Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1934, p. 62

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Cid Stndy and Parent Education C'on ference Theme Many weII known north short edu- cators are talcing part ini a two weeks' conference sp onsored b6tihe Chicago Association for Child Stc and Par- ent IEducation, to take pa ýOctober8 to 20 inu the ninth floor ass bly room of 'Carson Pirie. Scott and ý ompany "Training for More Successful Liv- ing"o is the subject of the conference, whiich bas been planned to give to .al thoee interested in the care of children both practical and theoretical help. The programs for the first week of the conference are as folows: N9ONDAT, OCTOBE S Charman-Mrs. Rose H. Alschuler of Wlnnetka, director Emergency Nursery Schools of Chicago and'vice-chairmian of Chicago Association for Child Study and Parent Education. 12:00 o'cloek-Luncheon meeting. Greetlngs-Wm. J. Bogan, supserinten- dent of uchools, Chicago. Dr. Mgary Dabney Davis, t3pecialist In early chlldhood education, Office of Edu- cation Wahngton, ID. C. OubJet-"-About You and Tour Child." 2:00 oclock-Afternoon meeting. Dr. Ernest Groves, University of North Carolina. subject-Parents and Modern Youth." TUESDAT, OCTODER 9 il o'clock. Miss Martha Douglas, M. S., Siinious college. Subjct-"-ýClothes for Little Children- Fabrica and Patterns.', 12 olock-Luncheon meeting. Chairman-Mrs. Aibin Bro. Dr. Mary Koli Heiner, assistant pro- fessor of home econonmie-,, University of Chicago. SubJect-"'Newer Approaches to the Famlly Clotblng Budget-with Particu- lar Consideration of the Problenis of the Adolescent" 2 o'clock-Afternoon meeting. Mise Beatrice Billllngs, director of home economics department, National College of Education. Subject-"'he rf Dressing Children."1 WEI>NESDAY, 0<TOUEI( 10 Chairnman-Marjy E. Murphy, director Elizabeth Mdc(ormniik Memorial fund. Il o'clock.' "Nutrition of the Famlly on a Low Coat Food Budget" with Illustrative material and sample menus, under the direction of the Elizabeth' McCormick Memorial fund. Miss Sarah MeGiffert in charge. 12 o'clock-Luncheoni meeting. Adelaide Spohn, Ph. D., Elizabeth McCormlck Memorial fund, director of Nutrition service, Illinois Emergency Relief commission. Subjet-"Food as Related to Family Health.1" 2 o'clock---Afternoon meeting. Caroline Hedger, M. D., Elizabeth MeCormlck Mémorial fund. SubJect-*'Standards of Child Health."1 TRHUR$DAY, OCTOBEII Il ilo'clock. Mlam Brubaker. director-of Nursery wehool, National College of Education. gubjet-"About Play Materiais for Very Young Children." 12 o'clock-Luncheon meeting. Chairman-Mrs. Walter T. Fisher, Jr.q of Winnetka. Mrs. Davis G. McCarn of Wlnnetka, lecturer, Chicago Association for Child Studyand Parent Education. Subject-"'The Eternal Tria ngle- Father,. Mother and Chlld." 2o'clock-Afternoon meeting. Harry A. Overstreet, psyehologiat and philosopher. Subject-"lExpanding Our- Conception of Lelsure."1 FILIDAX, OCTOREN 12 Il o'clock. Anita Willets Burnhamn of Winnetka. SubJect-"«Art for the Family."1 *12 o'clock-Luncheon meeting. Chairman-Adah F. _Whitcomb, Chi- cago Public library. Katherine W. Kuh., M. A. 8ubject-"ýDeveloping a Sense of Beau- ty In the Young Child."1 2 o'clock-Atternôon meeting., Elaie A. Wygant, Francis W. Parkrer ochool. 