E E * = * g i = = i 0WD BUILDIN4G BURNS Fire Chief Walter Zibble, reports that the, departmnent was called to Ridge road and Wilmette avenue at 2:.30 o'clock Friday morning of las t week, wbere a vacant, store building was found to be ablaze. Tbeý building is being razed, and this is the third tinie tbat the. department bas been called* to extinguish fires. SundayI evening a burning tree at 2135 Thorn- Wood avenue required attention. Hugh 0. Wilson and bis two daugbters, Xfiss Editb Wilson and Mrs. J. W. Ryan of Westmont. Montreal, were guests last week of Mr..and Mrs. E. A. Gould, 922 Forest avenue. They came to attend the, fair and to do sight seeing in Chicago. i MOTORS SERWICE Everything for Automobiles WINTER TUNE-UP Special - Oclober 8-13 I5 C er 25~C ylinder Regular Price 50c per Cylinder 1. Test battery, clean terminals, etc. 2. Clean and adjust points. 3, Clean and adjust pl'ugs. 4. Retimne motor. 5. Check coil. 6. Check condenser. 7. Check wiring. 8. Adjust cbarging rate. 9. Clean screens; 10. Adjust carburetor for winter (Power Proyer). 721 MAIN STREET Phone Wilmette 2600.2601 . ........ ................... WILMETTE LIFE October 4, 1934 Urge Prom ptness in Reservations A for, Relief Party, Atremendous, success is, foricast for the Relief Càrd party to'be givèn in the Masonic temple auditorium: Saturday.evening, October 6, by WiI- mette Chapter No. 753, Order of the Eastern Star. Plans are being rapidly completed, and advance table reser- vations are being made beyond aIl ex- pectation. Arrangement committees are diligently at work to make this the most enjoyable occasion ever staged by tbe order. TIhere is an especial appeal to the affair because it is exactly what it is represented to be-a relief party for the amelioration of distrress among folks who are in need of temporarv assistance. The commit- tees are headed by the following vvorkers: 1General chairman, .Mrs. C. P. Dahncke; refreshments, Mrs. John Woodhead: tables and prizes, Mrs. j J. V. Smith. No one, it is said, will. lack the makings of a delightful evening. for facilities are being provided for in- dulgence in bridge, five hundred, unco and other card games. ~Mrs. Dahncke, the general chair- man,' is in charge of reservations. and states that to avoid disappointment' reservations. should be made at once by phoning Wilmette 3765. ý The affair is to open at 8 o'clock and continue as long as the guests care to play. ALPHA DELTA PHI PLEDGE John T. Benson, son of Mr. and; Mrs. T. R. Benson. 601 Ash street,- i Winnetka, and a member of the freshman class at Weslevan uni- versity, 'Middletown, Conn., bas been pledged by Alpha Delta Phi frater- nitv, He is a graduate of Mercers- burg academy. PLEDGED AT AMHERST Included among the members of the entering class of 1938 at Amherst col- lege 'who have been; pledged, to fraternities are Charles Lewis Dostal of Glencoe (Alpha Delta Phi) and Ernest Latham Ester, Jr., of W~il- mette (Alpha Delta Phi). FURNACE 0 -REPAIRING * PIPE *PARTS * CLEANING 0 NEW INSTALLATION Millen Hardware Co. 1219 wilmette Ave. WH. 3060 first Churcli of Christ, Scie Tenit Street and Central Avenue Wiln SUNDAY SERVICES-il A. M. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMiONIAL MEETING-8. P. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 A. M. OCT013ER7, 1934 Subject: UNREALITY READING ROOM-1 148 Cen'tral Avenue Open Daily (except Wednesday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wedriesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Thec Bible and Works of Màary Baker Eddy, and aIl othera Chrutia. Science Literatute. may bc read, borrowed or pui the Reading Room. antist nette Iii. authorized rchased nt «MEANDMY DOGI 9. Little Jean Olive Griffis, wuho fi living u'ith her parentsiii Lima, Peru, South Amnerica, sent along* this photo, taken upith her favorite pet, b lier grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bickell of 202 Golf terrace, Wilmette. Jean appears to have complete control of the situation aid lier dog ieeins noi to mùîd a bit the (ovin g, mbrace-as zeho would? CHILDREN'S PLAYS MOVE AWAY The Jack and Jili Players of Chi- The E. C. Pickard family, after be- cago will put on another series of ing residents of Wilmette for fifteen cbildren's plays this winter at the years, have moved from .111 Central Wýoman's Club of WVilmette. The Park avenue, Wilmette, to 529 Park first play is to be "Uncle Tomn's Cab- drive, Kenilworth. The house in Wil- in" on Saturday, November 3. Marie mette tbey bave occupied has been Aýgnes Foley is director of the Play- sold to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Stanfert ers. of DeKalb, Ill. BOR1tROW TouR WAT OUT Or flET Sounds contradito ybut bas worked for the milions wbo use ithe'Household Loan Plan. Loans $30 to $300-only .Signers are husband and wife-repay in monthly instalilments to fitincome-charges fig. ured only on balance due and for'number of days between payments-first'payment -isflot due for thrydays-quiek, courteous, private service. Visit, rieor 'phone the Officpf NY.,.r Drofo Family Finances" 2nd FI." 1737 Howard St,. l4th FI., 105 W. Madison wet f"L" Cicago Chicago PhonEa Greenleaf 2M5 Phonos Franklin 0e85 I THE'IPULIC 19 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHUIRCH SERVICES AND VISIr THE RE.ADING ROOM 9 , 1 1 1 . 1 Octob.er 4. 1934 WILMETTE..ýLIFE