WILMETTE L12 September 27, 1934 Offer Reward to L'and Street Lamp Breakers The Village board has posted a rewÀrrd of $25, for information leading to the' arrest and convic- tion of any person guilty of malici- ously breaking, street lamps. Sucli information sbould be presented to the police department at the Village hall. The vandalism, whicb is wide- spread, is causing a.serious finan-* cial loss to the Village, and of late lias greatly increased. A deter- mined effort is to be made by au- thorities to put an end to it, and ini this tihe cooperation of parents is solicited. Most of the malicious, acts are I)erpetrated by boys, and the parents are warned that severe penalties will follow conviction. Wbitfield Hawes of Montclair, N. Jwho bad been visiting bis sister in California, stopped en route home to spend the week-end with his uncle and aunt, the C. C. Carnahans, 700 Central avenue. Kennetb Eastman of Berkeley, Cal., a cousin of the Carnab ans, has- also been a guest. GLASS 0 PENN VERNON "A" Qtaality for cleaz- vision Mille. Hardware Co. Ille Wolhntt$,Avp. WII. s8000 Leadée Conduet Surviey on Character Education Dr. C., Russell Small. bead of the foreign language department'at New Trier. Higb scbool, is 'serving as chairman..of a faculty committee on character education. The coînmittee was formed last year and did some preliminary «Work at tbat tirne. One phase'of its work this year, it is ex- plained. will be to make contacts witb other organizations ini the township wbich deal with boys and girls of higb school age. On tbe committee, be- sides Dr. Small, are Supt. M. P. Gaiff- ney as ex-officio memher; Miss Beu- lahi Hall of tbe English department: H. C. Pifer of the- Englishi depart- ment; L. E. Hildebrand of the science department; Miss May Fogg, director of girls' physical education; and Rol- and B. Wehr of the social, science department. SEE BRIDGE DEDICATION -Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Lunldberg,, 1010 Elmwood avenue, attended the dedication ceremonies last Thursday marking the opening of the new bridge and park at Morris, Ill., Mrs., Lundberg's former home. Last week- end. Mrs. Lunldberg drove to Danville and Turkey Run witb ber son and daugbter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old H. Lundberg, and their small son of Wilmette. Miss Lucille Ponton of Kansas City is tbe guest of Miss Dorotb Snyder, 2844 Blackhawk road. AFTERNOON and infor mali ez EVENINO DRESSES Offered in crepe and ightweight w'ool in ail the smari-est new Fait colors also black. Sze s 14fo 44 $17-50 and$ .ln plaids or plain colors for school or business. PRESIEZJ Carlos Photo Presideent of the Jun#ior auxiliarv of the Womani's Club of Uf'il,,iette, for this newv year is Mrs. Cha ries Williamson, the former Japie Owen. She aill presi*de at the opeyrinqIf meeting October 4. The *annexation and boundaries corn- mittee of the commission, of whiclt M. J. Phillips of Wilmette is chairman. was requested to make a study of the WINS SAILING RACE ýunincorporated territory between Wil- Dr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Huif andl mette and Kenilwortb, and to make a their daughter, Martha Ann, have re- report with recommendations to thu turned to their.home at 706> Wash- commission at a future date. ington avenue from their summer place at Delavan Lake. Wis., where Miss Mary I-vid, 621 Elmwood they had been for several xnontbs. avenue, bas entered Corneli univer- Mlartha Ann w~on the girls' sailing sity at Ithaca, N. Y. She graduated race in the annual regatta. in June from New Trier. The Work of an Artist LYMAN'S ICE CREAM It draws the line between "good" and "best." Tasty and refreshi ng, pure and wholesome, YOU'11 find Ly- man's Ice Cream satisfies e v e r y requirem ent, be- cause it is made according to the private formula of ,Mrs. Lyman. Special This Week Fresh Banana and A> Strawberry, qt. brick42 We, will doliver Iiromptly at any time you specif y Special Foursome Package.,serves four. 25C .Want Patrol to Curb A ccidents > on.,Skokie Road As a resuit of the nunerous fatalitiee occurring on Skokie boulevard, the. North Shore District' Planning com- mission is requesting the State Police' department ' to establ ish a, patrol on this tborougbfare with the objeed (f minimizing accidents on this 'heavil), traveled bigh speed bighway. This action was decided upon at a meeting of the commission held at the. Winnetka Village hall Monday evening following a general discussion of the Skokie boulevard traffic problems. It was'also reported that the State High- way departnient is now engage( i n taking traffic counts preparatory to the installation of trafic signais along this route. The matter of preparing a report on the procedure necessary in the annexa- tion and dis-annexation of territory adjacent to the north shore villages, was referred to the judiciary commit- tee of the commission, of whicb XVil- liam J. Weldon of Wilmette is chair- man. This report, it is explained, is to be used by the commission's annexa- tion and boundaries committee in de- termining what recommendation t(> make ini connection with boundary re- visions. S eptember 27j. 1934 L. M E T T E LI -172