("-ml.---- 9Z/àvC/4e4' ACèQO$S-* i FouNDE RS Pu nchwick! The Lest, Word Uni Fashionable Bedspreads l-Each curfain is ful46-inch widh-so a pair is wide S enough for two Windows. 2-They measure 2V/2 yards long-rnuch longer than the. average curtain 3-Tii. ruffles are aIl 8 inches wide-rnost unusual 4-They corne in crearn and ecru-the ohly colors you' want in this type of curtain 5-The marquisette of which they are made is particu. lardy fine and, pliant Domertica-Stcond Flo'or. Eut Room THE BARRINCTON--- Selected From 800 Styles As the Most. Out standin*g Chair.From the Stand points of Com fort, *Construction, Beauty, and. Value! And you have only fo look af if. fo sif in if, fo examine realize ifs decided mentf. 50 manufacturers submiffedi holsfered chairs fo our scrufiny before we found the everyfhing! And ber. if isit if minufely fo their fine up- on. -thaf bad Taperlite Candies Smnokeless! Odorless! Dripless! 55 c Doz. In the 10 - inch size Actoielly hand- dpe andies of gleamingý b eaàutf ywitI, srnoothly taper. cd- sumrfaàce, Cassdles-Fsirsgud Tlird 95ý c Do% 14Y/2 and l 72- inch sizes Glonious celor- ings including rust black, daf- fodil. flash, white. 8Blac k. and -orange for Halloween. PFoors Af a, nominal additional charge you May bave a choice of more expensive coverings including friezes. Futiture--Third Floor WJEOLDT On Devis Street 1s 10 "THE MEJOT STORE UIN EVAN&TONý WILMETTE LIPE