WILMETTE LIFE September 27, 1934 WANTED mimes, overroats; also fur coas. ot prlees. Prompt scrn rei,.. .uII J. MARKSuni. 0347 Morgan: Park: GriddersCorne, to Hligh Scho1l N. T. Fielid Saturday feno League Heads Vctory Over Bloom Encour- back to mid-field.. then, aided - o d Se so penltis aaiist ew rie, byv is The board >of contro1 of the Sub- - ges Coachi Asckenbach pnlsagis e r,0ro deep into the latter's territory. «Ths urbane ague will hold its firstmeet- was Bloom's only serious scoring ing, of the 1934-1935 sho term New 'Trier High school's football threat. Prior to that the Chicago Thursday afternooin of this week at team, which defeated Élioom of Chi- Heights team had been outplayeilthUivrtycuinhcgoFed cago Heigbts last Saturday, 6 .to ,, rost of the time. thcrick eArKieubinde aofros a wil pay oran ar, Cicgo it Several Substitutions New Trier High school, is chairmanl champions in 1932 and runner up last I e re" triglnu ftebad year, Saturday afternoon of this l e re' trigînu ftebad week at Phelps field, Winnetka. were Appleyard, left end; O'Learv, Among the matters to corne to the ieft tackle; Campbell, left guard; attention of the body will be the This will be the second home gamc Brown, center; White, right guard; proposed adoption of the High School of the season for New Trier fans., Dostal, right tackle; Schuman, righit Federation of America's new football and there wilI be another Saturday1 end; Green, quarterback;ý Laing, left rules, which are .designed to "open of next week when New Trier meetsi haifback, McFadzean, right bhal- Up" the game. Seven of New Trier's Mayovs o nhiepenig Suburbanf back, and Snyder, futIback. nine opponents this season are play- MaywoAmo*githehother boysSwhorgoting under these rules. The high league. gaine of the season. into the m for ewTrer a s une-o school federation is composed of state Coach is Optimisti ien w terae foraNewand ieros lun hohigh school athletic associations Coach W. J. Aschienbach said this substituted for Appleyard, Harveytruhu tecuty week that hé plans to use practically who went in for O'Leary, Waldorf' The Suburban league this year. in- the same starting starting iineup who took Campbeli's place, J. Browncludes two schools that were flot against Morgan Park as was used in1 xvho relieved White, Jones, who re: members last season, Xaukegan and stopping Bloom last Saturday. As- placed Dostal, and Mey.ers, who went Morton. Morton was a member wheil chenbach reported that the showing 'in for Schuman. tesague ais rgisaiteerawl of his players against Bloom wasî Backfield substitutions included yasgadisrisaeetwl encouraging, epcal in view 0f alge orLig li for Mcl)ecome effective on December 1. The the fact that teN rerpeciallv alleand LanfKleinyfor Mcother league schools are New Trier, thsya heNwTirtemFdenan oa o Sye. Eastn eril-Shields, . Proviso "hsya s'green." _____________iel Art White, captain and right guard . and Oak Park. and Phil Dostal, tackle, were credited i Joe Franco to Compete Representatives of the memiber vih playng unusually wvell ini the schools on the board of control are: Elne, while Bill Snyder, fullback, won in- tatte Golf iourney, New Trier, Frederick A. Kahler, praise for bis kicking, and George Joe Franco,. New Trier Higb school chairmnan; Deerfieid-Shields, H. G. Laing and Bill McFadzean, baîf- sophomore, will compete-ini the state Pertz, secretary; Evanston. M. L. lacks, for their long gain,, on run- high school golf tournament at Peoria Hamnpton; M,%ortoni, W. S. Pope. ning lays.Friday and Saturday of this week. Oak Park, E. L. O'Brienî; Proviso, nigpaScoe. a iih Representing* New Trier in the il. - E. Carr, and Wauikegai. (G. A. Scoe NarFinshdistrict meet at tlhe Sunset Valley \\ValdorfL New.Trier's touchdowvn as scored course in Highland Park last Satur- in the last fiýVe minutes of play on day, Franco qualified by shooting a Observe Tercentenary a forwvard pass over the goal line 79, second lowest score -of the day. i from McFadzean to Foslund, who atyaasafeh nFrcofFitHg S ol had. replaced Appleyard at left end. Latyaasafeba FrnofFitHghS ol did some outstanding work as a mem- TirIil coli leo New Trier got into scoring position TrcoidrvH schol , ougliot> after taking the bal down the field bro h NwTirglftan i cUnited arteschoolngspethro u- on running plays