Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1934, p. 48

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WILMETTR -LIFE September 20, 1934 Attractive Rentais E1>'ANSTON 3ý bdrms. 'sîînrM., 814~g.. poi'ch, 2-car gar.......... .......$9 KENTLWORTH 6> rms., 2% ba., nmodern, at- trÈictive, 2-car gar ........15 WILMETTE Lovely Spanish home, 9 ris,3 baths. 1000 Chestnut St. $250, make offer WINNETKA 10-rm. brick, ý6 hdrmns., 3 lîaths, nr. school.............. . $175 GLENCOE. 8 rnis., 3 batlis. hangings ini- ciuded. Near lake. Perfeet in ail detail ... . . -. .._ $175 6 rms., 2 baths, 3 bdrns.. $85 MIGHLAND PARK 2368 N. Deere P'ark Drive, 6 bdrms., 5 baths........... $175 6 rms., 3 bdrms., ou lit., near schools..................$75 A14SO MANY OTHERS ALL SIZES AND PRICES OPEN EVENINGS BAIRD & WARNER, hIc. LEADERSHIP SINCE 1855 522 Davis Street, Evanston iGreenleaf 1855 Holiycourt 1855 523 Park Drive, Kenilworth Kenilworth 4785 Rogers Park 6151 346 Park Avenue. Glencoe Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 97LTN-ltc FO(.R 0(1101) IE TO lIENT SEE R. M. Johniston & Co. 6 rmn. home, oil hI.. fne%% eleut lit. efri- Decorate to suit tenant. $6:1 Convenient 4 bedrm. lionie. , t $65 Recently remocîeled 7r.humne, ,îewly decorated . . -- .. s74;- 8rmi., 2 bath home on 75 ft., wooded corner . . . $100 7rmi. brick, 2 baths, ex. lav. Canvassed walls, tule kitchen, <>11 ht..... $115 R. M. JOHNST'ON -& CO., 1140 Linden Ave. MWîlmette 414' NEAR LAKE-$100 BLOCK FROM LAKE, A MODERIN charming lise. 8 rnis., 3 1/ baths, sun and slpg. pchs., 2 car gar. A beaut. 1/ acre lot. 'Very Ige. liv. rmn., with big fireplace. Just eut to $100. Nirs. Fuller & \Vîu. IPickard 746 Elmi St. Winnetka 3603 97L20-ltp $75 fo6rE._Kenîiworthi house-640 Ab- bottsford Road: 6 rins., enclosed porch, 3 bdrms.' 1 bath, oil beat, eler. refrig. and. stove; gair. $100.. E. Winnetka, 146 Woiodland Ave. Red brick, 4 bdr-ms., 2 baths, (>11 heat, 2-car gar. KENILWORTH REALTY CO. 1450 'Sheridan Rd. Wilmette 966 No Mans Land 97LTN20- lti HIGHLAIND PARK 8 room brick bouse, 5 bedrmns., 2 baths and lavatory. 2-car heated garage. 2 blocks from Northi Western and Shiore Line, also 2 blocks froru lake and North Shore Country Club. In excellent vondi- tion. Availabie for oucuî>ancy at once. THE CHICAGO REALTY MANAGEMENT CORP. 120 South LaSaile Street EAST WINNMET A $100 Colonial-S h edrms., 3%baths, btd. sun pch., slpg. pcb., oil heat, att. gar., %vooded lot. Or w iii 9el1 for $16,000. HIiINSEN RE-ALTY CO. 660 Center (W R.R.Ave.) Winn. 2;-) q-7LTN20-1ti) BLOOK FROM LAKE. 8 ROORMS, 3%, battis. 'Modern and charnîîng. Sun :tnd 1 pg. pchs., 2-car, gar. A beautiful 1- -acre lot. Very large living mi. withi hugefireplace. .Iust cut to $100. Coir- iblete list %G5 and up. MIlS. F'LLER-P ~(W.PICKARI). Winîietka 3603. .7L1'N20-1( FOR RENT OR SALE-BY OWNER: new 5 room residence in Ravia; 2, blocks from station; ail modern con- veniences. Hot water heat, plaster basement ceiling. fireplace, til. bath.* 1721 Broadview <Ave. Inqtuire in garage. ________________971,20-1t]) BEAUTIFUT. HOUSE, 4 BEDIIMS.. 2 baths, brkfst. rm., scr. porcb, att. gar., oil hit, elec. refrig. $115-. Vll selI at reas. figure. COMFORTABLE 6 RM. VISE. GAR. $45r. Other good values. Mrs. Lang Winnetka 1194 97LTN20-1tc* 6-Ï11. HOUSE IN-W-ILME'TT'IE.BT, lavato.y. 2-car garage. Large lot. Rent $55. Uni. 6114. 