Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1934, p. 60

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WILMRTTE LIPE October 4, 1934 Christian Woma n's Fellowship Meets ai Local Church The adjourned annual meeting of the Congregational and Christian Woman's Fellowship of -Illinois is be - ing held at the First Congregational curch of Wilmette today (Thurs- day) and tomorrow. Every woman member of a Congregational or Chris- tian church in Illinois is a member of the fellowship. The program for the meeting is in- tended to present the..problemns of the church and society in times such as we are now experiencing. Today's session opened with an inspirational address by Mrs. Mary D. White, asso- ciate secretary of the American Mis- sionary association. Among the, other speakers on, the program are Dr. M. R. Boynton, min- ister of the Bryn Mawr Community church, Chicago; the Rev. Theodore Hume, minister of the New E ngland church, Chicago; Dr. Walter A. Mor- gan, chairman of the operating com- mittee of the conference, and Mrs. James H. Moore, president of the Woman's Board of Missions of the Interior. The meeting will close tomorrow with a communion service cenducted by the minister of the entertaining churcb, the Rev. John G. Hindley. Following is the programn for the two-day session: Thuiruday, Otober 4 2:00 p. m.--Greetings. '2:45 p. m.-The Christian Wonan iIn Times Like These-Mrs. Mary D. White. anociate secretary American Miksionary associationi. 3:15 p. m.-Home missions, Today and Tomorrow-Dr. M. R. Boynton, minuster Bryn Mawr Community church, Chicago. 4:00 p. m.-Tea and reception. 6:30 p. m.-Dinner. 7:45 p. m.-Special munie. 8:00 p. m.-A Word of Hope in a World of Chaos-Riev. Theodore Hume, minister New England church, Chicago. Mr. Hume bas Just returned from Europe where he had opportunity to study eon- ditiolis at fIrst hand. Friday, Oetober à 9 :30 a.. m.-Business. 10:00 a. m.-The State Confei'ence and How It Works-Dr. Walter A. Morgan, chairman of the operating comrittee of the conference. 10:30 a. m., to 12 :00 noon-Sentinars. 1. Promotion, Projeets, Box Work, Cooperative Committee. Convener: Mrs. Roy L. Rogers. Secretary: Mrs. Win. M. Shewry. Leaders: Chairmen of committees. 2. Social Action. Convener: Mrs. Geo. A. Whipple. Secretary: Mrs. Orman H. Pratt. Leader:, Mrs. Frank J. Day. 3. Worid Service, Young Peopie's Workc and Business and Professional Women. Convener: Mrs. Fred J. Bishop. Secretary: Mrs. Julie M. Way. Leaders: Mrs. N. W. Wohr- ban, Miss Saille Ann McDermott. 12 :00 to 1 :15 p. m.-Luncheon and fel- iowahip. 2:00 p. m.-The Year Ahead, (The Home and Forelgn'Study Books)-Mrs. James H. Moore, president WBMI; Mme. Afred, Ott, president Aurora association. 3 :00 p. m.-Messages from the Mis- sionaries. 4:00 p. m.-Communion service-Con- ducted by Rev. John G. Hindley, minis- ter of the Wilinette church. PRESENT PIANO RECITAL Editb Ray Young presetited a group 'of pupils, in the third of a series of early fail piano recitals at her studio Tuesday evening. Chul- dren. taking part included Tom Geld- erman, Mary Wetterer, Charles Rock- castie, Rosemary McDaniels, Bruce Radder, Shirley Fix,. Alice Dahnke, and Doris Trego. TEACHES PIANO Ernau Akely bas resumned her teacbing of piano at her home, 615 Lake avenue. In addition to ber classés she bas been filling enigage- ments' as accompanist. Mrs. John Weedon of 204 Fiftb street will spend the week-end with CA d-T CHES -"SK YRIDE" I This attractive "Skyride" viczc' of Chicago's justly celebrated skyline uisi captured by a camtera isi the han&i of Miis Rebecca Fitch& of 1033 EIm- trood avep'ute, Wilnette. In tihe foreground one %(411 note a portion of the Fair groitnds, the Field museumn and Shedd aqtiariium, ana' jrst bryond the broad stretches of Grant park. WilI Debate New Deal NORTHWEST at Symposium Oct.. 91 E SCU Donald R. Richberg. chairmant of 1E~ C U the new NRA board, and Senator. The Xorthwest Men's, Club of L. J. Dickinson. Republican leader, Wilmette will bold its October meet- will defend and criticize the Newv Deal, ing at the borne of Max%,ýell Rust, and its revolutionary philosophy of 2016 Cbestnut avenue. After the government in a public symposium in record meeting of September, it is Thorne hall of Northwestern Uni- hoped