4 1SubJect-*'Are We Too. Complacent about Our Children's Reading?" SATUILDAT, OCTOBER 18 ilo'clock. -When Fashions Become a Hobby" Modela will be ehown-Girls 10 to 15. Directed by Patricla Ballard-director of fashions. 19 'lc-ucenmeig Wl! MFTTF Irpp. October 4, 1934 (2 Pegasus-Mrg. Tom Waage. Gemlni-Mrs, S. C. Pirle, Jr. RACE WEEh (;artg) Gemlni*1 32 points. Neo-127 points. Twinkle Dtto-120 points4. NHIPP1iNG BOARD> TROPJIY <S&Rate,*) Neo--51 points. Twlnkle Ditto--51 points. Fram (Frank Manegold)--44 points. The prizes for the above will be given ont at the club's annual winter party to be beld some time in January. Dnring the next two week the boats will be taken fromn the waters of Wil- mette barbor and towed on a trailer to the owners' back yards or towed down the canal to varions sbipyards. EN NEW HOME Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Hawxburst and famnily bave moved frorn 738 Eleventh street -to 1112 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette. RETURN FROM EAST Mr. and Mrs. George Bird, 1010 Chestnut avenue, returned ast Thurs- day from a ten day motor trip throngh New England. SheridanYachting Shore, News Sheridan Shore Yacht club com- pleted its 1934 racing schedule on Sunday afternoon wben "«Carol" won the last race of the "Blue" series. "Silver Spray" wias second and 4'WaI- rus" third. The course w %as once around the club's 7-mile triangle and the wind was light Easterly and sbift ing which altered the relative positions of the leading boats continua1>' ol tbe beat to the east mark. Order of finish: lot, No. 500, Carol-Tu Hal Ellott, Wesley Bowman, Jack Holly............... 1-32-30 2nd, No. 366, Sliver Spray- Mr. and Màrs. Robert Kendig. 1-34-30 3rd, No. 354, Walrus- W. T. Stockton, Jirn Martin, Betty Archer............... 1-34-45 4tli, No. 681. Olider- Tom Waage, Dick Barnes 1-36-00 5th, No. 556, Blue Mist- Don Bergman ................ 1-39-00 6th, No. 802, Pegasus-- Layard Mace, W. V. Gatrhany, A. M. Turner .1.-..- 1-43-00 ith, No. 107, Nereid- Enimerson Raymond ...._ 1-44-00 During the season, beginning Mav- 19, forty-eight races were sailed bv the club's fleet of eigbteen Star sloop". The schedule, as arranged dnring the winter months, was strictly adbered to and every contest was beld on the day and bour specified regardless of wind or weather, thus attesting to the reliability of tbese sturdy 225/2 foot yachts. The winners of tbe first three places in each event beld over the borne course is given berewitb. The "A,*' "B" and "C"' series consisting of four races eacb were held on Satnrdays, and tbe "Red," "White" and "Blue" series, consisting of five races each were lield on Sunldays. -66,%" SERIE8 Neo, Wa.ige-Price-Brandr*ifi, 67 points. Gemini, S. 0. Pirie, Jr.-L. M. Pirie, 65 points. Smnack, <harles Pajeau, )ons "B"' SERIES Genlilu, s. C. Pirie, l-. M. Pirie, 62 pointq. Snack, Wes1ey, Bownian; Walrus, W. T. Stovkton, R. C. Stocktonn 51 points. "C" ÏSEnlES Twinkle Ditto, Max Hayford-Gordon Jones, 69. pointe.. Carol, Sam Gosa-Hal Eiliott, 58 points. Walrus, W. T. & R. C. Stockton 54 points. «A", "B"9 & "C" TOTAL FOR 83 SERIES Walrus, W. T. & R. C. Stockton, 153 pointe. Carol, Sanm Goes-Hal Elliott, 138 points. Smack, Pajeau & Bowman, 131ý points. "RED SEllES Neo, Waage-Prlce-Brandriff, 65 points. Gemini, S. C. Pirie, Jr.-L. M. Pirie, 66 points. Smack, Chas. Pajeau, 55 points. S"WHIITE" SERIES Gemini, S. C. Pirne, Jr.