97LTIN2-ltc Franklin 0353 _____ ______________ 17LTN20-1Itc- 6 R. HUSE-H.W. HEAT. IN WIL- ryu.tte, flear schools. $35 nîonth. Phone UJniversity 9212 or Wilmette 2960. 97LTN20-l te wE STII. HAVE. A NUMBER 0O' houses foir rent In EvanstOn andWil- mette from $45 and up.. SHORE TOWNS REALTY Mr. Flood, Wilffnette 608 1619 Sherm-an Ave. Greenleaf 2700 97LTrN20-lte E. SIDE WILMETTE,< RM. HOME IN excellent condition. Newly decorated. H. W. ht., sunrmn., ht'd. attached gar. Near tchls. and transp. Furn. or unfurn. Reas. rentaI. Phone owner, Wilmette 638. 97LTN20-ltp 6 ROOM HOUSE. MAID'S QUARTERS on 3rd floor. Oil heat. Elée. refrig. Range. .2-car garage. Large yard. Near transp. anid schools. Very reason- able to reliable party. Winnetka 2752 or 788. ____ 97L20-ltp COLONIAL TYPE. 6 LARGE ROOMS. 1 %~ baths. 2-car gar. Completely redec. throughout. Very desirable, and priced rigbt.' NANCY LEVINSON WINNETKA 269 97L20-1 tp SRI.HOUS II GARIAGE. (1001 transp. Hot water lîcat. $60. C. H. BRETHOLD, Wil. 65 !f71,'N20-1 tp A TTRlAC(TIVE 6- R 00M - E N G L I SH cottage in Glencoe.,,woo<Ied lot, rock garden. H. W. heat. Conv. t tor schis. and transi>. For app't phone Winnetka 2067. 97LTN20-ltp S. 'E. -WINNETKA. WONDERFL studio liv. ri., oil heat, 2-car garage. Nr. lake and schools. 176 Fuller Lane, Wiunetka 1048. 97LTN20-ltp h h oi NEAR SCHOOL & TRANSP. 7 RM. bouse, h. w. heat, 011. Garage. $65. Key at 877 Elm St., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1689. - 97L20-Itp FOR RENT-FURNIUHED HOUSES NICELY FURNISHED- HOISE - 6 roomîs with beated porc h. South ,east Wîlniette, for 7 mîontbs. Retît $90o per nîonth. Photie Wilmette 5.07. 91ýT201t $ 75 Olt LIEST OFFELI, 12s"y. BuNO-G. ini E. Kenlworth, 2 Mblks. sch., transp.: i>1l lîcat, gar., ecé. refrig. ref. req. Kenilwortiî 1904. 98LTN20-ltp WANTED TO, RENT-FURN. HOUSES lA RT~Y I)MS11ES WELL FRN --! r ni., 2-3 bath bouse in Künilworth "Ir Winîetk-t for school nionthis or year. J-as A-1 refs. Kenilworth 47.90. IOILTIN2O-1tc- FOR RENT-GARAGES (1»AGEFORI IENT1 Reasonable 1O2LTN20-1 (c FOR RENTr-STORES AND OFFICES_ STORE FOR TIENT ON OAK ST., Winnetka. Good locathon. Phone WViinetka 407. I O4LTN2O-1Itp) FOR SALE-KOUSES BUY THATI HOMNE nowî a- uIlîer irIse" liuyers are (bing. Titese repossessed houses, leîii fuily reuonditioned, ea le pur- ch!la--ed on a snîall down l)ayieilt and balance over i39i niiîbs. 717 EENLAi~'AVE.,WlL 'I' 6 rm. brick, 3 porches, oil heat. 299 VERNÇON AVE., GLENCOE' English brick. 10 roonîs, 31/ baths. Wooded lot. ,Nigbt relit. OP'EN FOR INSPECTION 3 TO 6 SUNDAY QUIN 'LAN & TrYSON, Inc. 1571 Shermani Ave., Ev. University 2600 L.E SS THAN REAL VALUIE SEVEN - ROOM FRENCH COLONIAL in best Lhncoihwood secthon. Four bedrooîiis (3 whli take twin beds>, 2 tule )athx, extra lavatory, breakfast room, ii bt., attached garage. 70x160 ft., land- scaped yard. Special price until Oct. .st. Cail Mr. Brown. lJHE 1BILE1S REýAI4TY, c. 