[Zr WHAT AR.E*.LO. A. fur coat which falls fto1peces ifs firs* season! A pot or. pan which chips off and loses shape when it's heated! Unknown foods at bargain prices! Al these may have, cost litle but their price was high because they had lttt. value. Think back-fhe disappointmenfs and regrets directly caused by the pur- chase of "something just as good", because if Iooked like a bargain. Jewel Food Stores pride fhemselves on ACTUAL LOW PRICES. Only the very best is good enough for Our customners. FoIlow the crowds to the busy Jewel Food Stores-you, fao, wilI find that to shop welI is fo dine well. PURE GRANULATED Cane Sugar 10 LS.52c LARGE NO2% 8 SIZE CAN 18 L'EL MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL DEL MONTE MIDGET PEAS TAN .L17c NO 2 CAN 21iC DEL MONTE A A n À nA âo I0le 'Jewel Special" KRAF TS PHILADELPHIA ýCREAM CHEESE Made ail this wek by the. Kraft. Exhibit at the. Fair exclusively for JEWEL .8c PKG .......................... WIDMAR'S "Jervel Secial" Crape Juice ..BoT15C DEL1 PE) MONTE SLICED ACHES TALL13 CAN DEL. MONTE TomnatoeSa.«.. N se ICeePi DEL. MONTE VACUUM PACKUD I IC o r n LD N 2 rCANs 2 e DEL MONTE FANCY GARDEN NATU RAI GREEN PINACH CO 2O your system toned up with thoeef»n greens-youngi tender baves free grit end viamin protected. WOODBU RYS FACIAL «Jewel Special" Soap ... 3 CAKESI5c M RS. GRASS' Noodies . 2 DEL MON-TE 'Jewel Special" Bartlett PearscANi17c The ick of thie Western Orchards. 1 tg 8 lusclous helves ;a each can. "Jerel Special" LPKGS. 15SC Fl RST PRIZE SALAD *'JeweI Special" 1P T . D~ressing eeeJAR C SALERNO MAJESTIC GRAHAM OR SodaCrackcers 1-1b. 9 C &SPECIALLY SELECTED FRESH EGGS. CARTON Delere toburwar.hous. ftesh daily and ýcandled twce, for your protection. MUE JEWEL EXTRA LARGE SELECTED EGGS Oz 32c ÀCOr DEL MONTE MELBA HALVES Pen ches, 0 0 0 "Jewel Special NO.21 8 Extra large Melba halves-the cream of the crop. n Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Fancy Solected Ltfuce. Red Ripe To matoes SeleMed Whj$e Potatoes. Larg e e e e e e Heads 5c e e ee pz 5c e~ ~ 8 Lb e~ 9 Fin.y Idaho. Potatees, 10 lbs .............. 19 Ffr.ý Ripe ýBananas,.3 l 7c Fancy California Valeoncia Oranges sio,17 15 Central Aveue IL~ZN I 4'JI I Seruve Yourself and Save OCTOBER i 1, 1934 PIDICES? DEL MONTE SLICED PEACHES EASY SHOPRIN y -a.-- No wAfiTW MI Abl ri