Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 21

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..~~eptembr 27, 1934fui I1~'1yt VLV~AAa.LAeLE Descibeis Sigiinro Pan tings Placed in« Prov ide Reco rd. of W ilmegge' Historical BackgroundI Edtor's note: In this article, George, Lusk, Wilmette artist who executed the .murais now being placed ln the couneîl chamber of the Village hall, tells of the .ignlficance of the paintlngs whlch de- piet the development of the village froni an indian reservation to Its present »iod- cmr status. The serles of murais, Mr. Lusk points out, establlsh a pîctorical background to help villagers to ap- preciate their heritage and to provide ;ijers'peetive on'the present era. By George Lusk 'l'le first factor which made possible the painting of the murais in the Wl!.. mette Village hall was the Public Works of Art Project (<PWýAP), a 'a)rmer hranch of the treasury deparz- mient uinder the NRA ini Washington. The local headquarters of this orgai :zation svî:i~erve(I a., a itîncleus foi- work of the artists of the thrÎee nieigli )oring states xvas at 135 Soutiî1,a S;alle street, Chicago, ih Wte Brewster, Increase Robinson and John j.' Dooley. regional directors. Unf or- tunately this hranch, which intended 10 foster the development of the fine irts., lias ccased to f unction. Preserve Wiimette Traditions Llsecond means that made the wokpossible wvas the present admin- :.,tratioi of the local goverumnent. It '.%a> the 1)tirp(se of the Village to have t .ýeries of paniels painted depicting the (r)t i the village as a mi-onument' of ,iermiafleiit interest and value.-Iii short. t -was inten(le( to establish a pictorial. 'vtckgrt>un ta ht lelp us appreciate our icritag-e and tu give us a perspective in thie present in which ve live. Antoine Oui trapl)er and h' clearing of a of the lake. \Vesterfield, Civil wvar, ai erihl, the h just iorth of qILite-a Ibit ca5 Country clb enlargementc Chiarles P. \N, Village liresi to cônvey théi Heretofore. no one lias given mucli 1 of things by m'Osideration to the presentation of the illait(t? ellow-t traditiOn of the village to the public 1 "The rom a hroad. civic point of view. That there xere Indians here before us is an 'l'leî second înîptdmatter, but before this -i h village -)li lia hitndédto eriod of aFý 1ela neddt present a specific :)ortrait of the particular Pottawatomtie stg coh .quaw, Archange Ouilmette, in whose village along liame stood ail the land in thîis village. then later the Similarly. that there were certain vil- wtives; wh gefathiers every one knows, but even îîmps;- and cl \'er%, recently there has been some doubt îeaihs a,. to who wvas the first Village presi- Icîrwiî (lent. Now. the public cati corne and oîd print. :neet the f uniider of ýý7iImette and Iook Mc *tti the gennial ti*..-;i» * .f hï-,eve f M ural i their présent condition. So the B R NC cnter of the second, panel is opposed B R NC bbag the entrarice to the present Village Tracher and fi hall, which marks the center of interest ithe third panel. And so also the first Studio:> 114 Thiri ,L).den church of the third panel is op- Phone Wilmette a posed by a fine,, modern stone edifice in the third panel, and tbe first wooden _______ chool house in the second panel is op- posed by a modern school. The fourth Cosette, a t - panel is the Wilmette harbor or con- tahd4I N temporary shore line as opposed to the SMYW Bl fst panel wbich was the shore line -wy stretc of the cari iest period. In this îast or foundation p)anel is shown the U. S. coast guard g a r m nt, station, the headquarters of the Sheri-ý fo r ms a n J4-1î hore Yacht club and a suggestion INVISIBLE of the Baha'i temple at the extreme P A N T E. right. Expresses Appreciatiom Deepest acknowledgment is made to Mr. and Mrs. Carbon P. Dubbs, to Dean and Mrs. John H. Wigmore, and to Mr. and Mrs. George Melville, Smith; and appreciation is expressed' for the boans of rare old photographs. and other assistance, by Miss Anne WVhitmack, Miss Violet WyId. J. Mel- 1 A T R IU M ville Brown, Mrs. Edward L. Scheiden-1 lielm. Miss Jessie Shantz, Mrs. W. H. Weee oe ah Board. Johannes Waller, Miss Effie