WILMETTE LIFE Septernber 27, 1934 COLD rea4ly nouafl We. ba.ëagovefllmeut .letense te buy Ol1 d latinun and sîlver. Ne mýee %1o go elsewhere--we.wilI P&y 7011 lu cash or'traie for uew UM WalmtteAve. WiL t106 THOIMSDFCORATING -CM Painting and Decorating 1033 MAIN STREET Wilmette 2378 NU-CALK CAUCING COMPOUND *Net "ebeap" grade *CompIesB wltb Goverument. specllcatlons Mille. Hardware Co. IleisWlmette Ave. WiI. sain Finqer owder Beauty Culture in ail ifs Branches The next Infant Welfare *ciinit will be heid on Wednesday, October 10, at the Wilmette Health ceiter, 1901 Schiller street, from 2 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The clinic is miain- tandfor the purpose of keeping wel babies weil. The next chest clinic is ta be held on Monday, October 15, from 1 ta 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Dr. Julius Navak, medical directar of the Chica- go Tuberculosis institute,, wili be in charge. The Health Center is apen three days a week-Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday-fiom 10 a. m. ta 3 p. m. Mrs. Inez Bliss, R. N., the nurse in charge, is at the health center daily from 1 ta 2 p. m., except Saturd.ay and Sunday. Edith Ray Young's Pupils in Recital iThe second of a series af. three early fail recitals wvas given at the studio af Edith Rav Young Tuesdav nigbt at 7:30 o'clock. At the close of the program M iss Yaung played with ber teacher, Ce- cilia Ray Berry of De Paul university school of tmusic, the failowing num- bers far two pianos, "Concerta [D Major," first movement, by Mozart. and. "Menuet," by Sainit-Saens. Mrs. H. L. Geisse, Elaine and Harold, 536 Roslyn road, Kenilworth, recently returned fram a summer spent at Wausau, Wis. Mr. Geisse spent week-ends with tbem. Wau- sau was their home hefore tbey înoved ta Kenilworth. FIRST CHURCH 0F WILMETTE, ANNOU NCES Taililshorteslim or fuit, your figure has a line of fashion' whicb needs only the right foundafion to bring if out. Regardless of your sze or propor- tions there is a Bien Jolie foundaf ion correctly design.d and styied'for you. To smoo'h' you fo the confours of sma ftness which you musf have fo Wear fthe ne* frocks succ.ssfuily. Find your Fashion LUne, here-in a Bien Jolie corsette, girde or band- efte-fiffed properly fo your figure. $250 . 0 1161 Wilmette Avenue Wim.ffe 4406 BITTEN BY DOGS Topersans were hitteti h) dogs during the past week. but ini neither case did serious injurv resuit. As 'Mrs. Lily Stants. 914 Central a%-enue. was waiking on the sidlevalk Friday. she was bitten bv- a bulldog belonging ta J. 1. Marsh, 926 Lake. avenue. The attack occurred in front of thec Marsli home. 'Monday evening Constance Black. 4 vears aId, daughter of M-Nr. and M rs. Bernard S. Black. 2112 Beecbwood avenue, was hittenIx 1wa dog belanging ta Dr. H. E. Pi,îe. 2143 Beechwoad avenue. In each case tile dog was t aken to an animal hospital fo- ohservation. ON POLICE ýDUTY Falaowing recent examinatians to 611i vacancies on the police farce, C. C. Branscome, 1930 Birchwood, avenue, was appointed ta the de- partment, entering upon his duties Monday night. It is said that there is ta be aone more selection. flot yet decided upan. Week-'end Special 1 .Julia King's Assorted Chocolates. AQ i1 .b..........4Tue 8PANISH KANDY KUPBOARD 9 24 Spanish Court , lu Ne-Man's Lared Wilmette 5423 PROFESSOR HERMANN S. HERINGI 0F BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS C. S.B. Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scienti.st. in Boston, Massachusetts FRIDAY. EVENINGI OCTOBER 5,1934 AT 8 O'CLOCK IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE CENTRAL AVENUE AND TENTH. STREET. Thos. unfamiliar with Chistian Science May reserve seats by apiynga fe eding Room, 1 148 Central Avenue. Reserved seats, wil be held unfil 7:50 on t he evening of the lecture. THE fPUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND A. A A.A. . ~A ~A A.A. A. ~. A A.A. A A..A.ÀA.ÀL .~.~A A A FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE q IFuneral Services Held for Mrs. Helen Smith. Help Thwart r1hieves! Mrs. Helen Stone Smitb, 70 years CaiP ieWl270 oid, died last Saturday at the home Chlie f Brautigam Asks of bier' daughter,, Mrs. George R. Toien, 1i Crescent place, witb wbom Trhe,.recent' increasç in 'crimes by she had lived -in Wilmette for the petty prowlers, noticeable. along the past fourteen years. Mrs. Smith had north shore' has also manifested it- been iii for aimost a year. Shewas self in Wiimette, and Superintendent a member of the First Congregation- of Po lice Henry Brautigam is ap- ai churcb of Wilmette, and the Rev. peaiing for the cooperation of citi- John G. Hindiey, pastar of that zens in preventing its spread. As churcb, officiated at the funeral serv- the winter season approaches the ices, which were held Monday after- depredations of marauders is ex- noon at Scott's funeral home, 1118 pected as a matter of course, and Greenleaf avenue. Burial was at the desire of the department is ta Memorial Park cemetery. Besides the protect the property of citizen% daughter in Wilmettç, Mrs. Smith 's against tbese thieves. survived by a son, D. V. Smith. of Among other things,, Chief Brauti- Daytona Beach, Fia., and by three gain urges that the departmen t be granddaughters, ail cbiidren of Mrs. called immediateiy whenever a sus- Tolen. The granddaughters are, Mrs. piciaus circumstance is noted. He Richard Poblers of New York City, states that the police are ready and who came here for the funerai, and wiiling ta investigate every tip, even the Misses Aýlne and Beryl Talcu of if ninety-nine out of a bundred prove Wilmette. groundiess. Lt is better, he says, ta investigate ail than ta bave one suc- J. H. Armitage Family icessful robbery committed in the vil- lage. When you hear or observe any- oôving to Kenilworth thing that arouses your suspiciaus, Mr. ani Mrs. J. H. Armnitage and cali the Police at once-do flot their two daugbters, Mabel and Xlar.. delay! 'The telephone number is tha Jean, are moving this week fromn Wiimette 270o. New York City ta 535 Warwick road, If y ou see a stranger entering or Kenilworth, the former Mark W. loitering about the premises of a Creap ome MbelWil enerNew nleighbbo whose family is known ta Trier High school and Martlîa jean If yobsee aligthepinsce.nccpe will attend joseph Sears schoal. .Mr. fyusealgti uhuocpe Armitage cames as assistant district bouse or note that the window manager af S.' S. Kresge company. shades bhave been iowered, caîl tbe Martin L. Kresge of Wilmette, who police. Vour prompt action may previously had that position, is ow assist the police in apprehending a district manager of the Chica goj prowier. area. C. E. Holzwarth of Wilmnette, 1 In case of suspiciaus 'noise about former district manager. it; now gei- 'your own home, do not turn on a eral manager af the Detroit area. -light-just caîl Wiimette 2700, said He is also vie-reidn of the Krs Chief Brautigam, and tell tbe desk gecepresmeutres sergeant your name and address and ge ampny.aIl the circumstances. the police zwill'be on the job at once. ISuch coopération, Chief Brautigam Icontinued, may resuit in saving your CHRIST, SCIENTIST.. own or your neighbor's property. ani ILLINinS tes. dowvn the volume of pettv low- ,September 27, 1934 WIý,LMETTE LUE