Meet atJEFF'S foi. BO WLINGý Aleys reconditioned by Brunswick Home Cooked Food Plate Lunches, Sandwiches, etc. Jefferson Grill and Wilmette Bowling Alseys BROWN BLDG. 1159 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette 5362 1. Carroll vs. Chicago the Lowa&oNortwetern Gm Howto Win aTicke in each advertisement on this page mre the naines of two sehools whosefootball teins Ail ans wers msust roade meet Saturday. Try to guess the total pointé that wi"' be scored un these 10 gaies- WILmIrrrm Lin o ffice, (or JUST ONE FIGURE is wanted representing the total of ail the points scored by the be Pestmarked) b e foer a 20 teains in, the 10 gaines, ceeu Saturday, Septemn- Each ofUthe first three persons who brings or sends to WILMETTE LXFE office ber 299h. * correct answers (or the nearest correct) wilI, be given a reserved sent ticket. to the 'Centest mot oeneule eus- t' Iowa-Northwestern gaine. >ieyees ef WiLmimrrn . THE BOULEVARD DRUC STORE Logis A. Ellisburg, R.Ph.G. 1 101 Central Avenue Phone Wilmete 4299 Independently Owned Prices as Low as Chai. Stores Goods Guaranteed Telephono orders handled expediently without any Charge, which is only à small part of, our very efficient service. Th. homelike atmosphere wiIl make, you WANT to trade at 1h. Boulevard Drugj Store for ail your drug needs, and our gueantee is that we can save you money. 2. Marquette vs. Northwestern ____________ a 'a A Winning Combination MOBILGAS and MOBILOIL His iService Station 421 Main St. Wilmette 1744 4. Ohio U. vs. Indiana PHILCO Higa.Efficiency TUBES »«eayen need new tubes opet1fy pull- COI Theme replace. ment tubes fImprove the. performance of ANY radio!1 WM. G.e BEYRER ELECTRIC & RADIO SHOP A utherixed Philco and R CA Victor DeaLer 1131 central Ave. Wilmette 81 6. Washburn vs. Army Get behind the wheel of this all.-weather Ford V--8 Coupe... JUST ONCE! ACE MOTOR SALES A. C. LYNCII, Mgr. 435 Mam Street Wilmette 535 mur 7. North Dakota Aggies vs. Minnesota Another Score -of wise, thrifty North Shsore women WinI oom bave thoir PERMANENTS at ALBRIGHT Deauty Shop 1167 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 4517 3. Bradley Ys. Milloi Another Season ... Amother. Reaso. for callng WiIm.Ite 1907 and having your clothes ctean.d by our ODORLESS CLEANING SHAWNEE TAI LORS Cieamers and Furriers 515 Fourth Street 5. South Dakota vs. Iowa. Genuine Ford Parts Delco Batteries Goodyear Tires Grai-Penn Motor Oils Mobiloil Lubrication Service Piease use Rear Service Ruirance frem aiiey 0#i et Washington. Street CULLISON MOTOR 725 Main street Wilmette 266 8.Chattanrooga vs. Tulane Season Tickets in Splendid Locations Stili- Available HOME, GAMES SEPT. 29, OCT.6 OCT. 27 NOV. 3 Marquette Iowa... Ohio ..... Wisconsin. 2.20 .~2.75 NOV..10 NO V. 17 Illinois. . .... Notre Dame .Total... SEASON TICKET .... 2.75 ..?.2.75 ... Î$14.30 $12 A Il the above prices include Federal A musement Tax Save $2.30 on Each Season Ticket Addre ss orders f0 Max Hayford, Ticket Man/ager 619 Clark St., Evanston 9.h Wihand Maryvs. Navy Gre. 0007 10. San Jose State Ys. Stanford SIEPTEMBER 27, 1934 I I