WILMETTE LIFB September 27, 1934 WI LmETTt.,LI FE wrrx -waicH 1». COMEINED ,Wiai AwrmAwoincmagrm ad Tau a NiLworiT Ti PUELIMSHED iHURSDAYS. BY LLOYD HOLLISTER INC. 1232-1236 CENTRAL AvENUE, WiLvzrIrE ILLINOIS Telephone WILMErrrE 4300 MEMEER 0W CHICAGO SUBURBAN QUALIT GROUP Chicgo Offices -.soi6-ioi8 WILLOUGxHi3y TowER T#lephone CINTRAL 3355 SU BSCRIPTIONS $2 PER YEAR 'SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS Ail communications and contributions intended for publi- cation must bear the name and address -of the auâthor, flot ueceosarily for publication, but for our .files. Such material must reach the editor by Tuesday noon to be in, time for the current issue. WH*Y REGISTER? Ini designating Saturday, Septexîîber, 21). and Tuesday, Octoher 9, as registration davs. Couint% Clerk Rohert M. Sweitzer states that thiere is an entirelv niew registration this year, andI voters who have flot registered will tiot leceligible to vote at the election *to be held TuesdaY. Noveuîxher 0. On both days the places of registration will be openx from 6 a. m. until 9 p. nm. The following instruce- tion '-hould be carefully noted: "Applicants for registration niust apein p ler- son at-their respective polling places to register, but persons who are Mi and unable to register ini persouî and those persons who wil not be ini Co<ok county on either o! the registration dates miay ap- ply to the county clerk for a registration blank for registration by mail. The blanks, when filled out and sworn to, must be returned to the vounty clerk so that sanie will be on. file ln bis office not I.iter *thani October 8, 1934." The iîeed for regi.stration l)y every voter ini New~ TIrier township this year cannot 1w o)vereiiiîpha- sized. Questions of far reaching iimport mîust be decided at the faîl election, and 1n ani or voan should evade respoIisil)ility for thieii or be llace(l in a position of deliberately cisqualifying hinîscîf or herseif fromn voting. Statistics show that i getieral elections not more than hiaîf the voters excrcise tlieir privilege, the other lhaîf voluîîitarily taking the attitude that self -governmiient is too much bother.. No Amnericaiî citizeni ean todav afford to ineglect exercise of the franchise, for con- tinued neglect will inievîtably Iead to witlîdrawal of the sacred iglit. In1 verv recent years citizens in înany' cotîtries have lost the righit of self-con- trol and self -determination, or arc pnivilegcdj to exercise it only if they vote for certain min or specîfied nîcasuires. Snicb people are no longer free moral agenîts. It lias been said that 25 per cent of the voters 110w govern this country, and that lapentable condition ca n only be corrected by tliose eligible to vote going to their places of registratioti and reg- istering, and then going to the polis and voting'. Many people. express a holy horror'of politics, and seem to think that voting links themn up with something disgraceful or reprehiensible., This is far fromn the truth. The voter need flot be parti- san in order to particîpate in bis government, and unless there is a decided increase in such participa- tion government is likely to become worse rather tlîan better. Phil S. Hanna, editoi- of the Chicago Journal of Commerce, gave graphic expression to this thought when he concluded'an address> in XViI.- mette on the evening of September 17 with these, words:- "Whether we drift -or whether we go upstreani depends more on taklng an active and energetie Interest In politics than la praislng the constitu- tlc-n. great document that It fis. 'You eau save mnany wearY months of uncertainty, mnany dollars of wasted taxes, and perhaps get the support o! * people w'ho are now changing the rule book accordlng to their own fancles, by rlnging door bells, stlrrlng up the voter next door, talking with Your employees, and knowing what is going on in -your precinet. Wrhen we get right down to the grass roots we mnust acknowledge that we have let George rua things, ànd hie will continue to run things to suit George and aIl the other 5,000,000 *Georges' living by polities, until mixing In politiegs hecomes just as popular as golf. - Let's flot let it ever be said that demovracy falled In Amnerica beeausè the people didn't have sense enough to go to the polis and vt. PIROPERTY RIG;HTS In an address to the Rotary'Club of Chicago on1 September 