Sepembr <>,193 WLMETPL àPPjr CHORAL GROUF IN WINNET1KýA STARTS SEASON' Membership in North Shore Society Open, to Residents i Throughout Township By William Vos (Pri'sident. J'in.netka Choral.S'ociety) With two years of valuable ex-. perience behind it, the Winnetka Choral society begins its third sea- son \\ednesday evening, Septemiber 20. At 7 :45 o'clock on that date the first meeting of the season will be held at Winnetka Community House. A\ number of old menibers have ex- presse(I eagerness to begin the newv sea..on, and it is expected that the mnembership will turn out ini good force. It is the hope of the group, also, that a number of ne,%%-faces w~ill appear in each section of the chorus this- year. There are un- doubtedly a large niumber of people in the north shore vicinity . vho ,wotild find a season of study withi the society not only a delightful experi- ence but a profitable one. Additional knowledge of and appreciation for the type of music that the soc iety. studies is a cultural asset that wilI mnake life richer for al who acquire it. Dedicated to Good Music 'l'lie \Vinnietka Choral society is an Organization dedicated to extending the influence of good music. Its membership is composed of people xwho are seriously interested ini vocal nnitsc and who are wlling to study sûcb rmusic as the moctets of Byrd a nd Palestrina, nmadrigals of M orlev anxd XVeelkes, chorales of Bach, clioruses of Brahims and Franck, i,01, songs, and tîhe 'wvorks, of ac- cepted mod(er--erîi)osers. \Vlhen it iS tIii(lerstood. sncbl music interprets the (leeper emotions with a. powver ilbat nce other form of expressio iicai ecjual. The above ist of 1possib)le >e1ections froin musical literature is flot intended to be exhaustive, 'but, ratixer, to be suggestive of the type (tfnsic that the chorus studies. It gives a range of possiblities that as- sures the group a stirnulating varietv ot interesting niaterial. wvhile still retaîning a consistencV of character that perinits intensive stndv witliout a wide scattering of energy. Manyv of the selections challenge tl]e abil1ity oif the best singers iii the group. whdiIe, on the other hiand, the least expericilceci singers find ample oppor- tunity to sing with the success that is essential to grovth iii aIility and iniappreciation. Invité N. S. Residents .\1l residents of the north shore who are iinterestedin becoming meni- bers of the group are cordially ini- vited to be present. at the fix4st imeetL- ing tiext X\ednesday. While meni- berslîip will not be closed to those wvho want to enter later, still it is important that new -members enter as early ini the, season, as possible. Those whô enter later not.onîy lose va luable rehearsals the early part of thec season, but the absorb, nfew retruits tends to delay the wiork, of the whole society. With a stronig force of oîd memb;ers returning and with a number of new inembers for adde d strength. thi-s season should be one of outstanding a c hie vemen t. Robert 0. Berger, Jr., 306 Keniil- worth avenue, and Lawry Botthoff of 15<0 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, IefSaturday for [<Lawrenceville school. Robert left early for football i)ractice. I Younkg J. Lee McCorpnick. 3()8 Eider lane, Winpietka, lias ani lions to bcconwe a rancher in the iiot too far distanit futture, so he's .9ettfluj sonie training iii that gen- eral direction. Photo submnitted by H. IF.. J!eCoricik, 330 Greenleaf (fl'ltt('.i Wihuette. Rekindie Home Fires; 1Resuit: Fire Alarms Fire caused l)y a defective gas lieattq in the fireplace resulted in a blaze tliat (lamaged the F're(1 Prick- SOn] residence, 1213 Gregory' avenue, to the extent of about $150' Sunday inglit about Il o'clock. The fire wvorked its way ulp througli the parti- tions to the attic. Fire Cief Walter /iblu (:reports. The irenuen also made a run SSun- day miornîng about 10 o'clockwhen an oil burner in a residence at 1310 Niaple avenue J;verflow~ed and the oii ignited ini the pit. There wvas tic (lainiage. Tivo other runs %vere made 1wv the iremien in the week ending Tuesday, Septemiber 18. One wvas to extinguisli au, automobile blaze that resulted in iio damage at .841 Oakwood. avenue last 'Ihursday morning about 11:30 'Clock and the other to put out a fire ni a vacant building at Ridge and \\'imette avenues Saturdav night 'tl>out Il o'clock. HOME FROM EAST Mr. and1 Mrs. John P. Balîman, 1524 ElImwood avenue, and their sons, jack and Bob. returned September 4. from +lie Adirondacks, where Mrs. Bail- mani and the boys spent the summer. 1*tld Nr. Baîlman passed three weeks. The), wereý at Camp-of-the-Woods. '%ieculator. N.. Y. Mrs. John Steele f Gaît. Ontario, Canada, 'spent last wd'-ek with Mrs. B3ailman, who is ber SEND US A 'PICTURE If you have an unusual photo- graph of the baby-of children at play - of f atily pets - of individu- ais or groups - in commemoration of important events-of. local bis- toric value- of old-time residents or scenes- pass it along to Wit,- METTE LiiPe and if it is pub1isbed we will pay you one dollar and re- turn the picture in perfect condition. A New Siant on. Hats- A chorming dip half. con- ceals .one oye ...thon. sweeps upwards .. higher goos the. crown. creating interest with variod tucks and folds. They'ro werablo hats a nd extromoly good- Iooking. &T/ie /{at q3ox Gladys Delang 163 Wilmefte Avenue Dorothy Klunder Wilmette I1160 2SUN and WIND1l have had their turn .. fow it's Our turn We know you've been more interested in golf. tennis and swimming this summer than you have in keeping your hair in its usuel presentable state. 'We know, too, that you won't waste a minute in coming down to our salon for a completereju- venation of your wave witb our modern, expert SPECIAL Mon.-Tues. Shampo and mnethods. Waye. ..15c Cyrille B3eauty Sho p 417 Fourth Street Opposite L Terminal Phone Wilmette,4545 Effective At Once New cash adCarry CleaningPrice' on ail plain garmenis 7S c Insurunce'incladed' y' . 1152 Central Avenue, Wilxnette Wilunette 32M 1723 Sherman Avenue, Evanston Greenleaf 7441j September 20, ý934', WILM'ETTEý LIPPI