Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 44

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44 ' WL ETE LI September 27,11934 * A Rocky-Rood AMarsbnilow, Plfee Mxed SMCentral Ave., MiWbland 1-k. M. P. 1717 RovmNe,' PACKING AN" UIr. GIRL SCOUT NEWS -- I NEWGIRL'SCOUT POSTER AgeniesUn ite inNation. Drive Inmeka 181 Wlmet. 182e "«" A battie on behaif Of adventurous IN TR A G j outlî is to be waged this fali by te ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___allied recrational agencies, and the jmmmmm mmp~~ all will be issued by President Roose- September 28 lie froznallv opens the 19.34 1Mohilization. for Human Needs. -"&~-...bat -voutlî waîîts Will be told by the 0 L r 'bos and girls themselves at a sym- KI~tW A DIpOsiUnito he lîeld in New~ Yor-k ini t""C W R. \ctoer .Hke.earanUtlt WWWU~. It.I~ ~~> )ctbertind(er' the sponsorship of * Now We Taire the Lead i 1) Bakr, iîizatiofoni G o lf d o n 's C r a z ie s t R a c e *.. V i t v u l î e s a o ~ i I b i Wee Day 5OcBUl » ~"'main subject of discussion atth : Safrdaytweîitieth anniqal national convention undoy 7~oti during the week of October aAny Time veIt. the lonorary president*%vilI t :Chicago's Finest Greens :******.. ~ ~ L~ta n-orho h N or hbr ok:tire teen-age girl population, roughly M orth rooi FN tel* by LWeî'-\Illu, estimiated at 10000,000, is reached b (Formerly University Golf Club>) hst"pscrwi i ipavd'u ub h'Gr cusa art al recreatio,îal agencies, the Girl i*~ ~ R A of a national cam/'aiqn for more and better rec-reaÎioni ta bc' conductcd pb. Scouts point out. In an einergenic%-- OND ND ERO Itihe allied social agencies under thée auspices of the 1931 Mobili.zation, for and( recela years have l)een Cmerg- :13/ miles west of Waukegan Road * m».edsclic% amk oo(cténsi agvecijdenacod~ years for chilren as well a8 tm.~. im' outdoors, te Gir! Ç-oiits blw/jee. adults-girls as well as bo s do turn __ _ o a i a g e nic , th is -rg a niiz a tio ti QQ - dainms, an(l it lias, figures to prove ___ Girl Scouts Return ~~~~er girls-helps to bring out teb 1 the 1t)net 'le ilSoto our irls and to plant their feet more ganiztin ini the 'fail of 1929 had a ..U....QU .L.T. Radiant W ith Health fimyi h rudo iiintne-.ell y inthegrond f hmanundr-ilemerslîîp of less than 200,000. No%% 5e Ding! Ding! The school iel a sadig..asnetnîhersîiip is 353,962, and the ~ ~ziOES ' rnng again for the Girl Scouts as grwhil o1 înl nnt f13 well as for the less fortunate. Troop 10 Leaders Hiold xvas 11,246>. With the many radiantly healthy Metn;Pa rjes \sres 'Of pamphlets no%% l)ing Girl Scouts returning to their classes Mu is eeting ofanhe oe vast d 1w the allied agencies througlb througbout theeciuntryf tteis no won-the heaidquarters of the 1934 Mobil- dthagot the demundtfryimi owcam- hed Thursday; it was a leaders' met- iaio,420) Lexington avenue, New is growing with the iîîcreasing number ing. Emilv kohI and Teresa Logan. York, sum up both the' wants and of girwofn ilSotcm patrol lea7ders, were present; also the needs of adventurous y outh to- of irl wh fid aGir Scut ampJane Redlin, Frances Chambers and day and the reasons why failure to the most profitable as well as the most Mary IZlen Cunning'ham. The real meet them may b ainlyds plasaont a osedasme a meetings will begin Monday. astrous. Play, a the agencies point Camp activitiescoein ie nttn girls proposed :ha: ive do out, is the, natural occupation of rane kof hegirls proec-kityongpèple who, through it, form rang pur es, hing , th habts )f t inking and acting erly occupied. Adults are watching His suggestion~ was folloi-ed bv an- most Iikely to determine the course of with satisfaction the forward march other: that we Paint the scou om hi dl ie u