September 2,13 WILMETTR LIFE Want-Adsoffer anxious prospect for October lt HELP WANTElD--FENALE DOMESTIC'HELP EXP. AND WEL.L RECCOMMENDED 1Good OPenings at Once Lindgren Empi. Agency Eetabliebed 25 years 799 Elm St. Winn. 1047 71LTN19-tfec Couples, Maide and 2nd Maida. Experienced. With good references. .. Calln Person Only. CARLSON EMPL. AGCY. 804 Elm St. Winnetka 3328 71LTN2-ltc WHITE MAID UNDER 30. GENERAL work in family of 3 adulte. Must be very, neat and good cook. No washing. Boom and bath on lst floor, Good wages. N. S. references required. Win- netka 2030. 7ILTN2-ltc COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANTED) with cood referencea. Apply ln permon. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVWICE 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251 7ILTN13-tfc WANTED-GERMAN GIRL FOR GEN- çral housework. Experienced, with good references. Ph. Giencoe 1378. 7lL20-ltp WANTED - LAUNDRESS, WHITE, for Monday. Permanent. Must be thorougbiy experienced. Phone Win- netka 1379. 71L20-ltp WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HOUSE- work. 2 aduits and,2 emaîl children. $7 week. Phone Winnetka 3372 he- tween 3 and 5 p.wi.. 71LTN20ltc WHITE MAID FOR GEN., HSWK. 3 in famuily, go home nights. $5.a week. No laundry. Phone Wilmette 2220. 71LTN2-ltp EXPER. PROTESTANT WHITE GIRL under 30 years. Gen. housework. Good plain cook. 4 adulte. Refe. Phone Wil- mette 1129. 71LTN2-ltp WANTED - EXPERIENCED LAUND- reýs.- Cail for and deliver 'wash, for fanîily of 4 Phone Glencoe 897. _____ ______71LTN2-tp WANTED - YOUNG WOMAN FOR light housework morninge only, 2% hours a day. Ph. Wilmette 3614. 71LTN2-ltc WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. 2 adulte and child. Refemences. Phone Wilmette 1183. 71LTN2-ltp WHITE GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. No laundry. 4 in family. Phone Wilmette 3993. 71LTN20-1te WANTED-GIRL FOR. GENERAL housework and cooking. Good home. Ph. Keniworth *4766. 71L20-ltp WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework* 2 adults. $6 weekly. Winnetka 1668. . 71L20-Itp ___HELP WANTED-MALE I HAVE AN OLD ESTABLISHED RE- tail businesln Winnetka. A few yeare ago it was mont profitable, but likeother businesees lt bas been bard bit during the last three years. Iwant a man willing to learn the bueines putting in long hours and worklng bardà -a man, who will work for a nominal salary and a future Interest in the busi- nes. This ie not a white collar job, but a good chance for a man wbo le willing to work. Write A-182, Box 40, Wil- mette, 111. 72LTN20-ltp AUTO SALESMAN, DODGE AND Plymouth, acquainted north shore. Muet have own car. Good commission. Houeehold utiity man might qualify. Write A-179, Box 40, Wilniette, 111. 72LTN20-1tc HELP WANTED-MALEC AND FEMUALE WE CAN USE ALL THE DOMESTIC belp we can get, Good salaries. S-H-A-Y Employment Agency 14 W. Washington St. Central 9800 109 E. Oak St. Superior 6608 73LTS20-lte OLD ESTABLISHED, REAL ESTATE firm bas opening for saleeman or salcswoman, expeienced ln North Shore property. Write A-177, Box 40, Wil- mette, 111. 