18. its president; Major John L. Griffith of Wininetka, made a, masterful contribution to ,Constitution week observýance that1 is worthy of' careful peruisal. Space will not permit its quota- tion in full, but some.of the salient points are noted. Speaking of the constitutional guarantee of property rights and collectivism, he said:> "There is no use nîincing words. The capitalist system maintains the right of every person to en- gage in busine.ss or in any character of legal employment and to enjoy the emoluments arising thvrefroni. Every person has the right to acquire property and to use -that property for his individ- ual enjoyment or profit; and hie has the right to ;~ell, transfer, devise or bequeath that property to whonisoever hie may see fit. Those who are of the other týchool believe that the government should manage, own or contr(>l private propcrty. That*is,, to say, they want somneone to lead them býy the hand, to feed them out <of a spoon and to fight their battles for themn. "I becanîe înterestcd in tlîis general questioni a year and a haîf ago whcn Senator Thomas spoke regarding the Agriculture apiendnient which was hefore Congress and was later adoptcd. You may revali th.it hie said, '$200,00,000,000 of wcalth and luyîng power now i-e st in the hands of those who own bank deposits. and fixed investmeflts, bonds and niortgages . . . If the anîendment carrnes -ind the powers are exercised in a reasonable de- gree it means triansferring that $200,00,00,000 in the bhands, of persons who now have it, who did neot buy it, and who did flot earn it, who do not de- serve it, who nîust flo,,tretain it, baek to Ui the lcr side--to the debtor class of the republic, the pleo- ple who owe the miass dcbts of the nation.' "Since that timie the men who earned and sa.ved their money in other ycairs have been denounecd as money changers and held Up to the eontcmpt of the Anîeric-an pîeople. If I understand correetl3y the attitude of those who have been attacking the men who have achicvcd succcss ini business, in industry and in investments they are of the opin- ion that if al of the successful men-that is, the creditors-wcre thrown into a crucible and the pl.oper reagents wcre applied for thc purpose of detcrînng how mucli honcsty and intcgrity there was ini the mass, the test would be negative; M~'ile if ail thc debtors wcre thrown into a cru- cible and the sanie reagents were added, it would bie fouad that thèse men were 100 percent honcst. '*Who are these crooks who had two hundrcd billion dollars of wealth that the goverament ie taking te) give to those wlîo did flot have much or an.y wealth? In thc first place there are thc 115 million owners o! life insurance policies who nwncd more than one-haîf of the estimated na- tional wealth. Forty.%-fie million persons owned the bank deposits that the senator speaks of; then thêre were 10 million members of building and loan ass-ociations: 14 million familles who own their homes, etc. Whcn we come to our senses we will find that this redistributioni of wealth policy benefited aj very small proportion of the Amierîcani people and injurcd aIl the rest. "I have neyer for the life of me bee'n able to understand why those who have spoken in recent mionths apparentîr believe that this is a. prcttyý bad sort of country.. My parents were poor and I have neyer had any'thing I have not worked for. Howevcr, I have had a wonderful time for more than haîf a century. No onie ever made me gamn- bic on the stock market; no banker ever robbcd me. On the other hand, through alnîy life I have known scores of people who wcre willing to lcnd a helping hand. I hold in respect the mien who built this natîon-soldicrs, artisans, bankers. states- men, farmers,* professional men-ali who wei-ê' and*arc of the tribe who gave more than they.re- eîived. These in were not always right; they sonîctimes miade nifistakes; they were ,'ery human creatures, but neverthclcss, as I appraise their lives, it is clear to me that the admirable qualities o! patriotism, unselfishne.s and brotherly love predominated on the wholc over less admirable qualities. I sometimes wonder if those who are painting such a sordid picture of this country and of the meni who built their lives into its super- structures art, not like unto the nman who, noticing a fiy speck on Leonardo da Vinci's ma.sterpiece, condemned