and passes. A 15- vciwnsioSbrbn lege u ni othe taeleiain s car- yadpnlyfie1t tptenrî championship. His brother, Anthony,viosfrteclbaintiscr Sshorenaboy iteir touctp hewndrve.who was graduated last sprigvas of the 300th aflniversary of the foutid-. captain of the team. srig ing..of the first secondary school in * Kikin of toBloo afer corng In the district meet last Saturday tlie counitry, the Boston Latin school. tely ran intrue. Trering only the four players having the îow- Tlhe faculty cornmittee at New Trier athel a kicko BootrougInhtuthrbilg est score qualified for the state meet. xvhich isrnakinig plans for a prograni AI Bohnen, who also competed for clbaigteanvravi oi 'New Trier, did notcorne within this posed of Mrs. Mariani Cottoni. head of classification, although he sliot an the music departnîent, Mrs. Jane XV.- 83. Franco had 38 going out and a 41 Iigliter, liead of the household arts coming in.lepartment, M.\iss Catherine Murl)hy ut stepS Forthcmigi.taoohosinhre pof the art department, Miss 1lsht Vocational Guidance dIrarnatic work at New Trier, .MiÎss Stressed at New Trier, Mav Fogg, liead of thegirls' jjhysical This year at New Trier High school P ('affie, chiairinan and ex-officio there is to be a~ special comrnittec le memer. eyes for old If your eycs lack lustre and tire easily, rejuvenate them with Marine. This long-trusted lotion imparts a youthful sparkle to duli, weary eyes and makes them feel ever so much stronger. Marine positively contains no belle- donna or other harmful ingredients. Therefore you may use it f reely to brighten and invigorate vour eyes. Also use it after prolonged exposure to sun, wind and dust to prevent a bloodahot condition. The"Pine Cre, Introducing a FIorsheirn origination . . a jaunty 5-eyelet tie in brown or black suede trimmed with genuine Calcutta lizard. $10*50, O ther Florsheirn Styles. $8.75 This season we are showing an unusually smart array of Sorority Styles forsport, street>or evening wear priced at ............ ...... ............... $ Sehool Shoes for the Co-ed Priced from $3.95 to $6.50 T"he Florsheim Store in Evanston sIF.CH L IE RIS 11616 Orrington - Evanston 1607 Sherman un vcatinaigulujance. it was an- nounced this week. Th'le cominittee's work will inclede collection of ina- terial for use in the vocational guid- jance prograrn, selectioâ of speakers representing yarious vocations and aiding advisors in giving iniformation in. the entire vocat lonal field. Thîis aspectof the »guidanîce work will be particularly stressed .at New -lTrier this year. A. L. Gri l o 0f the colin- merce departmen t the highi scliool is acting as c liman of the commnit-1 tee. Other members hiave not.yet been chosexi. Supt. M. P. GaffneV is serv- 'ing as exofficio member. GUEST AT N. U. GAME AIl1 of the Kenilwortlî, Boy Scouts and Cubs will see the footl)àll game between Northwestern and Mar- quette universities, SaturdaY of thîis week at Dyche stadi urn', Evaistoi. It is an annual custom for the Keniil- worth boys to attend the first game on Northwestern's schedule. They are accompanied by Robert WTr. Townley,r director of physical education at the( joseph Sears school and a North-, western football star of a few years ago. He'roine of Bertram ..Adventures Popular Tl'le lEvanstoi ipostinaster vas rather at a loss' recently to accounit for the su(lden influx of mail addressed merely to "(,'Giv' Banning, Evanston, Ill." He succeeded-flnally in tracing Gi- nyv to the Orrington hotel, where she is living with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomnas Banning, formerly of the Inidiani Hill Estates, Vilmnette. le letters, which are stili arriving from ail parts of thecountry, con- stitute Ginny's "fan miail." SFor Ginny, it has been discovered, is the fleshi-and-blood heroine of thc "Bertram"ý adventures by Paul. T. Gilbert of Kenilworth, which have been app~earing serially ini Cbild Life, andl which will be publishied in book forni October 1, under the titie, "Bertrain, and His Funny AnimaIs." Ainong the experiences Ginny shares will the hiero of the hook is the quesionbieone of being chased (on roller skates) by a wild rhinoceros. One of her correspondents in Mil- waukee, bowever, sought to enlist Ginny's aid in getting ber too into a "Bertram" story. WILMETTE, L'IFE: September.27, 1934,