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON- Greenleaf 1166 Wilmette 3740 111LTN2O1-ltc ONLY $1,000 DOWN - BALANCE 5 AS rent. Beautiful Spanish home ith red tule roof on wooded corner with attached garage. Extra large livi ng room wlth arched opening to sun room (tile floor). Three bedrooms, 2 tule baths, large enciosed sleeping porch. The price of $12,500 is less than the former mortgage. The Bis Reaity Ine., 718 Vernon Ave., Glencoe 777 ask for Mr. Peistor. 111LTN20-ltc MODERN 7-RM. HOME OFFERED BY mortgage holder arnong fine homes in Kenilworth. $16,000.- F.Wanner, State 5111 or Kenklworth 5111. 11ILTN20-ltp THE HOMEý SEEVKER We, OFFER A NEW SERVICE Here we tell you of a genuine home buy. This is one of 64 fine North Shore properties we are showing this week 1 n Our Photo-Tour of Homes- Ail 64 are 4 bedroom bouses ini the same price range. On a quiet, naturaiiy beauti- fui street in Glenene sets an ideal 8 room brick-timbered English Colonial home. 4 bed roonîs, 2 baths and sbowers. Extra lavatory, attacbed ga- rage. Hot Water-Oil heat. At $169000, this is well îriced. These homies are located in Winnetka and Glencoe, but it will be unneces- sary for you to drive around to see theni.. We pr<ject views of theni for you in our Photo-Tour rooni, wbile youu go <iver them In comfort. 841 Elin St. Phone .3250 WI.ZNETKA O)pen Week 1)ays 9 to 9. 111 LTN2O- 1ic NEW OFFERJNG Wl NNETKA ~WNR-BILT BRICK COLONIAL. Quite new, in beautîful section with iiagni ficý and sp)achou-s lawis. A very conîplete home withb lasement recreation rooni. La rge fi 's t tlooî rooms witli sun paîrlur, sereened livIing pourch and lavatory . - bedrnis., 3batîs anîd 2 sleeping porches on secuond fluini. iaster Iedro(bni.withi flr'pl:oce and l2 dressing roonis. Anotheiý bedro> i finish- cd as library, witl irfiilave. 2 loed- r(oons and bath on third floor. Oil loi, lîoth lieating and duinestic n-ater. At- tractively priced .at $42,500. QUINLAN & TYSON, 1hic. 157 Siermn AvejEvansti n Cii i. 2f64h A CHALLENGE! 'lO 11H1E CLOSE UYRWIIU I.,- been waiting foi- several years for- the4 one 1big <plortulity ive iart icularly address tbis ad. Iin our experine wu have never IbId vaolue as rtei na rîk:îhie as the miodern brick C olonil honte Nw. can now offer aI a fraction of its Original investruent. 8 spacinus roonis. 2 baths, canvassed ivalis, ioca tion nea r lake and "I..*' Full particulars tipon reîîue. SMART & GOLEE, Inc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS .1564 Sbermiai Ave. University 021,:1 i1l -iiN2i-ltc DANDY ENGLISH BRICK HOME IN restricted neigbborbood.. Large living room, with limestone fireplace, good slzed dining*room, tule kitchen, 4 bed- roonîs, 2 baths, large open deck.recrea- thon rooin, H. water oil heat, 2-car ga- rage. Price $16,000. The Bis Realty Inc., 718 Vernon Ave. Phone Gien. 777, ask for Mr. McLaughlln. 111LTN2-tc- OWNER MUST SELL I3ARRINGTON C. C. DISTRICT. 10- acre raliing, wooded estate -perfect blouse, lexs tban five years& old, set back from concrete highway, wlth 8 rnoms, 31 baths, 2 porches, 3-car garage. Less Ihap $25,000. Benj. E. Gage &' Asso- ciates, 564 Center Street, Wlnnetka. Phone Winnetka 564. 111LTN20-tc HOME YOU'VE B3EEN LOOKENG for. 6 bedThis., 2 baths. Wonderfui lot. Conv. to 'scbools, churches and transp. Finest East loc. Prlced at $15,000. Cali Mr. Wray, Wi..1927 or HOKANSON & JENKS, Inc. .. 