the picture as a faulty work of art. "I am not sure that if some o! these people who areý now talking about a perfect state, meaning by thnt a state ini which there is no competition, no privat e property, no ambition, and no incentive to do one's best, would be happy If they were some- time to find the perfect state. «'I am sure that if tho.se people who are today dreaming of a Utopia where all.men are equal, have like possessions and act alike:ever attaï iti they would find a dead life and a living tomh. ..In conclusion, 1 do flot believe that the Ameni- a people have <tuit. I am sure that they cani take a llcking without crawling on their bellies. Tlhey have been stunned and confused. They In the past have 'always marched breast forward la the fight, neyer doubting clouds would reak, nev- er dreaming> that although right w1<worsted wrong would triumph. Rather they have held that we fall to rime, are baffled to fight hetter, sleep to wake."' One by -one members of the Dillinger gang a re going over the Great Divide. Police officers and penitentiary }guards have learned to shoot first and shoot straight in any mixup with these gentry. Guess how long it will be before Baby Face Nel- son gets bis. Reports in the metrôpolitani press are to the effect that the least pleasure of drunken automno- bile drivers is found in pounding stone ini the Bridewell afterward. However, if the culprits are to be believed, it is a sure cure. Our firm belief that the Lindbergh~ mystery would be solved is nearly, if flot quite, justified. Keeping everlastingly at it does the trick, and those secret service boys are bears for that sort of thing. For one thing, they get paid for it. For another, they love the game. And they learned long ago that ransom money must be pent. That is usually the answer to big crime. M iss, Mr. and Mrs. Citizen will have an oppor-. tunity Saturday to demonstrate whether they are really citizens of this fine village, orwhether they are just sojourning here, the while enjoying the benefits of government p ro v id ed b y others. On that day they mnust register at their regular pol- ling places -or thev w ill flot be permitted to vote. at the important November elec- tions. And who wants to miss a vote this year? W.hether e you think that ail the virtues and righteousness of the ages are wrapped up in the New Deal, or, on the other hand, are absolutely sure that a con- tinuance of that bothersome what-do-you-call-it will destroy forever the principles of sound American government, you want to be eligible to go to the poilis and there speak your mind. Výoting isn't a duty. It's a privilege. If you don't believe it just imagine what you would say to any rnan or woman wýho tried to tell you how you should vote, or that you could flot vote at ail. You'd break your neck to get to the place of registration, wouldn't you? Ail right then, Miss, Mr. o r Mrs. Citizen. 11Ir. Ford, the sage of Detroit, says that every- thing will be fine and dandy "if Santa Clause goes to bed." If Santa Claus is as human as he is sup- posed to be, he won't go to bed as long as there icý any money to spend. The wife of- Kingfish I.evinsky bas sued the pug for divorce after 40 days of married life. She failed to note that the word "partner" was pre- ceded by' "sparring," and objected to the role. "Safety Sunday," instituted by the Chicago traf- ic bureau, is said to have resulted in a drop in Sunday fatalities. When it is extended. to ail other days of the week we will probably venture. onto the death highways. Until then, the good old street cars.will serve. *Discovery of the body of a girl, apparently mur- dered, in the woods at Ravinia is bringing crime pretty close to home. The north shore can well dispense with that kind of advertising. But we1 hope they catch, the murderer, if any. 1 1 1 "Keen, Courteous, Vigilance Keeps 1934 Fair Clean," reads *a, propaganda headline. And the text goes on: "We were at a dîsadvantage last year, in being green and flot knowing the diff er- ence between art and vulgarity. This year we know." And, knpwing, careth flot. Householders who tbought to put off the buying of fuel until after election on the the.ory that political contes-ts Would keep everybody warni, are to be disappointed, if present indications mean anything. Nobody has got "het up" yet. .. September 27, 1934 WILMETTE LUE