Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1934, p. 56

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WIILMETTE. LIFE October 4, 1%34 VERT ATTREACTrIVE. UNPURNIBUME 1aaartMents, and 4 rooma. Humphrey BI«.., Wlametka. ,MAso well located <i&Mo. Phone Wlunetka 97 or Wlmutka 88*8.92LTN4-Uc. pomuUVn-FrUNaiUU Arn. For Immediate occupa ncy 2Y/2 Rooms, Furnishied Boheli Bldg., Winnetka. Wlnnetka 1692~ 93LTN22-ltp MODERN I TO 4 >ROO.M% FURNISHED or unfurn. azartmoent, newly dec- orated. Central location. Reasonabl. Phone Wihsnetté 2399 or 2427. 98LTN22-4tpj 2 ROOM FURNISHIED APARTMENT. Very reasonable. 3rd Iloor.ý Phone WI1- mette 2770. 93LTN22-ltp WANTED TO RENT-APAUTHENTS' 3, ROOM FURN. APT. OR LIGHT hskpg. rooms in private fanily. 2 aduits. Wilmette preferred. Write A-189, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. ____________________ 951,TN22-ltp NORTH SHORE FINE HOMES For Rent and For Sale ALL SIZES AND PRICES LEADERSHIP SINCE 1855 BAIRD & WARNIER, Ilic OPEN EVENINOS 522 Davis Street, Evansten Oreenleaf 18655 Hollycount 18à 238 Park Drive, Kenllwcnth Kenilwcnth 478r» Rogers Park 81M $46 Park Avenue, Giencee Glencoe 1554 Biargato 1851 97LTN22-lt Choice Rentais Charming duplex apt., 2 bdrmsi., glazei olp. porch, steve and Frig., heated................... $80 a mont! Artistlc home, studio liv. îrm., 4 bdrmns., 2 baths, oil beat.......... $110 a menti Colonial borne furnished , 4 bdrms., slp. porch, 3 baths, 2 porches. . $135 a mon t i Frances J. Winscott .402 Spruce St. Winnetka 126d 9LLTN22-1 t. WI1LMETTE, 4 BLKS.' TO GRADE school, white frame Dutch Colonial 7 î'ms., 4 bdrmýs., slpg. porch, 1 bath, oil ht., gar. Wuîî mredecoi'ate throughoflUt. $65 )er MO., Mrs. Fuller & \Vin. Pickard 746 Eli St. Winnetka 3603 97LTN22-1tu- SPACIOUS COLONIAL RESIDENCE near Hubbard Woods scbool. 8 rooms, 3 baths. H. W. beat. 011 bumner. 2-car garage. Large wooded lot. Immediate possession. &G S 725 Elm St. Winnetka .3500 97L22-ltp 6 rm. modern brick bouse.... ...... $40 8 rm. house, garage, transp. ,....$60 6 rmn. heated apt., decorated ..... $845 C. H. BRETHOLD Wil. 65 97LTN22-ltp MODERN BRICK HOME IN FINE East aide location ln Glencoe. 6 bed- roonis, 3%,f baths, cil ht.; refrlg. Wood- ed lot. Anxious to rent as end of season. The Bills RealtY, 718 Vernon Ave. Phono Glencoe 777.9L2-t BARGAIN - 6 ROOM, OIL HEATED, bungalow. Garage. Big yard, Frig- idaire, near schools and transp. 1333 Washington Ave., Wilmette, 111. 97LTN22-ltp 6 RMS. IN NICE SECTION OF WIL- mette,. close to transp. 011 heat, eleet. ref nlg, stove, gar. $65. Flood. Phono Wilmette 608. 97LTN22-Itc RUBLEASE -,.ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM bungalow in Wilmetto, 011 beat, fire- place,. 2 enclosedl porches, nico yard, ga- rage. $55. Wilmetto 167. 971jTN2k-ltp 5-ROOM BUNGALOW IN NORTH- field. Furn«ace beat. Glazed front îîorch. Garage. Phono Wlnnotka 797. 97LTN22-4tp 6 RM. HOUSE-H. W. HEAT. IN WIL- mette, noar achools. $35 month. Phono Unlverslty 9012 or Wlmotte 2960. HOUSE FOR RENT AT 131 CENTRAL Park Ave., Wllmetto. 5 rooma., ga- rage. Cali Wllmette 1172. 97L22-ltp 7-RM. HOUSE. H. W. HT., OIL, GAR., sean sehool and transp. $55. Key at 877 Eum St. Tei. Wlnn. 1689. 