Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 50

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-- -~... 5L. epterner 27j 1934' HOHEANID GARIE:N Describes Lawn as.Your Outdoor Living Quarters By Benjamin E. Gagei Benijamin E. Gage ani Associâtes î Individuals. have many preferencesc as to a place of abode. Some prefer1 hotel life, others apartment dwellingst and many othere a detached. resi- dence with a piece of land, whether li it be a small lot or a country estate. lé It is to this latter class or to those t] who at somnetime in the future may be it contcmplating the building or ac- ir quiring of a suburban site that sug- b gestions along the line of gardening v will be interesting. l The Iawn and embellishments may t( NO 5TETM el bc likened to an outdoor living roci and should be in as good taste andi comfortable as an indoor living root The outdoor living room has its ca pet (the lawn), its furniture (seats its decorative features (sun (lia] gazing globes, statuary) and its %va decorations (shrubbery, trees ai plants). AIl these must be harnmonize to create a pleasing unit. The lawn in a landscape is the reaý ly important thing because ivithoôut lawn aIl the other items entered it the development of this outdoor liv ing room would be meaningless. bu many beautiful outdoor effects na, be obtained frona the lawn its.elf ii verv little other dressing up. A rea lawns i s the product of first class maý erial plus experienced labor in th( m a k i n g and from time-to-tiitu throughout the life of the latn. 'roc rany people do not understand tht process of lawn making and arc inai atient for results. How to Grow on Sand Let us assume as an examle tlie :se of an owner who desires to pro- luce a lawn in a sandy section. Of ,urse in this case there is nîo 'eed or any concern regarding drainage. eather there is the probleinof coli- erving moisture. The sand itself on1 he north shore is incapable of pro- ucing. a lawn. Therefore, having cs- blished the grades to which the Lwn is t *o be built, the first thing is )excavate and dispose of an amount fmaterial represented by the sand ual to the depth to be occupied hy ass growing soil. This soil should :me if possible from a location uhich more or less f ree from weeds and iould be taken from cday subsoil. A )od lawn prepared for the distant fu- re will require at least six inches black soil for body if placed directIN, ithje sand. Another method used in rdy localities is to put over th »e nd a layer of two to three inches of y and three inches, or hetter fonr 'hes. of black sou. This tYpe of w'n construction is less expensive Lteagu,.on v.qnst. PEAT MOSS ATKINS & *Osumow. loge. jeG. P. M. QUALITY 2367 Logan Blvd. Large Bale ......$425 Chicago, 111. Tel. Armitage 8;z ............ Millen Hardware Co. 1219 Wilhette Aive. WiI. 3"10 * ~ finesi Nurserie's can moae your assortment of Chicago arma. FJe De Comble te LaüdscaPig-Send for Our Representative CASH& CARRY DEPT. Np!JORI akmD5 In Our Cash &Carry Idopartment are hundrecis of ' of various sizes and varieties, oach oesfreshly dug, baII.d'and burlapp.d. ready te tako ,%Orne. Open every day iucluding Sanday. MILWAUKEE AV£. SCILAVEY'S SNURSIEIUES WAU KEGA 11RC. EVEROREEN SA&LEj Week-End Sbecial Visit oui, sale yard andi convince yourself that ihese valu.-s Ire iruly outsianding. These evergreens have been growri for landscape purposes and art well- îooted, sturdy stock-easy for you to plant. *JUNIPER SABENA 2-8 ft spread. (Worth $4) *NORWAY SPRUCE 4 4 fIL hloeh '(Worth $3.50) *PONDEROSA PINE Il ft. hh (Worth $4.00) *GLOBE ARBORVITAE $7 18X18 In. (Worth $2.50) *AUSTRIAN PINE 4 ft. high. (Worth $4.00) *MUGHO PINE 18X18 ln. (Worth $2.50) ManY ot/ser outstandingvaues ECR Ch CASHAND CHARES FOR URSRRYS Ail CHARES FORE URSEIES SURI See the Nurseries responsible for Prize-Winning Gardens, Worid's Fair Horticultural Exhibits, 1933 & 1934. PRAIRIE VIEW, ILL. 0. Route2,, btwftHi Day and LkZihe justoneandone-aitmils Wst o MituakotAve. pen Doy day 7 VLi%yLIr A visift t the. North Shiore's Iargest and, wiII .b. fo your advantag.. Hors you personal selection from the. Iargest Evergreens, Trocs ani Sbrubs in the. mthan on0black dirt as the cost of clay Planting of Bulbs Is as' is Iless."The clay acts for the coiser- )M.1 vation of water nxuch in the same wayl Garden Center Topic ar- asarbber blanket would. ."Planting of Outdoor Bulbs" %v'il1 .s1), In selecting black soul a fair test is be the subject of the program at the Is,' to squeeze the soul between the thumb North Shore, Garden Cellier, WVin- ail and finger. If it is gritty itis toù ight, netka Community Hotisc, ai 10:30* 'id Pression Of the thumb and finger and M1ondav morning, Octolwr 1. A rep- e( Is rather greasy It is proper soil to use. resentative of Franken Broiliers wili In selectlng dlay, It is better to use be the speaker. The center points the friable yellow dlay which ivilil)pack ottefc httesrlggr il- and flot crack, rather than Mue clqN u h ac httespiggre a which. in extremely dry weather %%,il] is almost enitirely dependent tipon tocrack and let water through. its color from bulbs planted ini the Beware of Ruts autumu. Therefore members of the ~' The 0 wner should be watchful of the cellier ~il w l o e t i p ot nt ut way In which dlay and black dirt are 1y dumped on the lawn area. If hauled 1w' o"clar one 50 well able to help team and wagon, ail the ruts made hy ,thicm gei t this Coveted color effect. ththe wagon wheel should be ýfilled befor There will be the usual exhibit of a] the load is dumped. This of course does flot happen if the modern method of sl>ecimeîî blooms. hauling is used where large tires or duaèl Mrs. Montague Ferry of the library e tires are a part of the equipment. 