Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1934, p. 42

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42~~~~~. WILPTU - A OctobDtI4, 1934yj Uctivit les. la.Social Elcles By JEAN TEN BROECK Vivianna Tarnow, Raymond J. Crolh Married Saturda Last Saturday morning whi she became the bride. of Ra, mond J. Groh, Miss Vivianr Tarnow looked lovely ina ivory satin gown made with small train fornied from a cw cade of ruffles. long, tightfittin siceves, and a square neck fa. tened with peari clips. Her veil, wbicb had been wornt bier sister, the former Dorothea Tai now, was of flesh colored tulle ai was caugbt with a wreath of pear and crystals. She carried a showt bouquet of whiteý roses, white chr3 sànthemums, and files of the vallk Mrs. James Costello _(Dorothe Tarnow) the matron of honor, wasi dusky pink-crepe. She wore a brow tri-corne bat and hrown accessorie! and carried talisman roses and blu larkspur. The bridegroom's sistei Miss Angeline Groh, as maido honor, wore a gown of delphiniun blue, and the same tri-corne hiait ati accessories as Mrs. Costello. Shg also carried the sanie kind of flowers The bride's mother, Mrs. George E Tarnow, 126 Fourth street, wore« gown of-dark blue lace with a shor, jacket, and a dark blue bat. Tht bridegroom's mother wore dark greer crepe and a black liait. Both lia( shoulder corsages of dark blue or- chids, sweet peas, and roses. The wedding. service was read at 9:30 o'clock by the Rev. James Law- 1er at St. Francis Xavier church. .The altar was decorated with yellow chrysanthemums and pink gladiolus. The bride was given away by her brother, Wesley Tarnow. The bride- groom's brother., Clarence Groh, served as best man and Carl Brae- feld ushered. A wedding breakfast for just, the immediate families tool place at the Rogers- Park hotel, and there the bride's table looke d attrac- tive with its floral decorations of talis- man roses and white chrysanthemums. A tati wedding cake with ail white decorations forrned the centerpiece. In the afternoon after 3 o'clock the bride and bridegroom received about ninety of their friends at the Tarnow home, which was decorated with talis- man roses, white "mums" and Pink gladiolus. A buffet supper was served the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Grob are now on a motor trip to Pittsburgh. and Ken- tucky to visit friends. They will be ait home October 15, on the nortbwest side of Chicago.- CWrci.Meetingj The Cherry Street circle will meet at the home of Mrs. C. J. Easterberg, 1086 Cherry street, Winnetka, on Wednesday, October 10. Mrs. Rob- ert C. Meleney, 1097 Oak street, Win- netka, the assisting bostess at a 1 o'clock dessert luncheon. Mrs. Harriet Atwood, soprano, 904 Elm street, and Leila Kingery, 809 Pine street, piano accompanist, will give the program. "'On Her Toe s" for Woman's Club Captivaîi,,q child dancers, costurncd with charn, ,and shoîvinq 1sLilh'd troainn, are somne of the ttars of the Mfari. Belle Ingrom artisis. A groîep of these cones ta the Wcmiai's Club of tte for ils benefit dinner Proqront 'th niqht of October Il. Novelt-v toc and top douces 7vill be ini- luded oitlthe progrurn. Toc dancing has ait ardent expoîzcnt in th littIle girl /'ictured here. kSusan Northam, Early SeHfier, -Moves Away Miss Susan Northam, one of Wil- mette's early settlers, bas sold ber home at 731 Tentb street, and bas gone into Chicago to reside at 5445 Ingleside avenue. Her father bought tthe property when Tenth street was an ungraded road, with a wooden sidewalk on only one side, and when there were no street lights. Miss Northam lived in the family home for more than forty years. She was a mhember of the Woman's club of Wilmette in its early days before there was a club house, and for'a time was a member of the North Shore Art league. For many years, too,. she was. active in the work of ,t.'s churcb being pres- ident of its, Altar, guild for twenty years. