Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Sep 1934, p. 5

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September 13, 1934 WILMBTTE LIFE Phli S. Hanna to Give-Constitution Day A ddress Here (Continued front. page 1) Porter on. The Economist,. Chicago; financial assistant on the Chicago Tribune;- a country banik cashier and banik examiner. .N&tive.Illinoisau Mr. Hanna is a graduate of the University of Illinois, school of busi- ness administration. He is a native of Aurora, Iill, and a man of unusually broad financial experience. In recent months, Mr. Hanna has devoted much time to a discussion of present day problems of government and finance, appearing before execu- tives' clubs and other organizations of business interests. He is said to be a powerful speaker, with an un- doubted grasp of bis subjects, and is nuch in demand. Wilmette, says the committee, sbould flot neglect tbis opportunity to hear what Mr. Hanna bas to say of the constitution and present trends in govérnment. Invite U. S. Leaders Village President C. P. Dubbs is expected to he present and introdtice the gue$t speaker. The presidents of other north shore villages have been invited to attend as honorary guests. as have other notables of the- coin- mu n ty. The complete programi is as fol- ,Call to Order. Aýdvance Colors. Wilmette Post No. 46, American Legion. Invocation.......... Rev. J. A. Neuman Introductory remarks .CmadrD. J. L. Walther, general chairnian Company Slnglng .... Wmi. Baibatchet, leader Introduction of Speaker-Presiden.t C. P. Dubbs Address.,......... Hon. Phil. S. Hanna Solo, "Star Spangled Banner,"........ Mrs. Robert R. Fontham iRetir~e Colors ... Wllmette Post No. '46, American Legion Beniediction ..ev. John G. ]Hindley Thie general committee emphiasizes thue point that there will be no charge for admission. The programi will be- gin at 8 o'ciock. Doors open at 7 :30. 'RESUMES PIANO TEACHING Miss Berenice Viole hâs returned from a several weeks' vacation spent in Leland, Mich., and Lafayette, Ind., and is restiming hier teaching of piano this week both at the American Con- servatory in Chicago and privately ini lier studio at .114 Third street. Three of bier latest teaching pieces for piano, "Pirate Caves," "Rastus and His Banjo," and "The Russian Danicer," were brought out a week ago by a New York publisher and are already proving popular. REOPENS STUDIO Miss Editb Ray Young resuines lier falli terni of piano classes Satur- day at hier, studio at 1133 Central avenue. Miss Young spent several weeks in August visiting friends in Fond du Lac, Wis., and in La Porte. Ind. This past week-end, she enter-, tained Mrs. Giles O'Dell of La Porte ,%lîIo came to see the Fair. A ECONOMY SHOP NEEDS' With the' openingof school Economy Shop has had calls, for almost every article of clothing worn by school children. 'Sboes, stockings, socks, raincoat s, sweat- ers,. boys' suits, 'caps. Cbiidren often outgrow before they outwear their clotbing, so iEconomy Shop feels that there is à chance of these fneeds being supplied f rom the outgrown garments of more fortunate children. The sbop is grateful for wbatever you can spare. -Mrs. A. L. Grinneil, chairman. Methodist Pastor Resi*gns; Will Go to Cleveland, O. The Rev. Oscar Thomas- Oison, pastor of the Wilmette Parish Meth- odist church, last Sunday announced bis resignation fromn the local churcb and his acceptance of a call to the Epworth-Euciid Methodist church of Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Oison will take over bis new duties in October, continuing to serve the Wilmette parisb untii bis appointment to the new charge at the annual Methodist coniference early next month. For the past two years Dr. Oison lias been pastor of the Wilmette church. He came here from the Mt. 'Vernon Place Methodist church at Baltimore, Md., to succeed Dr. Horace G. Smith, now çresident of Garrett Biblicai institute, Evanston: The Cleveland churcb to whicb Dr. Oison hlas beeni called is the leading Methodist church in the Obio city, as well as one of the largest in the entire 'Methodist denomination. When Dr. Oison goes to Cleveland lie will take with him his family,, in- cluding Mrs. Oison, three sons, Walter Theodore and John Frederick, students at.New Trier High school, and Robert Paul, one montb old, and Dr. Olsoni's father, O. W. Oison. OPEN SCHOOL SEPT. 19 The Demonstration School of the National Coliege of Education opens for its ninth year Wednesday, Sep- tember 19. For the first three days school will be in session for the morning period only. On Monday, September 24, the schooi wili con- vene for the full day session. Texaco Service No Man's Land Wilmette 539 NNOUNCING BowI regularly for your Iîealth's sake on our A- 1 ALLEYS WHICH HAVE BEEN RESUR- FACED and pu+ in first class condition. Corne in today! Junior Chess, -Garden Club Meets nt Beach The. Junior Chess and Garden club wil continue holding its meetings at the beach on, Wednesday afternoons after school and on Saturday after. noons whenever the weatber is favor- able. The club is selling flowers picked at the waterworks grounds and is also selling garden objects it has made, This is being done to pay for the chess board the club uses. Persons interested in- >oining the club bave been invited to cali Ellen Jones, Wil- mette 4421. KAI Ideali Ladies4 recreation, for end Gentlemen WE SERVE ONLY HOMÈ COOKED FOODS Table and Conel Service - Plate Lunches JEFFERSON GRILL - -and WILMETTE BOWLING ALLEYS BROWN BLDG. 1~I159 Wilmnette Ave. WiImefte 5362- about aur Lovel:y Fail Clothes in. the Newest Shades and Fabrics There's many a, brighf' id.. in our new Fail collection. To oufin. the.-trend ls to underscore simplicify . . . The simpicity 17.0of elegiance and $95 $1 -0 good faste. I Ko>te Attractive knit things in a variety of styles and prices. ICAMPUS CLOTHES from. $7'.50 Handkerchiefs Gloves Handbags Foundation Garments ni'-Xx,ýe YncÀ 4ý A new sho> to serve you with electrical apphance8 and equipment lighting fixturesà-vacuum cleaners wiring-repafring WILHLTTIf LLECIRIC SHOP Formerly Randlev's AY4NOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Hector Dodds ýof. 720 Prairie* avenue, announc e the birth of a son weighing eightý pounds, at the Evanston bospital Saturday., ýSeptemnber & They have, named the baby Richard. Lee. BERENICE VIOLE Teacher and Pianist Studio: 114 Third St. Phone Wilanctte 82-J WILMETTE LIPE September 1.3, 1934 Phone Wihnetie 214 1165 Wilmette Avenue

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