-L. M. Pirie, 86 points. Alil Baba, Chas. Knight, 71 points. Silv'er Spray, Bob Kendlg, 70 points. "BLUE" SEBIES Carol, Hal Elllott-Sam Goes, 86 points. Silver Spray, Bob Kendig, 78 points. Walruq, W. T. & R. C. Stockton, 76 points. "RED-, "WHITE" & -BLUE- TOTAL 1ý ý. ýFOR -38,SEUlES Slver Spray, Bob Kendlg, 202 points. W*4rus "i W. T. & R. C. Stockton, 161 points. Carol, Hal Eliott-SamGo>sa, 144 pointe. AI AUGAN TILOPHT IRACE AiBaba-Chas. Knight. LADIES'-]RACE Silvier Spray-Mrs. Robert Kendlg. Chairman '-Robert D. Gregg, assistant to the superintendent of Chicago public schools. George F. Morse-former director of the Boston zoo, Chieago zoo and Shedd aquarium. Subjeet-"Animals: A Boy's Hobby- A Man's Profession." 2 o'clock-Afternoon meeting. Robert D. Gregg, aspistant to tlu superintendent, Chicago public sehools. SubJect-**How to Develop, Hobby. Intereste In Children.0" Miss Helynot'Larsent (right) of Wiatpelka and IMiss Louise Lindsay of Evanston. bicycle receptionists ai A Ceptury% of Progress. T'hey tell the beptefits of cycling ai the Cycle Tradesof Amearica e.rhibit inr the Trawd and Traànsport buildfing. Since the opening of the 1934 Cen- tnry of Progress, Miss Larsen of 803 Pine street,1 Winnetka, bias been dem- onstrating modern bicycles in the Trav- el and Transport building and, accord- ing to the bookiet which the World's Fair cycling girl and lier compmion distribute by tbe thousands each day, there is fan mûre to be learned -about the art and technique of cyclmng than the average person wonld imagine. "Are bicycles really back again ?', ask many of. the Fair visitors. «"Yes, they surely are !" replies Miss Larsen, ' the' Anerican factonies of wbicb there are ten, willil a balf million this year;, the business bas jum*ed 85 per cent abead of last year during the:MOntbs Of June, Jnlyand August." To a certain extent the bicycle never bad died ont. The child of 10 years Or so bas alwaYs wanted one in pref- erence to any other gift, and sonth of. the Mason-Dixon line 'the bicycle in- dnstry bas always bad a manket., IWINNETKA GIRL BOOSTS BIKE I SUNDAY ART CLASSES A special Suniday art class combin-7 ing 1irce band drawinýg front hf c. painting, and commercial art under the artist Raymond Craig, Wl1 enirol October 21 at the Chicago Acadeny of F~ine Arts, 18 South Michigan avenue. Tbis professional course is especially suitable for suburban resi- dents ýwho are em ployed during tb-ý week, and are limited in time, for it provides a model from wbicb the studient cati draw or paint, as welI as direction iii commercial projects. Mr. Craig. the i,ùstructor, isa well-known painter, illustrator, and free lance commercial artist and designer who numbers among bis clients leading advertising agencies, and sncb pub- lishers as Rowv Peterson & company and Scott Foresman. Likewise meet- ing on Sunday is an interior deco- ration class under Glenn Darling and a dress and ndlliney design and construction class under Ann Babb. GUESTrs IN ViLLAGE Mrs. E. Erickson, Irene and Paul, of Glenwood City, Wis., and Mrs. Albert Erickson and hier niece, Selfa Erickson of Wbiteball, Wis.. are guests of the E. B. Knudtsons, 1141 Chestnut -avenue. Ralph Mat- thiesen of Linden, Wl'., and Miss Marion Snyder of St. Paul, %linn., were guest' Ia't week of the Knudt- sons. October 4ý 19M WILMETTE, LIFE- -

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