Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 17

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September 27, 1934 * WILMETTE LIFE 17 Episcopal Women Meet to Present Thank' Off ering A- group of, womnen of the Church of thé Holy Comforter ivilli ttend the* fail mheeting today of the Woman 's auxiliary of the. Diocese of Chicago, to present the United Thank Offer- ing, which is sent to the Triennial convention at Atlanfic City. This offering grew from a simall one of $371.21,' which was collected in 1883 at the Church of the Epi- pbany ini Philadeiphia. Every Epis- copal church and mission in the world bas collections each spring and faîl, and every tbree years these en- tire offerings are presented at, the Triennial convention. .Smiall bine boxes for the offerings are, distributed ainong the w~onien of al the Episcopal churclics. and each is requested to place a coin Ini it when any. hlessing is received. South Anmerica. China. Indo China.I japan, and other foreigli counitries send their representatives %vith Thiank, Offerings tothe convention in return for assistance ini establishiing chntrch- es, hospitals. and inission> froni these ~aeofferings. At the last triennial ct)iivent1(Io lield in D eniver miore than a million Ultra-Violet Ray Scalp Treatments . t o perfect the. condition of your hair bef ore you get your FaIl permanent!, Single Treatment $1.75 Series of Three $4.25 Ou r freafmenfs do much to im- prove fthe condition and -appearance of your ha ir. A series of flre. witi, resdore if ta ifs normal luster and softness affer thie stress of summer. Beumy Sal on- Seoo" Floor, 1N'est WIEBOLDT'S mEVANSTObN. dollars was' consecrated, an&' since so many more wome-n haveý become in- terested it is to be hoped that even ini the face of> the 'dépress ion the goal will be reached. MEET IN, NEW YORtK, Miss Loretta White, 310 Richmond road, Kenilworth, who is in New York with Underwood and Under*ood, met Mâr. and Mrs. John Hubbefl there. Mr. and Mrs. Hubbeîl (Ruth Seanor of Evanston) sailed Fiida,% on the Champlain on their honey- moon, Miss White was recently'a dinner guest at the Biltmore of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Littell of NNilmette. who were on an eastern motor tour. Miss White is staying at the Bar- bizon in New York. \Iiss Isabelle. Cherry, 517 Sher-: idan road. Ieft Tuesday of last week o enter her juniior year at Wells - -oI1ege. WIEflOLDT'S -EVANSTON For "Dress-Up" A Bewitching Ç1ýeret $5150. This beref flattering off-the-face is. contrived of riçh black velvèt and deftly caugkt ot the. l.ff with fwo exquisite gardenias. :Note how if sweeps dlown ai the right and up at theà left, for must- you over- look the clever bonn.t-.ff.ct of ýshirring at the back. But one of Our materly devastat- ins dress models. Miitiery Selon-Second Floor SPEND. DAY HERE Mr.,Sud Mrs. Clyde Jones of Oak- land, Cal., weré guests Friday. of Dr. and Mrs. Geôrge P. MagilI. 1011 Lake avenue. Mrs. Jones is a niece of Mrs. MagilI., Seeing A Century of Progress while on a coast to coast automobile trip, they proceeded' to Michigan for a visit with. relatives before going to Syracu se, N. Y.,, where they will visit -Mr. Jones, mother. Mrs. Walter. Marx, 522 Essex road, Kenilwortb,- entertained her sewing club for luncheon last Tuesday. ENTERTMN VISITOÉS D)r. and Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp', 336. Leicester road, Keniilworth, entertain- ed'at dinner Saturday, Alden Sears of Kenilworth and his brother and sister in-Iaw, Mr- and Mrs. Philip Sears of Seattle.. Following dinner the Stolps entertained old friends of the *Sears'. Mrs. Albert V. Sieren, 114 Fifth street, who was called to Albuquer- que, N. M., last week by the death of ber brother, William H. Harrison, returned to her home early this week. Your Bust Line Us Your Âge Lin e ""Fan" t Youth! Unlike Any Brassiere You Have Ever Worn ter Created by MODEL -... the braswhîch- actually suppot a, sagging, ov.rdev.lop.d or underdevelop.d bust. W. have nover been able to find a brassier. whick could give *Overy woman,. regardles of age, that fresh, firm youthfül ap-. pearance. And now cornes "fan"--a radical new à icipa1 in bust control - a brassiere. which supports the. bust FROM UNDERNEATH, rother Moan liftingc if by uncosMfo bl. tigl*, shoulder sdraps. The patented "fan"ý support acts as a comifortable littre sheif. which lifts the hust. and holds if firmly amil the timne. FAN bras in batiste. Saton, crepe andi lace. Long or short woodels. $1 .00 te $500. WIEDOLDTS-EvANSTOIN On Devis Street WIUmeme .1 o r S'eptember 27, 1934 WILMETTE LI e E . 17 , (i 94"-,

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