hailing the discovery o Geore LaskKeith of the Deeriî:g librarv in. Ev- as the beginning of a r George Lusk ~anston. William J. Hamilton, pust- nt eiie atdiun Don Loving Photo master of Evanston and president <tf iDfmin fatios ilmette, French-Canadiaii the F.anston Historical society, and Cosette is not a sanita lis wife, situated in a small Everet Rv'deu of Evanston. or apron but a mere wis swampy f orest at the edge waterproofed silk- that According to Charles P. Grm arSholL ge Invisible shield for al surveyor, veteran of the rm a cl~ege derthings. Easy to was id son of John G. West- Directors Meet Today ironing. lat ino [the avnue, Physical education directors at the Complete with snap*-s wt i the reselaenuee five schools that are members of the woktb htftisd i. oflthe pnels San eactNorth Shore Grammar School league dl.o o sethteit60c. ý). he anelis n exctill meet Thursday of this week at dlorosete,6. of a water color made by the Evanstoni Y. M. C. A. to draw up *'esterfield, son of the first the football schedule forý the league (lent. t was enleavored -. teams this season. efeeling of tuehe ginning The member schoois and the di- the use of a tOuneo(f (lO)m- rectors of physical education at ecd green over the whIole l)and. are: joseph Sears of Kenilworth, Village of Wood" Robert W. Townley; Central of Glen- d pne ingh b enitedcoe, John McFadzean; Park Ridge. Cuaet e Disploy at Corsd of panel" mIht cberente AI Lyons; Nicliols of Evanston, Jack Thisrd Floor bfout.1850 t8covers the Patterson, and Haven: of F.vanston, use(l ta run through the ersJcon Gree Bayroad and Schedules will be drawn up in thîe G sranBayloa oano various weighit classifications. THE EVANSTON Il there were board. walks M RS À îoles ini them; kerosene Billy Carpenter, son of Mrs. John M ARSH hiickeins in the. street. The Carpenter of Evanston, who form- F I E .D panel is a warm mellow cr13' lived in Kenilworth, left Thurs- 1 convevs the feeling of an day of last week. for Woodstock, C O M P A I where he will resýume his studies at dcern Wilmette Todd School for Boys. UII Ile gCIlil %%-IIKr ilb Cr. Not only was the purpose to Show a Sa the first picture at the left of the continuous development but also a con- :)resident's desk in the council room as trast to the earliest times. According- '.ou enter is the portrait of Archange ly, the third and fourth panels f acing Ouilmette, wife of Antoine Quilmette, the first and second describe modern from whom ail our tradition originates. Wilmette, or, in other words,-.the sub- Immediately on her right is the portrait jects found in the first and second .)f John G. Westerfi eld, the first presi- panels are repeated in the third and dent of the village. "Ou ilmette Reservation" Then continuing on to the right is Miss the first large panel which might be . entitled, "Ouiluiette Reservation," for J ss* .P c c it represents the first period of the. vil - tral point, of interest is5te abtiofA Season 1934-35. ----- I rd St. 28-J PHI cr they are of Cosette mew epoch ness. ary pantie ip of pure .forms an your un- sh. . .no strip and 'any gir- set Section kLL NY Friday and Saturday 0 n y 1~ r RICHLY FILLED COFFEE CAKE Crammed with 1 fruit and nuts.. ............. e LORD BALTIMORE CAKE Two white and one chocolate layers ... 35ec COCOANUT !RESH FRUIT PIR99 MACAROON CliPS Afnal Plain or chocolte.. A ftra, on trat nl.,..23e ASSORTELD BUTmit-ERCOOkiE Delightlul variety et............. lb. ART LUAGUE, CLASSES. Bralwing . Painting -Sculpture Ris5 WF Aduit aud Junior Classes MorDis g and Evenlng Classes FALL TERM BeginuIng Studio: Community House, Wlnuetka. For fulilunormuation eau WInu. 58S Children's Private Classes in Dancing and Deportmnent Ballroom. Balle t, Tap.. Classes openlng third week in October at Woman'a Club of Evanston. Register at Woxnan's Club, Sat- urday xnornlng, October 6. Phone University 2485. 21c TOMATlO ASPIC SALAD Jelaed tomiato with cottagte cheee...... 5 SALMON LOAVES 3 Individuals. Wili serve two ....13 Bake Shop-Street Floor WIEBOLDTDSMEVANST,>N OR, Davis Street WiI.ette 1100 27, 1934 .1 U-r 1 1 m ip -r -ir s: y y r. ý.

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