Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1934, p. 50

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I l JUNIlO R Publisb.d weeklg bg the school children of Wilmette aunderaasperviion Of Wilmette Phauground and Recreat tan Board VOI,. 7, NO. 51, WlMETTE, ILLINOIS,.OCTOBER 4, 1934 Split Gid A very ut cers was h school Thui officers were boys because girls di cooperatq in Votes Oral Themes at Stolp Deal with World's Pair ,ves ElectIOn Oral themes were given. in Miss ,to tolePerring's room by the eighth grades toy of Stolp school' Wedneisdayan Thursday, September 26 and 27. inusual election of room offi-, The themes were about the World's. rield in room 1C Of StolP fair. Miss Perring, who is English irsday, September 27. The teacher at Stolps, put a number ofi e al j suggestions on the board. We werei the ~3B! told that we might choose one of- I).rj t wha t we had seenatthe fair.1 ein abou\'~ t hse tpics or srn o the topic JAil Teams St art Football Practice Lightweight, pewee, and heavy- weight football practi.ce for boys started Saturday, September 22. Pewees and heavyweights met at the Village Green, the former under the direction of Mr. Mackie and the lat- ter under Mr. Davis. Lightweigbts met at Washington park with Mr. Gathercoal. The boys who went out for lightweights were: Baron, Pen- Choose A blest> English Pupils to Edit Paper Wednesday, September 26, Miss Perring and Miss Skidmore, whom we have to help us with our news- paper this year, called a meeting of the students of Stolp school baving t h i votng.stuuents are on the staff of thc in ir vun. ~' lThe talks were all interesting. I One boy would 1amn ure that many pupils feit in- ,. and two girls. Ithe exhibits that were talked about Half of the girls would vote for ontL1and which they had flot seen.-Har- M girl and haif for the other while the l enWad Stolp 2C. boys would ail vote for the boy candi-"'-Oce rahrl.Moan KpIeiihs- -." date. Hence the girls' votes were split GleeoraKup' enrcs while the boys swung the vote. 1 QuiUuknw, Shie LnlCods1 The oficers are as follows. presi- Practice for Concerts Quck, Ilson, Andrews, Nylund and others. We practiced some blocking, dent, Harold Moter; vice-president, TPhe glee club and orchestra have punting, and running interference. Bryce Rusdat; secretary, Paul Caster- started practicing again for the num- Later we had a scrimrnage game. line, and treasurer, Ric hard Hirsch. erous concerts we expect to give. The next lightweight practice will Some of the girls who were nomi- The Stolp girls' glee club had its be held Saturday morning October nated are Gertrude Weinstock, Helen first rehearsal Monday, September .,a lc t ahntnpr. AiU About the New Reporters! Clark, Pat Penick and Edith Mendun.- 24, and Mrs. Wagner called the or- -Melvin Nylund, Howard 8A.-colnwppr n c sMs Richard Finney, Stolp IC., chestra together in the Howard_________ Skidmore's ilpers on the JuNioR gymnasium last Thursday. LIPE. Dick LaBonte was appointed Kickball Stars Sprint to There are many new members in Robert Scheibel toHead 1editor-in-chief, and Janet Bichl and the orchestra, and we are -happy to Room Club for Stolp C Bud Seubold, 'assistant editors. The Gym as Rain Haits Game say that many of them are from Stolp 2C had its election of room esit oftheaffy is as fondoRschaed Wednesday,, September 26, Howard Stolp. As new additions to the list club oficers Thursday, September edtrNnyBrF n ihr 6B girls had a kickball game sche- of instruments, we have a trombone 27 because of the custom of electing Finneys business managers, George duled against SB., We started play- and an oboe, as well as flutes BradFod;i- ing on the Village Green diamond. several vioins. cu fiesa al spsil. Trae n enr lo;cr We had our first ups and just as we The glee club misses its old mem- Aprsenic-eidter- wer ggng ut n te fel itstatedber wh weeýgrauatd lst prigtary, treasurer and a council member w e r g o n g u t n t e l el d it t a r e d e r s w h o w e r " g r d u a e d a st s p r n g , w e r e e le c te d b y s e c r e t b a llo t. T h o s e - raining. Then we ail ran' under. a but we sure the new members will wowr lce ilg noofc tree for a minute thinking the rain try hard to filI their places, WCe woaweThre ele ctwl o ino ff4e. would stop right away. We were believe that both organizations aretoahrsyOobr4 under the tree when it started to going to be bigger and better this They are: president, Robert Schei- rain harder, so we ail ran from the year than ever before.