usprie of youth wben its interest is won by Tbey were both such good ideas that play groups," the agencies quote froni creative manipulation of materials a.t we decided to use the two of them. a recent. stndy by Clifford. R. Shaw, o ad ,ssncb s t e m kn f alsorts \' paned on having aîotlier "are the medium troug b which a of res acesoresfrom wood, peach overnight hike within the next tbree large proportion of delinquents are stones and walnuts. weeks, before the weather got too initiated and tbrough which delin- Then again, the impression on their cold; also to have a bake sale very quency is transmitted from older to plastic minds of the close communion sooni. yonnger generations." with nature-the drinking in of the Miss Ortseifen closed the meeting Not only the non-sectarian agen- fascinating stories to be fonnd in the by singing a few songs, but evervone' ries like the Boy and Girl Scouts., Fine materiols, exquisite study of the lyéods, thé creatures lingered to talk to our captain. whom the Boys' clubs and the National fnish and beautilul work- that dwell there, the flowers, the birds, we hadn't seen tbrough the whole Recreation association, but also al the stones and the stars, they give and summer. - Fiora Pagliarulo. scribe, the religions groups like the Cath- atanship combine ta mdce take f intimate association wit oti- Troop 10. olic Youth league, the Y's, and the Queen Oualiîty shoes Jewish cente~S, are represented in1 tecorrect 'hoic. for -GOES TO PRINCETON VISIT IN ST . LOUIS ti.atefrmr n etrrc AlexanteisNbwttne for more andocbetterarec- Alex nder Newon, 06 oodsock Mrs. W alter Doering, 1335 Chest- rai *very occasion. avenue, Kenilwortbri left Friday, to1 nut avenue, is leaving Saturday for . The natonal bill for delinquencv, ente s ophmoreyea atPrine-ý1 S. Lois o jin. er usbnd o: alisnow'in finitely.greater than that for e n t e b i s o h o m r e e a r a t r i n e - S t . L o u s t j o n . e r u s b n d n a h e a l t b y r e c r e a t i o n . T h e ' P r é s i d e n t ' s Let us sho you ou,'on . G rant Ehrlich, form ry of W in - .ten dayPvisit. T ey w ill attend the c l ro t e W h e Ho s on ep netka, was an overnight guest ofVeiled Propet'sbiltr.Dern , tember he8 W iete osgnSfor- cope.scie lxand bie drove the latter to col- wjho is in business in St. Louis, spenthesina fr eeon bis way to Ithaca, where hetieke nd wth h s mi n cnere effort to reverse this un- t'6iî eterConel.Wilmette. natural condition. DeLux. Grade $8.50 and Up Mrs. Hugh. Mottschall, 33 Cres- Mrs. GeorgeE.AbhmteR MI ER cent place, spent last week-end with of Mrs. Staver Moulding,. 934 Oak- lie bsba d, wh istain treatffent wood avenue, bas returned from aào't fret rops,- to appoint 1 1 1 4 7' il, Grand Rapids for- arthritis. Mr. week's motor"tnip to Louisville, KY. your scribes so we may ail keep in ~.... c.Motschall is flot expected home for witb ber sister, Mr.- . .Wae: toucb witb the interesting thi,îgs %ewsome time. of Ponitiac, 111. eacb troop is 'doing. --- -o- 629 Davis. Sf.. Evansfo, Alfred .(AI) Brown, soit of Mr. and Gordonx Cutler, 207 Woodstock ave- Local Girl Scont troops are getting _____________M rs. Howard Brown, 1539 Highland ue, left Kenilwot o d y o at uderway with many new and inter- ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ avenue, as entered L ake F orest col- w eek for P rinceton w ere he enters e t n lans for the ear's w ork. lege, where he is to major in the bis junior year. He accompanied eadth JV ntA d cool of speech. He was graduated Jack Hicks who motored on to Le - The local council meets for the RedteW ntA s ýNt June. from New Trier. higb university. first tinie this week. 1 0 1

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