73L20-ltp FOR SALE-AUTOS pou SALE-AUTOS TREMENDOUS Price Cut COMPLETE USED CAR STOCK 40 USED CARS FROM $25 to $500 You've neyer had a bettem opportunity to buy a used car. LOOK AT" THESE PRICES 193'Chev. Cou pe $225 1932 Chev. Coach ... 1930 Ford Rdstr ........... 1929 Dodge D A Sedan.. 1933 Plymouth D A Cabr. 1929 7-Pass. LaSalle ç;ed«in .335 ... 125 North Shore Chevrolet Sales, Ine. 611 Main St. Wilmette 4411 WILMETTE 77LTN20-1 te -FORRENT-RO-OMS P L E AS A N T FURNISHED- P00'M, newly decorated,' ail conveniences. Convenient to Elm St., Winnetka, sta- tions. Phone Winnetka 415. ____________ ___ SLTN2-ltp ROOM FURNISHED FOR BUSINESS woman or teacher. 1 blk., froni "L". South exposure. Breakfast, privileges. Write A-181, Box 40, Wilmette, Ill. 82LTN20-ltp Il BOOMS. ONE, LARGE, WITH DOU- bIs bcd; other single. Business people prefermed. 529 EIder lane, Winnetka 258. 82L20ltp ROOM IN COMFORTABLE HOME IN East Wilmette, witb or without piv- ate bath, near transp. Phone Wil- mette 1436. 82LTN20-ltc COMFORTABLE PLACE TO LIVE, for pleasant people. Phone Winnet- ka 1525. 82LTN20-ltp SUNNY, CLEAN ROOMS. ONE FRONT. Botb large, sultable for 1 or 2. Cook- lng privileges. Winnetka 2669. 92LTN20-ltp ON6E PLEASANT BEDROOM, 1% blocks from traneportation, 720 'Elni St., 3rd floor, Winnetka. Phone Wir!n. 2480. 82L20-ltp ATTRACTIVE ]PURNISHED ROOM .includinig fireplace and lav. Central location. Phono Wilmette 2399 or 2427. 82LTN18-4tp FRONT ROOM, PLEASANTNEL decorated close- to trànsp. 1117 Green- leaf Ave. Phone Wilniette 3918. 82LTN20-ltp PLEASAýNT SLEEPING ROOM $2.50 a week. Private home, east side, near transp. 1009 Oakwood Avenue.- Wil- mette 824-J. 82LTN20-ltp 3 BEDRMS. HOME PRIV. WOMEN r-amqnr nQÉ 1 Inelci 1930 Studebakier sedan, $275 or couple. Tei. rane a. 1 Dio5cA. Pacardsean Esexcoah. North hore line. Phono Glencoe 569. Packrd sdan Essx coch.82LTN20-lte Studebaker sedan, 4 paso. Packard coupe, $25 ROOM LARGE ENOUGH FOR 1 OR 2. Dodge sedan, runs well, $20 . Neai' tansp. 666 Bluff St., Phono NEW TRIER MOTOR SALES Glencoe 1436. 82L20.ltp Autborized Dodge and Plymouth Dealers PLEASANT W E L L FURNISHED 664 Center St., Winnetka roonis. Near Hubbard Woods. Phono 77LTN20-lte Winnetka 156. 82L20-ltp FOR RENT-oooms FURNISHED, ROOM WITH LIGHT housekeeping privileges. Close tô. transportation ln Glencoe. Reasonable. Phone Glencoe 1612 after 6 p.m. 82LT20-ltp LARGE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM suitabie for 1 or 2. Light housekeeping if desired. Ph. Wimette 3206. ROOM FOR RENT NEA&R TRANS- portation and business section. Gentle- man preferred. Ph. Wilmette 4989. 82LTN2-ltp FURN. ROOM 'WITH HEATED SUN room suitable for light bousekeeping. Conv. to North Western & North Shore trains. Ph. Wilmette 1565. 