Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1934, p. 54

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WL MP T Il J &aiiàain L aj Mtober 1934 Hrinviestment for boy an i s smalwe I h G LASSIFIRD AD VER TISEMENTS GeneraI Notice claomd$d avrusements wallb. carged olY' Gleneso, Inclusive, who.e namea appear i tu e telophone directory, or who am e roular subacri bers to sither WILMETTEM LIVE, WINNETKA TALZ or GLENCOE NEWS. Rdades- 5 cents a lino. Advertismients run in ail three papers. NINKN1JNr CHAION iu DOLLAIL Average of lOve worde to, the lino. No black face Mype used. USdiscount on ail cash advertine- monte whon brought to our offce et 1232 Central Ave., Willnitte, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetka. 10% i*eoint on ail advertisements rmn four aonascu«tivmsue. Deadne or nserion lasilfed adlvertisements wiliibhoe Deadine or Isertom-cptedup to Tuesday9 P. M. o WILMETTE LIPE or ail threo Papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNECTKA TALK and Thursday à P. M. for GLENCOE NEWO, Toopione«: Wllmnetto 4300, Winnetk& 3000 (Winnetka 500 atter 6 P. M.>. Greenleaf 4u00or Sholdra"o lIt-lli?. LOST AND OUND *USINEsS SERvicu- Reward for returnof Plasteriing Stucco Cernent BOYS RANGER BICYCLE brown and white; chromlum tenders. -Basements made waterproof~ Loat fromn 605 Lincoln Ave., Wlnn. 2119. Geo. A. Thursby-Whitewashîng 3L22-ltp WilMette 3387. LOST-RED PERSIAN MALE KITTEN, 5 months old. Dark markings on aide Bell around neck. Reward. Phone Glen- coe 626. 3LT22-ltp LOST--PAIR TORTOISE SHELL RIM glasses, near i 'ntersection of Elm and Chestnut. Reward. Call Winnetka 15. 3LTN22-ltp LOST-BLACK MALE KITTEN ABOUT 3 months old. Reward. Phone WIl- mette 4493. 3LTN22-Itc LOST -BLACK KITTEN 4 MONTHS old, liberal reward. Cali Wilmette 2676. 3L22-ltp LOST-BOSTON TERRIER, WHITE collar. Reward. 224 Scott Ave., Hub- bard Woods, ill. 3LTN22-ltp ANTIQUES FOR SALE A FEW ANTIQUES AND oriental rugs, also two Italian carved chairs $50.00 each,. fine Persian brasa tray 840.*00, Sheffield, candelabra, books and other home furnishlngs--Oct. .5, 6, 7. 714 N. St. Johns Ave., Highland Park. Phone H. P. 1130. . 7LTN22-ltp OLD COLONIAL LIV. ROOM TABLE, sideboard -and chest of drawers, walls nec., settee, dresser; cheap for qulck dis- posai. In garage at rear of 1020 Oak St.,3 Wlnnetka. 7LTN22-ltc BUILDING AND CONTRACTINQ CEMENT CONTRACTOI AirL L INDS 0F CEMENT ANI brick work. Leaky basements me paired. Masonry and plasterwork. JOSEPH KNEIP 1714 Washington Ave. Wllmette 2611 .15LTN2O-4tl MODERNIZATION General Contractlng and Altemations Chicago Construction. Company Estimates given on Request. 160 N. LaSalle Wllmette 27«~ 16LTN21-4tîi FOR SALE:,, 1HARDWOOD FIRE-ý Place 1og8, aplit and cut in 2-ft. lengths other lengths by order. $8 ton, $15ý cnrddeiivered. Birch' wood $11.50 ton del. Kindling wood 1/ ton $5. A-i black soil 4, yds. 86. Compost manure $8 4- yards, otten cow manume $10 4 yards. Samples at 514 Birch Street. E. G. Haglund, phono Winnetka 2108. 