48 ~~~WILMETTE LIFE Speme 3,13 A T UNI VERSI T YOF-ROCHESTERI Bernie Photo Tivo New Trier Higiz .çhooI graduates, Williamn S. Nord burg, Jr. (le It), of Winnetka and Richard A. Oison of Kenitworth, left Tuesday f or the University cf Roch ester, at Rochester, N. Y. Nordburg, captain of the university f reshman team last year, wiIl engage in a week of football practice before school opens. He is slated for a back- field position on the varsity eleven this season. His bigh scholarship and bis athletic and musical prowess at New Trier won bim a Welles scholarship to the university in 1933. Oison, winner of a Welles schoiarship in 1934, will spend some time in the freshman camp which is a f eature of the university. In addition to being an honor student, Oison 'was prominent in mrusic activities at New Trier from ýwhich he was graduated this iast spring. Stephen A. Williamis Jr.. 515 Ab- bottsford road, Keniiworth. played in the Amateur Golf tournament ini Bos- ton Tuesday. Stephen qualified sec- ond ini the Oak Park Country. club golf uxeet. -o-- Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Phiiips, Marion, Everett, and Horace, 625 Brier street, Keniiworth, returned August 27, from their summer home at Centrai Lake,. ,Mich. Ô8DEEGLE HIMSEL W" Don't get mad at Your 'car if It doesn't start easlly and go smoothly. After. ail, you get ont of it exactly what you put into it. Here Is our suggestion :--starting today, put SIL- VER FLASH GAS ýAND QUAKER Q'PATV. OCTT. ln I I .. t atrial.- North Shore Book -Club Will Stady Political Trends Departing from the strictiy literary character of its past proceedings, the North Shiore Book club has adopted a program for its forthcoming sea- son which cails for a studv and dis- cussioni of the 1934 Congressional election. the reiationship betwveen the Newv Deal, and Upton Sinciair's EPIC. plan and other current political l)roi)- lems. The openin.g meeting of this group of north' shore wonxen is to be held- tomorro-wN (September 14) at the residence of the chairman of the organization, Nfrs. Sherman R. Barnett, 333 Hazel'avenue, Gilencoe. 1The North Shore. Book club wvas organized soinewhat over five vears ago. and its membership. vhich is liilited to twventy. includes voung womnen fromn every north shore vil- lage between Chicago.and Lake For- est. For the past three years there has been a si zeable waiting list of a p plicanits for membership. Give 1934-35 Progrm The 1934-35v programn for the eighte en. fortnig'tiy meetings. is as follows: September 28 -, Current Literature. Hostess:, Mrs. George S. Andersoni, 521 Grove street, 'Evanston. Chairmane: Mrs. S. R. Barnett. October 12-«Yearly visit to the Art- Institute unider the direction of Mrs. Norman Ingerle, 139 Laurel avenue, Highland Park. 1October 26-Càpitalism, Socialisrn and the Epicý plan. Hostess: Mrs. Robert Wienecke, 680 Vernon avenue, Glencoe. Chairman: Mrs. E. K. Butler. Noveniber 9-The 1934 Congressional election Hostess: Mrs. N. W. Diehi, 726 Hinman avenue, Evanston. Chair- man: Mrs. S. W. Hopkins. November 23-Current fiction. Host- ens: Mrs. S. W. Hopkins, 915 Sherman avenue, Evanston. Chairman: Mrs. Bennett Johnston. December 7-The Plays of Henrlk Ibsen. Hostess: Mrs. Bennett