82LTN20-ltp WELL FURNISH-ED B ED ROO M ; near transportation. Phone Wilmette 3801 evenings. ___ __82LTN20-ltc NICELY FURNISHED ROOM SUIT-1 able for 1 or 2. Home privileges. Near Trans. Phone Glencoe 976. 82LT20-ltp ROOM FOR RENT. BiOARD IF DE- sired. 15Z6 Centrai Ave., *Wil. Phone Wiimette 4944. 82LTN2-Itp1 BOARD AND *OON offers you clean, hornelike roonîs,, suites with bath. Excellent nîeals. iteabon- able. 315 Cumnor Rd., Kenilworth 54!)1. 86LTN20-ltu ATT1RACTIVE RM. FOR TWO. EX- cellent meals. Private family. Near transportation. Reasonable. Phone Wil- mette 2117. ý86LTN20-ltp FOR RENT-APARTMENTrS WILMETTE S Most Beautiful Building THE LINDEN CREST Sec our Desirable 2-3-4 rooni apartment homes Kroll & Smith, Agente 424 Linden Avenue Wilmette 500 92LTN19-tf'. A BRIGHT, SUNNY, 4 ROOM APAUT- mient with cross ventilation, New»> decorated. Price reasonable. Phone Wil- mette 500. Linden Crest Building, 42- Linden Ave., Wilmette. KROLL & SMITIH, Agents 92LTN19-tfc HUBBÂRD WOODS 4-5 Boom apartments; tii.bath,, me- f rig., roll-a-way bed. Reas. prices. FRANK A. "EID 954 Linden, Hubbard Woods Winn..1300 92LTN6-tit OUR LASI 2-ROO.M APT. WITH KITCHENETTE, VESTIBULE and bath, on SpanishCourt, No Man's Land. $36. SPANISH COURT PROPERTIES 930 Spanieb Court Wilmette 432 LGE. STUDIO, REAL FIREPLACE, higb ceiling, many bookcases, Indor- bed. Ige. bdrm., kitchen, bath, garden. Ht., light, gas inci. $70. 513 Oakdale Ave., Chi. Phone Buckingham 0076. 92LTN2-ltp 6 M EATED FLAT, NEWLifuaic oated. Near tranlsportation. $45. C. H. BRETHOLD Wil. 65 92LTNý.0-ltp VFIRY ATTRACTIVE UNFURNISHEN) apartment, 2 or 3 rooms. Humphre Bldg.. Winnetka. Msoo weil located office. Phono Winnetka 97 or WInnetka 3328. 92LTN4-tfe ATTRACTIVE .5 RM. APT. IN BRICK garage, furn. or unfurn. Ileat and hot water. Space for 1 car. In country wcst of Winnetka. Glencoe 1483. ____________________ 2LTN20-ltp 4 NICE ROOMS AND BATH,4 hcated; ecreened.porch and garage., $37. 515 Oakdale Ave. Ph. Glencoe 1776. 92L20-1t 016E-ROOM APARTMENT IN 34OD- cmn, up-to-date building In Winnetka. EBec. refrig. Phone Winnetka 407. 92LTN20-ltp FOUR BOOM APARTMENT, 545 Chestnut Street. Phone Winnetka 3309. 92LTN20-ltp 5 ROOM APARTAIENT WITH HTEAT. Newly decorated. 1008 Oakwood Ave., Wilmette. 92LTN20-tfc AI'ATMENT S UI TA B LE FOR 3. North front. Near tansp. Apply Win- netka 7 or 1757. 92LTN20-ltc 4 RM. PLAT, BATH, H. W. HEAT, let floor. Ph. Wilmette 3687. S92LTN20-ltc. FOR: MaE-FrUumieHDApTU. MODERN 1 TO 4 ROOM FUBNTSRED or unfurn. apartment, newly deo- orated. Central location. Rea».xabe. Phono Wilmette 2399 or 2427. 1. 9SLTN18-4tp 3 ROOM FURNISHED FLAT FOR 2 adulte. No, chlldren. Private bath, priVate entrance, garage. $30 month. Pb. Wilmette 707-R. 93LTN19-Ztp w^NTrED TO RENT-APARTMENTS WANTED-4-ROOM APT. EITHER IN apt. building or duplex. Quietnes essential. 2 adulte. Will pay $35 to $40. Write A-183, Box 40, Wllmette, 111. 94LTN20-ltp HOUSES TO SHARE W1LL SHARE LOVELY HOME WITH large yard, between Horace Mann and Skokie; with kitchen privileges. Or rooni and board. Winnetka 1902. 