16LTN22-ltn) CARPENTER WORK NEW WORK, ALTERATIONS AND Fred.a C. Schur. Wllmette 1587. 16LTN2O-tfc Rats, Roaches, etc. P. J. IEDELHOFFEN, EXTERMINÂT- Ing engineer. Ph. Wllmctte 3867. 16LTN15-tfc SEASONEIY HARDWOOD $8 per ton delivered. Black dlrt-3 yard Ioad $5. Sod, 4c sq. f t. Phone WiI- mette 452. Guet Anderson 435 Ridige Road 16LTN22-4tp CARE 0F FURNACE B3Y EXPERT- ENCED MAN. MANURE FOR SALE. WINNETKÀ 1813. _ 6L2-1tp WHOLSTZN IN TOUR HOME. ZY EtIWbO.$4 Wr $2.50. B,4tlox 40.1 16LTN22-4tl POSTER NISTLE oil humer service. AIl humnera at ail heurs. 'WILMETTE 278. 16LTN20-4tr DRESSMAKINO COLLETTE SOEURS DESIGNERS AND MAXERS Original---Copied-Rstyed....Ajtered 833 Elm st. Wlnnetlka 1011 2SLTN19-4tp HAND CROCHETED AND KNITTED Sweaters, coats and hats for children. PRISCILLA SHOP 980 Linden, Hubbard Woods. Uni. 3807 22LTN22-ltp Gardeners-Home Owners! FOR ]IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, WELL composted manure fertilizer for trees, lawns and fiower beda. $2.75 per yd. 3 yd. -minimum. Also heaut. Scotch and Austrian pines, 6% te 7 ft. high, wlth 4 ft. spread. $4.25 planted. Phone WilmetteJ 3334 or Kildare 5717. 27LTN22-Itpj EVERGREENS 500 TO 'BE 90LD- AT CASH AND CAR - ry prlee 75e~ up. Trees and shrubbervi VERA GILLETTEC Teacher of Piano'ý Beginners and Advanced Students. 1139 Maple Avenue, Evanston, Davis 2471 31LTN22-ltp PIANO TEACHER. AMERICAN CON- servatorY graduate. $1, per lesson. Miss EisIendrath. Wlnnetka 479. S1LTN19-4tc WOMAN WANTS WASHING AN] ironing. Will eau and deliver. Phone Wilmette 1351. 34LTN22-ltp WET WASPI, ROUGH DRY AND FAM- ily finish at a special price. Phone Wilmette 3687. 34LTN22-ltp WHITE WOMAN WANTS WASHINGS to, do at home. Phone Wilmette 4235. 34LTNï22-1tp * MASSAGE SWEDISH MASSAGE Treatments in parlors or your home. t TECKJL4 HEALTH & REDUC. BATHS 833 Elm St. Winn. 356 38LTN20-4tp 3 TREATMEN4TS 5. p Cabinet bath, massage, needle shower. Ultra-violet and infra-red lampa. 627 Grove St. Phone Gre. 1642. .~L820TN2fp PAINTING AND DECORATINO *Paint, Paper 5 Rms., $34.50 CEILINGS'CALC., $1 UP SANITAS AND CANVASINCG WORT<. Rm. wallnaper cleaned, $1. bathroom anameled. !t5up: kitchen pamntêd, $6 up. 5 rm. O1rs. washed, varnished, $8. Stucco finish, outedde painting. porches $15. Windows, 50c. Rets. Free estimates. Materlals furnlshed. MELVIN Wilmette 3413 42LTN22-ltp Ceiling Calcimined, $1, Up RM. PAPERED, $3, KIT. PAINTED, $6 up; wall paper clnd., 75c; bath rm. enam., $5 up;ý glazed walls wshd., etehd., 82.50; aliso ext. paint. Rets. furn. Louis Skolnik, WIl. 5034, Winn. 2511.1 42L22-ltp Wire Haired Puppie PEDIGREED, BEAUT. MARKED. CAN show. $20 up. Phone Lincoln 4542 or Walworth, Wis.. Y-101. George Cappel- FURCOAS EFT WITH Us FOR srage Oad repaira, but uncallod for; Black pony coat, $18; brown Caracul, 824; gray caracul, $28; 1ooprd cat, $32;- American broadtail, 826; bliack caracul. $84; raccoon, $84; Hudson Seal, $58; genuine minât. $150; and many othors worth four -times tiieir price. Also 20 Jacquettea at $13 and 38 fur scarfs at $4. Econoniy Section, Miller Fur o,166 North Michigan Ave.,' Chicago, open evenings. 