that another large attendance versity's McKiinlock campus Tues- will be present 'to enjoy the, care- day evening, October 9. fully planned October program. Pro- Because of recent significant dle- fessor Reinboth of Nortbwestern uni- velopmnents ini the administration of jversity will speak on a subject of in- the recovery program. the theme of terest to aIl, it is announced. this symposium. originally announiced "Bring along a guest," the club as "Amierica's Choice: Individualism urges every member. or Planned Society," bas been changed to a discussion on the topic. Mr. and Mrs. Fred- Kraft and -Which Way America?" The sym- fml fNwYr iyaemvn posium is thie first of a series of fml fNwYr iyaemvn public lectures and debates sponsored into t he Raymond A. Wbeelock borne: by te UiverityCollge f Noth-at 89 Robsart road, Kenilwvorth, Octo- western university under the title niber10 "Six Views of Tomorrow." AIl the lectures will be held at 8:15 in Thorne Durant. Tickets for the entire series hall, East Superior street antd Lake or for the first lecture on Tuesday Shore drive. . evening are on sale at Cbandler's Other speakers in the series of six and the ýCo-op Bookstore in Evans- lectures Will be Christopher Morley, ,ton, and at the office of the Uni- Richard Washburn Child, J. Edgar versity College. 311 East Chicago Hoover, William Green. and Will avenue. Chicago. 'N. "RuRaLE HIMBEL W" 'ePleýasure OStarts Neighbors' Year (Contributed) In a manner gracious- and charrm- ing, and with words of warm wel- corne, the members. and guests of the Neighbors of Kenilworth were greeted by the president, Mrs. Henry G. Zander, Jr. Tuesday. The beauty of the faîl outdoors was brought itiside hy means of fal flowers and coloring in the decorations, and al present were in a receptive mood to enjoy an alternoon of most un- usual interest and pleasure. The women who had become active memn- bers since the closing of the pre- vious. season- were introduced and ,,reeted heartily. Mrs. George Irving Bell, chairman of the music department, presented the artists of the afternoon, Amy Neill, violinist, and Agnes Conover, accompanîst. The flawless purity of tone and its exquisite singing quaI- ity were especially exemplified in the "Sicilienne" of Bach, and the absolute surety of technique were brought out to perfection in the "Burleske" of Wladigerof f. In the latter' number Miss Conover had ample opportunity to prove ber fine gifts as a pianist as well as accom- panist, and again in the 'Hopak" of Moussorgsky, which was played so beautifully that the artists were asked to repeat it. In a few fitting words of appre- ciation Mrs. Zander dismissed the meeting for the usual social bour, and the women gathered eagerly for a visit around the lovely tea table, and were happy at the chance of- fered to greet Miss Neill and Miss, Conover perso nally. Mrs. Irving Knudson, Mrs. Harry Beglen, and the members of the board were the host- esses of the afternoon. The Neigb- bors have a custom of opening their year witb an unforgettable afternoon, and neyer have they been more suc- cessful than in the one of this year. VISITS PARENTS HERE Mrs. Morris A. Bell of Osbkosh. Wis., bas retumned from the Evans- ton bospital to the home of lier par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Moritz of 226 Warwick road, Kenilwortb, with ber infant son, Bruce Argyle Bell. bomn September 17. Mr. Bell and the children left for home last week. BRAUN IROS. Service Stations YoulliI get more enjoyment and satisfacion out of WInuti raun Brou. Sitier Flash your motor trip if you bave FIRESTONE TIRES' Products Avalabi. ait on the car. These RETTER tires will let your lm Centra Aveinne 11* Lake Avenue 6% 0Gweebay Bod mind rest easy. You'iI have a feeling of secrity Phone WUuiette 3$21.(lust West et Rige Phone Kenilwowt&4774 from blowouts and skids. Protect yourseif, your Phone WilMette lais famiiy and «the other fellow"l by equièping your Wlinitte Avenue and Ridge ]Roud (Souktheset Corner), WU. &ts car wjth FIREStONESI Firestozle Tires HoId 'AU WorMd North EvaumtO& Records on Bond and Traci Modern Gara"e, tin W. RaJiroad Avenue, Phono le 6lt 470 SILVER FLASH DBRA&Ufi DROS. Service Stations October . 4, 1934 WILMETTE LIFÈ

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