97LTN22-ltpJ 9 rnis., 3 b's«, slip. pcb., (o11), 2 c. g. $15Ô 8 rnis., .3 bls., slp. pch., (oil), 2 c. g.9. 125 7 rnis., 2 b'.., HWH, (o60), 2 c. g......95 6 rnis., 1 b., Sunpcb., .(oil), *1 c. g.. 75 7 rms., 2 bs., slp. pcb., HWH,-2 c. g. 70 6 r9nes, 1 b., Sun pch., (911), 2 c. g. ... 65 5 rnis., 1i b., HWH, 1 c. g. . .......... 40 7. rnis., one acre. (Northtiel,çl>, 2 e. g 40 4 rnis., lot floor apt. (heated?........ 30 Other good values, furn. or unfurn., MdI B. H. BARNETT 526 Conter St. Winnetka 965 ____________________ 97LTN22-ltp MOR RENT-FURNISnED HOUsES 8 ROOMS, 2 BATHS, 3 PORCHES, 2- car gar. Newly dec. Beautlfully furn. lnci. $2,500 Steinway grand piano. Conv. to achools and transp. $90.' NANCY LEVINSON WINNETKA 269 _______________98L22-ltp NICELY FURN.. 6-RM. COLONIAL house; sun porch, gai'., o11 heat, eleet. î'efrig., 3 blks. west Keniiworth sta. $100. Ph. Wilmette 4290. 98LTN22-ltc FAMILY TO OCC'UPY 7-RM. FURN. bouse foir winter. Large enclosed yard, gar., near tramsp., oil heat. Low rental. Ph. Wilmette 3598. 98LTN22-ltp FOR RENT-STORES AND'OFFICES BARBER SHOP IN FINE HIGH CLASS' building ln business section. Near transp. 2 chairs and other modemn equlpment. Kroll & Smith, Agents, 4241 FOR SALE-HOfuSE Noth Shore ' BEST VALUES Priced to Seli RVANSTONÇ Attractive 6 n., 2 baàth, brick. 2-car 'gar. Baan WILMETTE. Must sacrifice lovely 9 rn., 3 bath, home. Wlllrent. KENILWORTH Charming 10. n., Col. home. Riparian. WINNETKA Beautiful 'i 6 rnis., wooded grounds. GLENCOE Cholcey--loeated î7 n., 2 bath, brick Colonial. HIGHLANo PARtK 8 rnis., 3 baths, beach priv- ileges. Outstanding bargain.> AyqO NFANY OTHERS ALL BIZES & PRICES OeE1± EVENINGS BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. .LEADERSHIP SINCE 1855 622 Davis Street, Evanston Oren'.f1b:ba . Hollycourt 185.5 523 Park Drive, Kenilworth Keniiworth 4'185 Rogers Park 6151 346 Park Avenue, Glencoe Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 IF lILTN22-ltc VIEWS 0F ITHE BEST. NORTH SHORE BUYS Are, boing shown dally ln our. Photo Tour. of Homes. North Shore Homne Seekers are now, finding this new serice ai time and effort saver. Let us tell you how and why we are heiping people find the~ home of their choiee -at thle price they. like. R. B. WHITAKER CO. 'ý41 Elrn treet Phone 32ý9( WINNETKA Open f rom 9 to 9. NEW OFFERING Beattful clapboard Colonial homy wii Lînden Ave. Phone Wllmette 600. You are looking foi- a well-constructed v;ai ' "'"iin o""'"' rnritiiF 14LTN2-tfc older home with plenty of room and Eight large i'ooms, 2 modern batbs; -S-Tlarge-- grounds in a good location, library. sun parior and sleeping porch. D PAR. ILL, 638Heated by oil at a cost of only $150. Central Ave., strictly modern, steam LRJot 100x175 with lovely lawn, trees and ,heat, fireproof, terratzzo floors, center cfa property that lends itseif adîniî'ably fiowersý. Two blocks to grade school business district. One 1,325 sq. ft., one rmdelgad'qeniig and six to New Trier. A home of eharnr 450 sq. ft. Also modemn 2 and 3 rooniP «%fad distiniction1 for only $22,500. apartmnents. See R. W. Flinn at above 1 HEN address or phone Hi. P. 667 between 9 iv~iaetî umhîv- dm. NORTHVVESTERN 'sIand 12 a. i. 104LTN22-îtp s;lp. pcb., 1% haths, 2-cal' garage. House REALTY & BUILDING CO. FQR SALE-NOUSES j. on