513 Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1617 il 1LTN2O-l tc- WONDERFUL INVESTMEN'l - $6,2501, solidi, 7 rm. bouse, H. W. bt., oil, gar.. big lot. Near Winnetka depot. Migbt rent. Key 'at 877 Elm St. Tel. Win- neîka 1689. IIILTN2O-1tip MODERN 7-RM. HOME OFFERED -BY mortgagor ln best section In E. Glen- coe. F. Wanner, State 5111 or Renil- worth 5111. lllLTN20-ltp FOR MUtLb-HOUSEU North Shore BEST VALUES Priced to Seli-12 Pt Caps and lc cent. EVANSTON Orrington district, attractive 8 rifle., 2 baths, ohl ht., Must b. soid. KENILWORTH Charmning English home, 9 Ige. rmns., 3 baths, buhît in 1931. Priced below reproduction eost. Wl NNETKA Indian Hill, 6-room Colonial, wooded grounds, weil landscaped. Priced to seli. HAIGFlAND PARK 2 368 N. Deere Park Drive, 6 bdrmns., 5 baths. Make offer. ALSO MANY OTHERS ALL SIZES & PRICES OPEN EVENINGS BAIRD & \VARNER. Inc. LEADERSHIP SINCE 1855 522 D)avis Street, Evanston Greenleaf 1855 Hollycourt 1855 543 Park Drive, Keniiworth Kenlworth 4785. Rogers Park 6151 346 Park Avenue, Giencoe (<flencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 1i LTN2O0-ltc MOST UNUSUAL FRENCH HOME if you.are, looklng for a distinctiy individual home that is as charming as it is livabie then you should see 1034 RAMONA ROAD) WILMETTE in the lncIi;n 1H11 Estates. Tweive rooms, 5 baths, recreation room, screened porch and open sun deck, 2-car attached garage, beautiful lawn l00x173 ft. Owner'ieaving (ity says sil way blo<w cost-$35,000. Shown hby app>oint- nient. Cali Mr~. serrin. TlHE 13L14,S R AI'F . c 529 Da);jvis St., anto SAYS ~L"AN[D iLGIVE S~~ ions i<nsieration to any offer witlî the slightest shrefd of rea- niost attr. charniing lise., of 8 nus., slî>g. 1)(h., 3 baths, oil ht., 2Cr gar. On a large lot witli lîeaut. trees, nr. lake, in Win- netka's lest io<. Weil finance(] with 51/-! î ntge., itot due for tlilany ils. lhe (haince of alife tinie. I nf(ýqation at our office. M\rs.i Fuller& 746 Elm St. WilT Pickard( Winnetka 3603 111L20ltp $10,500 7 rm. frame, ext. lav. lst fi., 2-car gar., 75-4t., well wooded lot, nr. scbî. & transi). MILTON REID & CO. 601 Lake Ave. Whîmette 771 IlLTN2O-1tc and nîcans it. .Mio ulrru, ni 'Si Ilr: ii vi- arffl ( am;' hint. ef X uitSim~lis.,. l. pb,:1 hatlls, <eil ht., 2-car i- g r., om i gt.. bel with lbeaut. trees. Nta i i:î ke ini ix- eelieîit location. </ mtg. not due for neiny yersf<'a u'uto a yftî. Willi- netka 3603. 111LTN20-îîu 10-RM. MODERN HOUSE, 3M2 BATHIS: located in E. Kepiiw<îrth1 in choie section; fine, Iawn, gardens9. Price $32,000. Also other good values along Shore. Priced from $10,000 and up. F. 'Wanner, 19 Sn. LaKalie. State 5111 or' 1enINVorth 5111. I11LTN20-Itp DUTCH COLONIAL HOME. VERY large living rooni, sun porche and open porcb, 3 dandy bedrooms, large lot, 2-car garage. Price,310,000. The Bis Realty Inc., 718 Vernon Ave. GlIeneoe 777, ask for Mr. Lundquist. _______________ 11llTN2-ltc. KENIL>WORTH 9 ROOMS, 2 -CAR garage. Lot 75x175. Comfortable homie. Best neighbqrhood, near scbools, trans>. Price very jow for immediate rentai or sale. Phone owner, Keniiworth 2820. _______ lILTN20- 1tc STUCCO BUNGALOW- CORNER 50- foot lot, 3 bed rooms, sun porch, breakfast. porche 2 sleeping porches, garage. Price $6,500. The Bills Reaity, Inc., 718 Vernon Ave., Glen. 777. - 111LTN20-ltc

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