59LTN21-3tc TUXEDO - Size 38-40. Good condition. le Cail Winnetka 3883. P 59LTN22-lit) S BLACK CHIFFON VELVET EVI- i. dress and jacket. Black chiffon dinner p dress, beaut. lace collar. Black satin att. dress. Size 36. Reas. Winnetka 1205. 59LTN22-ltc FOR SALE-3 PIECE GJREEN CHIN- chilla set--coat, cap, Ieggings-size 3. Boy's Eton suit, size 5. Both like new. Winnetka 2410. 59LTN22-ltp 6BLA CK SATIN DRESS AND COAT, size 16. Good condition, bargains. Phone Wilmiette 2152. 59 LTN22-ltp PRACTIC. NEW. SIZE 14, 2-PANT.S suit $5. Overcoat $4. Caîl Winnetka 3010. 59LTN22-ltp LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confldential service, legal rates MOTOR LOAN CO. State Bank Bldg., Evanioton. Gre. 3200 65LTN36-tfc SITUATION. WANTUD--FEMAL COMPETENT HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Effcient Service for North Shore Homes WE INVESTIGATE REFERENCES WE ARE THE ORIGINAL Pauline's Emp. Agency WILMETTE 2171 Fourth and Lindon Opposite LUI Ter. OSLTN47-tfe EXPERIENCED HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADB domeâtlc help, aIl nationalltles. Ne charge to employers. References in- vesticated. Under State supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 EImSt. Winnetka 3399 [Zofallk id'a _ý«gi -p, iè .e, waworvv isconsin. 44LT1N22-]tp < o a kndaatbagai pics.WANTED-GOOD HOME AS HOUSE 4arlsJoJ&A J4AqA gen D TREES DISPLAYED AT dog and tamlîy companion, for full 804 ELM STREET. WINNETKA 3328 - 435 Ridge Road Ph. Wilmette 452 grown male German Shepherd police RELIABLE HELP 27LTN22-ltp dog. Good disposition. Fenced yard .&iîl domestic positions preferred. Write A-194, Box 40, Wil- NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS 1 EL PETER VOLE mette, Ill. 44LTN22-ltp _______________6LTN18-tfc ýP W ROTTED COW MANURE,-SOD, B ONDDC'r-H-U- -Gemn 2,3____frë-êmp-oyr black dirt, and gardon work donc very J>lÂV A H H ND in,262 years atormae.mpoyr reatonably. Phoneoihln Park 3233. p. Fine pedigree. Fnih 6 er atpae Hlghiand tnPhonPPY. tka2I2.Swedish, 29, 1 12 years last place. 27LN'1-It PhnoWinetk 252.German, 24, 4 years last place. Perennials.... 5 and 10 cents each 44L22-ltp Mn te nis o.1/ r.ep Shrubs, Trees, Evergréens Real Bargain P7ED. -SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPPIEs enat E p.A nc JOHN OSTROWSKY1 NURSERY Outstanding litter, beaut. marked. Renars mp.A nc P 2343 West Park ave., Highland Park Show parents. 'Champ. hlood lunes. 748 Elni St. Winnetka,3399 - 2 blocks west of new Skokie Road Ideal for home or field. 