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ruùtledge of Chicago have purcbased ber bouse. Takes Guests fo Club 1Mrs. Willis H. Hutson-, 1112 Elm- wood avenue, entertained at three tables of bridge and luncheon last Saturday at the North Shore Golf club. Gamma Phi Beta CIuapler Plans Anniversary Tea The forty-sixth. anniversary' of the rfounding of Epsilon chapter of Gam- ima Phi Beta sorority at Northwest- ;ern university will be celebrated at a tbridge tea at Shawnee Country club Saturday, October 13. The party wil lie given by the alumnae group and is open toail Gamma Phii Be tas in this vicinity without charge. Among the north shore members wbo are as- sisting with arrangements ar 'e Mrs., Lewis B. Ermeling' and Miss Mildred Hebel of Wihmette, Mrs. Godfrey'L. Jacobi' and Mrs. Jacob) B. Ritten- house of Winnetka, Mrs. Stuart K. Fox of Evanston, treasurer of, the Epsilon chapter bouse fund, and Mrs. Harold Brown, president of the Chi- cago Alumnae chapter. Rummage Sale The General Aid groups of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church will have a rummage sale on Wednes- day, October 17, and Tbursday, Oc- tober 18, at 1141 Greenleaf avenue. Tbose wbo bave articles to donate to the sale are requested to telephone Mrs. C. E. Burgess of 1534 Highland avenue. Mary Bell Weds- Richard H. Curli in Candlelight A t a candlelight service at 4 o'clock Wednesday, afternloon, September 26, Miss Mary Bell of Wilmette became the bride of Richard Herbert Curli, also of Wilmette. The marriage service was read by the Rev. Bernard Brady at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. John A. Hoffman, 1922 Wilmette avenue. About fifty friends and'relatives were present for the wedding, and more than a bundred attended the recep- tion that followed. The bride's gown was an ivory satin princess one, and lier ivory colored tulle veil, which had been worn by the bridegroom's sister, the former Jean Curîl, was fashioned into a small cap. The bridai bouquet was of white roses with, one purpie orcbid ini the center. The maid of honor and only attendant uvas the l)ride's cousin, Miss Elizabeth Hoff- mani, ho wore an olive green silk creep gown, a brown net turban trinlmed, with velvet ribbon, and brown gloves and sandals. She car- ried talisma:n roses. John Bell gave his sister away in Inarriage, and AI Just of Chicago served Mr. Curîl as best mani.*Kay Hutchinson, who has been the piano teacher of Buddy Rogers and Mary Pickford, played the wedding marchi Just as the bride came down the stairs and through the living room to the sun parlor, where the service uvas read before a backgroundî of palms, ferns, baskets of flowers, and manv hranchied canclelabra with lighted tapers. The bride's mother, Mrs. Louise WV. Bell of 832 Ridge road, wore rust colored lace. Also attending the wedding wvas the bride's sister., -Miss Dolly Bell, who is featured uvith Buddy Rogers' show at the College Inn. The bridegroom's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Curll, are now in Florida and were îlot able to come to the wedding. On their honeymoon the bride and bridegroomn motored south, and they will be at home after October 5, at the Linden Crest, apartments in Wil- mette. Collecis Rummage for Guild's Two-Day Sale, From attic to cellar, in trunks and clothes closets, n bureaus and chests, Wilmette residents are asked 'to ferret out such articles as they no longer can use, and then save tbemf for' the fail runimage sale the Wo- man s guild of St. Augustine's Episcopal church will hold in the parish house a.1 da-y Thursday and Friday, October 25 and 26., Mrs. S. Bigelow Haley of 1434 Lake avenue is chairman of the sale. She is collecting rummage and will caîl for any contributions donors are unable to deliver to the Parish bouse if she is pboned. The work of the guiid will benefit by this two-day sale. 42 .WILMETTIR 1-1 V IP i

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