one-baif, of a 100 ft. lot. Priced 52,S 1Davis Street, University b5f0< ES --at $12,500 to înîove IL. (ail Mrs. Clark 111LTN22-1Pe 'PWO DEI4IGHTFUL foi- appointinent.CH CEW NE A OEA HOMES IHE BILLS REAl.AY. mc. RPAANHM OEASMALL FAMILY HOME, TH 52-J DAVIS ST., EVANSTON IA AN H M other a home for a large family-l-o- C(;reeîieaf 1136 WVilnette 3740 Ojne of the few sinîaii moder n nit d cated at 717 Greenleaf Ave., Wilinette, 1ILTN22-lte on the lake at a reasonabie priv'e. A and 299 Vernon Ave., Glencoe. The MUST SELL, BEFORE NOV. 1ST. charinîing briek an(] stone, owner-built. h smaller house bas six large rooms and Modern Engiish wh.*tewashed brick, haviîîg four l)drins.,- 2 baths, servant *breakfast porch and is of brick con- brown 8rm, rais., 4 bdr-ms., 21/2 coi- ooni., 2-car att, gar. May aisî, be Istruction. The larger bouse is built of <red tule baths, play rooni with fireplace, rented for two years. ai )brick and timber, blas six bedr-ooms, one oil lit., 2-'air gar. Walking distance to Nlr,. Mead. Il of wbich la a ship's cabin room, extra New Trier, Indian Bill Club and St. i. D11 >lP%'~X lavatory and toilet, three baths, and at- Under $19,000. Want offer. 1iLHE JI41311 J E IL"1. Iic. tachod garage. Both properties have Mi-S. Fulfler & \Vîu. Pickarcl 52ý# DAVIs ST.. EVANSTON rbeautifuliy wooded lots. Pî'iced at $15,000 Grenl14if 1166 Xiillette 374'- and $27,500. Both are ül peî'fect condi- 740 EFini Kt. Winnetka 3603 . 11LTN22-1t,' -tion'throughout. Cali uis for an appt. to __________111LTN22-ltg* inspect these properties.NE HO '- SMA L C O I L OPEN FOR INSPECTrION SUNDAY 3-6E\V HO E li %vill take î,ily$1,500 cash tg) luv thi- rMIGHT CONSIDER RENTENG IHSE. . I VJ M T E;kttracive six-rootii Colon)ial bouse r QUINLAN & I YSON,. 11C. Built in 1930 b3- owner at a cost of %' ~trhat -a 157l Sherman Ave. Evanston Uni. 2600 $60,000-00. t auaerit.-fot iv aî ehaol -au ___________ 11LTN22-lt<* ])ue To being transferred to another city tg;rînsuoîtatyio Alt.rea v il n V owner ,;aý's seil at 60 ýcents on the produ<liction cost. SALE OR I41-,,ý\SE dollar. 1 S00U ah eurd O T Ternis to suit $,0.0cs eurd X( ' l qplEcIALJ. Investigate thi.s unusuiai 12 room, 5 bath ATY&BiDIG(O $27,500.00 home. týAT &117LIG(. $1,0-.00 Se pasam htgrpsatt 5 28 D avis St', Uivrit plansand hotogaphsat th11llLTN22-lx<, This modern, newly deeorated Engiish (Alice or <al Mi'. Scrrin foir details. 8400--AS stuc-co homne, sieididly louated on qjuiet "PH BILLS REALTY, Imc. Balance ternis, for new 7 rim., brick higb ciass moa)id, near depots, shopping conter; 10 rooms, 3% baths, oil beat, 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON home being iuilt on cor'ner lot N8 fi. wide, deep wooded lot; siate roof; double Gre. 1166 Wimetto 3740 by 82-1/2 ft. Ni'. grade schls., New Trier. garage, gas range, elec. ref. For a l11LTN22-ltc transp)., parks, ieaches. 3 baths, 4 bed- tenan, wil leve crpet, dirooms, -ail. mod. conv., Price $20,00Û. tean, il bvecapesdapes and WE HAVE TWO EXCEPTIONALLY Owner Winnetka 1665 or Dearborn 226.. furniture If deslred. Let us show you fine homies that we are offoing this 111LTN22-ltlj this bome-wlll submlt offers. veek at a gîreat sacrifice. Botb brick HIL S.N houses, one Engiish .and one Colonial, SACRIFICE $7,500 543 Lincoln Ave. Wlnnetka 1544 rage, at about 818,000 and $20,000.. ~ i.HUS INPRET OD- 11IL2-ltpt ion: (4 yrs. old, excellent neigbborbeod i1122-tp McGUIRE & ORR in MWinnetka; ou bheat, nice yard, gar. B UY NOW-MOVE IN Ov1er 40 Year's tof Depeuîdaîjie be'v e <'osNe ù grade and bigb achool. Flood. 