2315 Thomnwood, ___________________ PHONE HIGHLAND PARK 49 Wimte44N22p *68 N2-c 27LTN22-4tp PEDIGREED SRNE SPANIEL Experienced German Cook Pupa. 4 months old. Healthy condi- 'Willing to help with other work. BARGAIN. LARGE, HEALH tien. Fine cempanions or huntora. H.. W. CalWlnnetka 471. Perennials, Evergreens, Shrubs, Young, 531 Michigan, Ev. Ph. Davis 2527. 68LTN22-1tp Lomhardy Poplars, etc. AIse landscaping. 44L22-ltp HUEEPR FR EPOE HIe BDROvcA GArDE 1 WANTED TO BUY--FULL GROWN couple or in medium size tamily. HIBBRD OADGARE*Smale Scottie or toy Boston bull, sic- Reliable and good cook. Reternces. Write 27LTN42-ltpj customed te chiidren. Phone Winnetka A-192, Box 40, Wilmette, Ill. PLANTS AND BULUS - 1133. 44L22-Itp -6LTN22-ltp GEOGEOS DHLI BLOMS WILL GIVE 6 MONTHS OLD MALE WOULD LIRE TO'*PLACE MY EXP. GEOGEUS AHIA LOMS OR housebroken Maltese kitten te. anyono col. girl for general hswk., plain cook- sale at Samueison's Dahlia. Gardena. orrerîng hlm a good home. Phone Win- ing, or 2nd work. Stay on*place. Win- 1220 25th St,~ Wilmette. Take Kenil- netka 1196. 4L2îp eta2068T2-ltp worth Ave, te 25th St., south te gardens. ________________________ Also place your orders -for tubera for PIANO UNIN44 A COMPETENT WOMAN WISHES TO ne# spring. 28LTN22-îtc cook and serve dinners, luncheons, Pianos Tuned & Regulated weddinga, parties. Mrs. Clausen. Phone INTRCTO WORK GUARANTED Wilmette 1733. _. 68LTN22-4tp REMEDIAL TUTORING BY EXPERT- Fa1etory, Dealer. Acoustie Laboratory EXPER. WHITE -WOMAN WISHES enced teacher, Elernentary and hlgh oxPerionce; good réferences. genemal work by heur, day, or ýweek, adhool pupils, bought up te grade, and E. I. VANfIAIUNGE1N lnceluding came etfehidmen. Phono Win- taught how to study. Miss Ma. Sehrlber, Wiimette netka 35. 68L22-ltp telephono Winhetka 88903. 3OLTN11-4tp 1323 Wlijnette Ave. Wilmette 2744 EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WISH- C'Iuc.go-4218 Lowoll Ave. Kildare 8642 os dayý work. Rocommended by her MUSICAL INIIUUCTION .4LTN31-tfp present.employer. Phono Wipnetka 2495. EXERT.PIANOTNI-NG 83. N................02-t ANNA W. CHINLUND 'pair work guaranteed. 22 yearsu Chick- EXPERIENCED GIRL WIS>)" POj- TEACHER 0F PIANO .ring, Boston. M. C. Thoman. 517 Fair'- teenrlhuewr aqpblg In, studio Mon. and Wod. 2-6.; Bat. 9-1. vlew, Park Rdge 69-R. 45T22. t N S.e P ho lnetka t43. jjg 827-llth St. Phone Wllmette 3612 3XLTN19-4tp SEWING MACHINE REPAIRINQ IBOPïX EMYS5TE p EDITH RAY YOUNG SEWTING MACHINES newcemer.from Austria - ln German Teacher of Piano. Private and Curtis A N D V AC U UM CLPANE , ALL speaklng family. Arn ompioyed by Mru. Clana Instruction. Children-accepted kinda repaired. Eatablished more than C. B. Camp. Ph. Glen. 867. 68L22-ltp as young as 5, years. Studio 1138 Cen- fifty years s«0. Now located ln WiI- MEXP. COL. GIRL FOR GEN SW. tral Avenue. Phone Milnette 3651. mette. L. EC. Blunt, Tel. Wllmotte 754 or 2nd. Rets. Say n ac. hono 31LTN2O-4to or 43«,e S3LTN2I-tfe c Davis 8135. 68L22-Itp - 1 1 1 54 WILMETTE LIPE rlk A ldbià e 9 e

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