Johnston, 804 Forest avenue, Evanston. Chair- man: Mrs. E. J. Richards. December 14-Play Reading. Hostess: Mrs. F.0. Brown, 360 Greenwood ave- nue, Glencoe. Chairman: Mms. E. H. Mitteibtîsher. January 11-Modemn Poetry. HosteSs: Mrs. Raîpli Colville, 817 Judson avenue, Evanston. Chairman: Mi.s. J. G. Ehr- licher. January 25 - Musical Appreciation Program at Kimbaîl Hall Chicago (tentative). Chairnian: Mr". D. E. Bean. February 8-Biography and Fiction. Hostess: Mrs. Russel Halliday, 913 Maple avenue, Evanston. ('ha imnan: Mrs. Berg Crane. February 22 - Political Problerns Abroad. Hostess: Mrs. E. J. Richa rds. Chairmen: Mrs. Russell Halliday and Mrs. Ralph Colville. March 8-English Litemature of the 19th Century. Hostess: Mrs. W.. W. Weld, 51 Warwick road, Winnetka. Cliairman: Mrs. E. Turle. March 22-Three Current Plays. Host- ess: Mrs. J. G.,Ehrlicher, 930 Hlnman avenue, Evanston. Chaimman: Mrs. R. H. Wienecke. April 12-Three Current Plays. Host- ess: Mrs, 15j. E. Bean, 2200 Granville avenue, Chicago. Chairman: Mrs. G. S. .Anderson. April 2>-Modern Trend in Child Ed- uèation. Hostess: Mrs. Clark B. Kelsey, 800 Monticello avenue, Evanston. Chair- man : Ms. 1M. M. Veeder. May 1O-Current Literature. Hostess: Mrs. Norman Ingerle, 339 Laurel avenue, ]Highland- Park:* Chairman: Mrs W. W. Weld. May 24 -. Biography and Fiction. Hostess: Mrs. W. L. Turle, 188 Park avenue, Glencoe. Chairman: Mrs. F. 0. Brown. June 14-Final îarty at the home of Mrs. M. N. Veeder, 635 Maple avenue, Wi nnetka. - Miss Martha Springer, 724 Fore avenue, ieft for the east on Tues& of last wveek to resume her- studi at Columbia university. Presented -by BRAUN BROS.. Service Stations Wm~ 14EPPR IMME MD IU. $ skymmç. IM A-Ir l> WRIU4 ME51400V My NP." OFF' F0014D OUT ? I7 Wilmette, Braun Bros. Silver Flash Products Availabie at 1222 Central Avenue 1909 Lake Avenue &00 Greenbay Rond Phmone Wiimette $212 (Just west of RIdge) Phone Kenllworth 4776 Phone Wilmette 2575 Wiimette Avenue and Rtidge Rond (Souttiîenst Corner), IViI 540i) youre sure to be pesd North Evanston M1oderf Garage, 2532 W. Rallroad Avenue, Phoite Vnlversity &470 SILVER FLASH DRA&Ui D ROS.Service Stations 'est :Iav les --i_ SIZE 30x4.50-21 28x4.75-19 29x5.50»19 28x5.50-18 27x5.50-17 30x5.00-20 3lx6.50-19 32x6.00-20 PRtICE ... . . .$3.15 .. . . . .3.30 ... . . .4.00 ... . . .4.00 ... . . .3.60 .3.... .70 H. D....4.95 H. D.. 4.95 ALL OTHER SIZES ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD TIRES Full Line of Slightly Used Tires and Tubes In Ail Sizes Higli Pressure Balloon or Trucks TIRES $1.5 TUBES 3.5 C We carry one of plete stocks of and used tires Shore. the most coin- new, retreaded on the North VULCANIZING and RETREADING your old tiÜres. Gutr.anteed workmanship Our 10 years' .expeece ln. me- ,treadlng tres ha. eût down motorisîs' tire bis 80% E VAN SITON RUBBFIRCO.- INC. Tire Service in Rear 1007 Davis Street GREENLEAF 8788 Open 8 A. M. to 8 p. M. Sundayas 9A. N. t12 18Noon m. September 13, 1934 ýNEWLOW PINCES, RETIREADý TI1REfS* With the coming of winter Non-Skid Treads are essential to Safe Driving. Our New Low Prices Mean Tremendous Savings To You Standard Make Retreads HIGHEST QUALITY Absolutely Guaranteed 12,000 to 16,000 Miles