had been received f roin Evanston. The detailed statenient ivas handed to you during rny absence and there- fore the fact was flot called to your attention that ini the cost of 8 8/10 cents per 100 cubic feet wvas included the distributing expenses, consistiqg of superintendence, inspection, test- ing and re-setting of meters, mis- cellaneous supplies, etc., maintenance of the distribution svstem-and main- r f s :1 ) t f I tenance of meters, wbicb. amount to 4/10 cent per 100 cubic feet. Also inclu(led in this figure. are general expenses, covering cost of reading meters, collecting bills, office salaries and office supplies "and expenses. whicb amount to 1 cent per 100 cubic feet. These items are not included ini the estimate of 797/100 cents. In order to obtain an acctîrate coin- parison tbe above two items slonld therefore be deducted froin the 88/10 cents, wbich would make the. cost of producing our own %vater 7 4/10 cents pet 100 cubic feet as cornpared with a cost of 797/100 1 might mention that when estinat- ring the cost of water if purchase<l froîn Evanston vs. the cost of sîïp- plving water from our own water *works the expenses of distribution *and the general miscellaneous ex- penses;, mentioned above, aply ini eithcr case. Therefore, thev 7 wcre omnitted wheîî rnaking the original comparison. 1 arn sorrv that wva, îlot called to your attention at the time the figures were given voi. As 1 arn sure the public xvîll be ini- terested in havîng the above figure.. 1 trust von will give theni publicity. Vers' trulv yours, C. P. I)ubbs, President of tlhe Village of \\rilmette. Comedy at Valencia Proves Refreshing Refrcshing coiedy, in which Lew~ Ayres finds plent%, of opposition wiei lie tries to get gay witb Alice Fave- t hat's the picture, *Slîe Learned About Sailors," wvhiclî the Valencia theater is showing rîîrrsdav* of dîis. week. Mitchell and Durant, along ,with I-Iarrv (; reen]. are other reaoni, for enjovîng tl1is filin. Fridav an(l Saturday bring -The Circus Clo'%-ii," with J oceF. Browni splendid in thec sympathetic role of circus rou1tstabout îwho later bccoinesa trapeze artist. Patricia F.llis and(1tlhe siipportiiig cast al] bell> inake thei pic- ture a winner. "Operator 13" wvill ibrill at tlhe Val- encia on 'Sundav and Moîxdav. Sep- teml>er 16 and 17. Marion Dlavies does excellenît work'as a spy in this south- ern. draina whiclî lias a Civil War liackgrouind. Th'e spy for the oppo- site side is Gary Cooper. Il/~ Richard D)ix strtîggles wvitlî bis cou- vention-loViîîg wife for the înoldiîîg of dauglîte r Edith Fellows' character in the 1owerful dIraina, -lus Greatest Gaimlle,"' whicli the XValencia offers Tucsdav and IWedniesdlav, Septemiber 18 and 19. Jean Artlîur's sul)erl) performance features tlie interesting humati storv. "Most, Precions Tbing in Life," pre- sefited Tbursday, and Friday, Sep- tmer20 and 21, at the Valencia. HER AE HENEW FUEL.OILPRICEs! they, are lower and we advise thal moun <,1e <idrantage of thei r vinus Noé.1i Grade ... 6/4c Gai. eJust how long they will remain No. IGrade ..612c Gai. in force is uncertain. We advise you to take full advantage of themn and No. 3 Grade.. 46c Gai. have your tank filled NOW! You will flot only save money but will Nc.4 Grade ... 5v2cGal. be ready for colder weather due most, any time. You will find N.5Gae..4/cGi Murphy-Miles fuel 'oi measures up to every requirement dem anded for' the efficient operation of modernoul No. 6 Grade .. 4cGai. burning equipment and will keep your home steadily, healthfully Tlie foi elrris tof 10Yyite8;'or more.rd warm ail winter long. MUR11P.HY-MIL.ES OIL COMPAINY WiIIow Rood. West of SkokieDIvd., Winnel'ka (Plont No. 6) Wilmeffe 90PHONES. Winnetka 8 5 5 Executive Offices, 1801 Fullerton Avenue, Phone Diversey 2700 SIX PLANTS CON VENIENTLY LOCA TED SERVING THE CHICAGO AREA Mr. and Mrs. J. b,. Kinnear, 2241 Cbestnut avenue, have as their bouse guest. this week, Mrs.- Kinnear's l)rother, J. Lawrence jack of Mon- treal, Canada. Miss Loretta XVite, 310 Richmond road, Kenilworth, left SundaNv, motor- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luther to New York. The Perry Deans, 1352 Chestnut avenue, bave moved to Minneapolis. WIILMETTEi LIFE 1 'September 13, 1934

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