-Rosamond bel;.vice-president, John Miller; sec- Those Busy Scribes VilageGren ito he chol nd cMilan Stlp C.retary, Bernard Flood;. treasurer, culation managers, Harlene Ward got dry. Dick Magner, and council member, and Byron Towle; room correspon- After we got dry we went into Club of 2D Room Elects Robert Weigel. The new officers were dents: ]B, Nancy Pierson; 10, Mari- the gymnasium and asked Mrs. grK aeP ed. eeted with enthusiasm by al of lyn Stube; 2C, Betty Ericson; 2A, Fanckboner if we should keep onH.K.Y tsPrsdn us.-Betty Ericson, Stolp 2C. HenriettaL Watts; 2B, Nancy Pier- playing kickball and she said we TusaSpebr2,te2 son; and 2D, Margaret Paulson. The should stop playing; that we could (Clark-Stevens) room. of Stolp held Highcrest Student Coun.i oth qiRLinE the room corres- earn our points without playing in a club meeting in its home room.Cho.iUfhîasarfom evthgd. the rain.-Ruth Zibble, Howard 6B. We had our first election of t h ooses Calvi President pondents are: lB, Clinten Carpen- year, although we didn't have time The Highcrest Student council held 1ter; C dt edm n 0 GilsReu e icbal to elect any officers but the presi- its first meeting, Friday, September Lois Whitehead.-Lois Whitehead, Tilts at Howard Sckool On Thursday,. September 27P h ing year. David Calvin was electedM nalT iigCas Wfdnsdahat dor election by choosingth president; Earl Borre, vice-pesident; M na rii ls Howar.d schco the girls have a floigoicr:Rs oes vice Henry janaes, secretary, and Junior Making TreasureChs kickball' game after school, it president; George Bontique, secre- Lass, treasurer. We are aIl goingt I ormna riigclasti r ihe hefftsxtseeth rtary; Margaret Paulson, treasurer; work hard to make our club a suc-anngcls ti eighth grade girls playing. Joyce Stoerk and Junior Carroll, cess.-Elizabeth Behies, Highcrest ya eaemkna u first Wednesday of last week it rained councilors. We know ail the officers school. project, *a treasure chest. Soeofu when we started but some of the wil1 do their best te fulfill their _________ are .making the'large one, and some girl wated o pay n th ran. dtie.-Jyce toek, Solp2D.are miaking the smaller one. Mr. gfr s a nt d o p a y in th e ra . d ti s.- o y e to e k, Sto p D.C H EN E S E B O Y S A T S T O L P B i a d t a e a e g a g t u We get f ive points for each game WeA Sopsholw ae t Bilcksaon th chet50at we wml o t pla. A lest igh gils layon y HWAR TES SOLP Chinese boys whose father sent them have our smnaller brothers and sisters tcam. We have flot won one game Tuesday, September 5, Howard to America from China to got kn noo r!rvt ffis h ar lowdt wa nykn D-2 boys played Stolp D-1 boys in a school. They can only speak Chinese chest isgin o bebuntan wxe WC are lloed o war ny indgame of football at, Washington and they, are 7 and 5 years olil. to give itano apeabrnan Wàe ar Of playsuit but when it gets coider park. It was a great game which They both are in' the first grade. alo giin olput lea rncope.W rep wc have to wear blac k bloomers and ended. in a 0O to O score. Both sides Te r agthwt ed and o ngt t mpur e at vroerin amiddy blouse, our regulation gym- were eyenlymatched. The following .write. Wor rin I ec n t class srnghs e onméke aasiurn costume. Mrs. Fanckboner boys played on Howard D-2- Hughes to make them both happy and to 1ik the cse ie rojecths DanSt o en is our gymn asi t ec. Ioen nWlterHenderson, Hargis, our schools.--Virginia Ogilvie, Stolp Sop B and w I oeta ecnwnCocha erguson,ý Walworth and 2D. Sop B Most o h ae.OieCrsn Dodds.-Bill Dodds,P Howard 7A. Hoad6B. LIKES LOGAN SCHOOL BILL HOLMES PRESEDENT' GIRL MAE APLESUCE lie Loan choo beausMembers of the Byron C. Stolp GIRS MKE PPESACE lke oga shoo beaue it is assembîy club voted for the club of- AB-I WENS THREE IN ROW Wednesday, September26, was the kept so dlean. I like al the teachers ficers Wednesday September 26., AB-1 football team of Howard first day of cooking for the girls of in Logan school, and I like the club- The officers eecd are: president, played its third game September 27 Howard 7B. I could hardly wait, that intends to help the littie childre ihHl evceprdetDnl at Washington park and beat Stolp forthis was my first experience at to cross the streets and to teach themn Mcllraith; secretary, Elsie von der AB-2boy, 14to . SofarAB- cooing We adeappesauce which to stay off the grass because it hurts Lippen, and treasurer, Knel of Howard has beený unbeaten, un- turned out ail right and was very the littie plants. We also wan oCakK ansr h e ofiers tied and unscored on winning its good. I am - sure we shall enjoy welcome new children and help te imk the *t11cu hebs other ganses, 33 to O and 21 to 0. cooking durm-g the rest of the year. to make new frieýids.-John Walsh, i a vrbe.NnyPesn -Dick Penberthy, Howard 8C. -Dorothy Kraft, Howard 7B. Logan 4th grade. Stolp lB. ben- îesn A thlies . [jceion School News 1 le

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