1ý commjttee wvilI be assisted by M 1r s. e We have now reached a point where M. Mandeville of Lake Bluff and o0 the, final grading and finishing 0f the law ea beaccmplshe Th whleMrs. L. F. Harza of Ravinia. earea should be so graded that water w~ill 'l'li vanston Garden club will flot stand in pockets. In other words the have charge of meetings at the' cen- siope of the Iawn should be su<h tha0terOtbr1adtruhu h the water will drain off eventually trOcoeanadtdogou h not concentrate in any which causes th(,;nîonth. Mrý. Willard Jacques and -washing of gullies in a new lawn. Tbe! Nrs. Morley Reading will 1)e hIe -whole area of the lawn should bc raked himn f wt ai rnrk ,alcoso itboen up and any weedis or coarse grasst Not only Garden club members, removed. but ail who are, interested in garden- The seed is an Important facetor il ing are welcome to attend ail pro- the building of a lawn. The owner should gaso h etrad'.se n insjst on the finest bine grass and Re rmdf h eteadtose n iTop that can be obtained. The seed formation there, without charge, it *should be dlean, free of weed seeds and is annotinced. inert matter, and should have passed a ____ hig germination test. For ordinary etmkn rvsi h e t anste average antount used would t rvn ~kn rcsi h e be pound to 200 square feet of blue dii t. From this time on, unless pernicioul- grass and a small proportion of Red weeds appear it will flot be necessary tce Toi). No definite rule can however be do anything except cut the lawn,, as the followed in seeding. In seeding the lawn cutting strengthens the grass and weak- the best rule to follow Is that the sced (fis the weeds. It is always Wise to top muAt cover the surface at least to an dress a lawn In the fall to prepare It 80 per cent density. After the seed has for the Iinter. Fine soul sometimes mixed been put out and this can be done by with sharp. sand should be evenly sprea.d hand or a mechanical seeder, the sur- over the lawn and tlrmed Into place face should be sèratched lightly wlth an with a roller after seedlng. This willl irnn rake and rolled with a roller tnt effectually prevent any air pockets from weighing over 250 pound.s. filling with, water and freezlng In the May e Eged lthSi w inter. %fa BeEdgd Wih Sd 1Fali le the Best Time Arefinement In Iawn making that pre- Faîl dressing of lawns and seedlng is vents dirt from washing on to the walks' to be preferred to sprilig dressing be- and gives a much more fini.shed appear- cause of the fact that the average lawn ance is to put a strip ofrsod about one on the sprlng le too soft to work on. foot wide along ail edwes of Wallis, If one will analyze the reason why drives and curves, or if titis develops some lawns are beautiful and some are into too large an expense on accouint Of flot, he will find that the reason they the size of the place, the strip need only are beautiful is because they have con-, be placed on the low side of the lawn sistent and scientific care. If that sort area ini the direction on whieh wash o f treatment is given a lawn It will de- would occur. velop and wall respond in direct propor- New Iawns require consistent watering tion. to the treatment gîven. Too many until they are establlshed. They should People expeet a lawn to develop by It- be watered every day. When the grass self without top dressing. without re- has made its appearance wiIl also seeding. and without fertilizer. An old be some weeds, which cannot be pre- English gardener who was highly coin- vented. These should be -taken out when pliniented on the grounds surroundingr siail. When the new grass has reached the estâtes and who was asked how such Its height of two inches the lawn should a perfect Iawn could be developed, ire- be. rolled rather than cut. This wlll have plied, "That particular lawn has been a tendency to firyp the roots ln place and seeded, elipped, watered and top) drepaedl breaks the blades of grass. As soon as and fertllized and otherwise ctred foi- the grass bas again reached the height for some .300 yeais.". In a modified way of. two luches the lawn should be eut, that is exactly what it takes to produce being sure that the mower r'une easîly, a L-ood lawn. WILMETTE 1-lipip 1 - .1 OP &me a

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