96L20-ltp A WIDOW WOULD LIKE CONGENIAL lady to share her smail home. Miso heate d garage to rent. References ex- cha nged. Phone Wilmette 4046. 96LTN20-îtp FOR RENT--HOUSES 10 rnis., 3 bs., slpg. pcb., exci. loc.. $150 10 rms., 3 bs., slpg. pcb.. 2. c. g.. 125 7 rnis., 2 bs., HWH (o11), 2 c. g... 100 8 rnis., 2 bs., HWH. 2 c. g.... 80 6 rnis., 1 b., HWH (oi1), 1 c. g. 75 6 rnis., 2 bs., HWH, 1 c. . 70 7 rnis., 2 bs., HWH, slp.'pcb.. 2 c. g. 65 5 rnis., 1 b., (bung) sun pch., 2 c. g. 50 Apartments-Nice garage apartment. 3 rnis., price in. heat, gas, elec., cook stove, eiec. refrig.. $45. Adults prefer- red. Other good values, furnished and un- furnished, al sizes. -B. H. BARNETTý .526 Center St. Winnetka 965 97LTN20-1 te OCTOBER lST RENTAeLS Evanston- 2 bedroonis, 1 bath ...,$ 55 4 bedroonis, 2 bath. . 90 4 bedrooms, 3 baths 100 Wilnîette 3 : bedrooms, 1 bath ..$ 75 4 bedroonis, 1 bath 100 5 bedrooms, 2 baths 75 Kenilworth-3 bedrooms, 2 baths. .$110 4 bedroonis, 1 bath .,90 Winnetka- 4 bedroonis, 2 baths .$100 5 bedroonis, 3 baths . 175 THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 Davis St., Evanston C reenleaf 1166 Wilmette 3740 97LTN20-ltc ATTRACTIVE RENTALS S. B. WINNETKÂ 6 rrh brick on private street, 2 bath., 011 heat, open to offers . .$126' Red Brick Col. 7 rnis., 2 bMn., ohl ht. 125 NR. HUBRARD WOODS SCHOOL 9 rm. Colonial, 4 baths, oil ht.. on enclosed % acre .................. 150 Red Brick Col. 7 rnis., 2 baths, offer 125 NR. SKOKIE SCHOOL Brick, 6 large roonis, tile -bath...... i0 White Brick, 6 rnis., 2 bath., oul ht. 75 HILL -& -STONE- 543 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. 1544 97L20-1tp AVAIABLENOW FOR~ RENT AN English stone home on a lot 233x100. The first floor consista of library, -liv- ing room, dining rooni, brkfet. rooi,, kitchen, screened porch and extra lav. There. are also three lire places. The second floor, 2 baths, 3 master bedrme. and maid's rooni and bath. The boat te bot air. Tbe 2-car garage la at- tached and heated. Price $125 a month. The Bille Realty Inc., 718 Vernon Ave. Phone Glen. 777. 97LTN20-ltce GLENCOE English honie, stone & stucco ln, Eat locatiôn, neartransportation; 6 bed- ons, 2 baths, oil heat. $125.ý Wite brick, 4 bdirms., 3 baths, screened porcb, olI beat. $115. Cape Cod colonial,. 3 bdrms., .2 baths, screened porch, vapor heat. $80. ANN MORELAND 663 Vérnon Ave. Glencoe 305 97ILTN20-1tc 'Esta te, 8 bedrnis., 4 ba., 2-yr. lease. .$300 Overlooking laite, 6 bedrms., 3 bs., 2-yr. lease ..........$0 Compact new home, 4 àer -,3 e 16 ExcI. lbe., Eng., 4 bedrmns., 3 be. $115 English bouse, ,4 bedrme., 2 b ...$85 Other bouses $50 to $100. GYRACE E. GRANT 37Park Ave. Glencoe 844 97LTN20-lte MODERN BRICK HOME, 4 BEDRMS., 2 baths, 011 beat. Fine location. At- tached garage. Sereen porch. $115.00. Benj. E. (Qage & Associates, 564 Conter Street, wlnnetka. Ph. Winn. 564-1977. 97LTN'20-1tc w 1