3t16 Park Avne.linî .Ph. lienl. Pî.l'. Wiimette 608. 111LTN22-tc XVhen You Are Ready . îîLTN2-1tîu STVCO BUNGALOW - CORNER 60- WIVE CAN NOW OFFEII ONE Or WI-NNEËTKA-BAtGAIN. 4 RM. BUNG.1 foot lot, 399 Woodlawn Ave,, Glencoe.. those rane buys that won't Iast. 'l'lie (weii b)Ulit) gn oain.heled:' ledî'ooms, Sun porch, breakfast porch, ent will more than carry thie poperty te $6,000. 2 ,sleeping Porches, garage. Price $6,500. bnikCoonislo sessi. , Atspcsiou NORTHFIELD BARGAIN. The Buis Real1ty, Inc., 718 Vernon Ave- brik olnil f mm.,2 atesoar- One acre, 7 rmn, ouse (weIl buiit> H. . nue, Glencoe 777, ask for Mr. Lundquist. luni and brkfst. rn. Canvassed wgl S H., 2-c, g. ; ',50.Don ayen, 1LTN22-ltc and cellings, near lakt'e and "L." This $1,500. Balanceeasy ten Py s. nt $40,000 Investnient for . $17,500. Pos -Blneéaytrs COMFORTABLE 6 ROO)M, HO(USE O)N tivel nô.lo*e-,ofer cnsidred.East side.. Wooeod lot 100x200 )wlth tivlyne owr ffe cnoîerd.B. H. BARNETT loveîy rock ganden. 2-car garage, sMn- SMART &. GOLEE,, m.. 26 Conter St. Winnetka 965 vanta' quartrabe.Eytrns - EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 11lLTN22-ltp duced te0,0 The Bille Realty, lue., 15 64 Sheian A ve . University 0,983 ONLY $1,000 DOWN- BALANCE AS 718 Vernon Ave. Phone Glen. 777 asIc 111LTN22-lte ent. Beautiful Spanish home with red for Mr. Tucker. 111LTNïJ2-1te ARTISTIC EPXGLSH BRICK HOME tile roof on wooded corner with attach- -___ on weeded lot, In seciuded section ed garage. Extra large witii FOR SALE-VACANT 9n1y 5. yoams' old and nmodern In every arched opening te sun roomn (tule floorj. 13UY A LOT NOWV way. Ha. four bedmooma, two bath.s Three bedroome, 2 tuebah , lre n- Was pniced at $30,000 when it wvas closed sleeping porch. The price of WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED INý~ built, now quoted at $16,000 b- u 1,0 sls ha b omrîotae struetions te soîl three or four mont of town ownem. This le a bargaln aand The Bis Realty, Inc., 718 Vernon1 Ave- desirabIe lots baving frontages of froni can be ebown at any time by aig nue. Phone Gien. 777,. ask for Mm. Mc- 44) 10 80 foot at prices which epresent Mr. Piestor at The Buis Realty. Inc.. Laugblin. I11LTN-itp less than cest of taxes and assesements. 718 VernonAvenue. Phono Giencoe 777. ---- All lots are In a meet desirable location 11ILN22 A R- EAL, OPPORTP1 %UNITY in Winnetka where surroundlng home.- LOVELY HOME NEAR LAKE, 8R are new and modern and wltb ail tax RM1: TO PURCHASE A HOME 0F EXCEP- bis, paid te date we can deliver this- 3 baths, beautiful grounds and gar- tional value, 8 rms.,hot water beat;prptyalo as300 rfo. dons. 824,500. on a 1O-ft. lot In N. E. Wilmette for S IH & G S Unusual buy In 7-mmn. bouse, oil beat, $12,500 or vacant value. Milton E. Reid& GOS $6.00 Mm. ang Wnn tka 1194. & C. 601 Lake Ave. Ph. Wilmettè 771. 725 Blmn St. Wnnetka 3500 1i1TN2-t ~111LTN22-lte 114LTN22-1t fr

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