..CTOmt.umgTRough. SA&LE dlauqh &kf(al Luxursously Furred Are' Fo under's Sale Priced The stunnng new bark wools and smart wool crepes in black and aufumnal browns and greens fashion s w a n k y cold-weather N~coats with pencil silhouette and new sleeve treatments. Skunk, fitcb, Wolf, grey fox, caracul and \ soft sleek lapin -form flafferng new collars. Sizes for women, juniors and misses. SALE 0F OUR BETrER FROCKS Dinner $16 Formai /M xA A alexy of delightful dresses .. .every on. reduced from ---::::~: its original higher price... and ofFering a complets as- sor'ment cf fabrics, colors and styles for every occasion. Sizes for women and misses. of which the models sketched are typical. ApparirelSho ps-Seconzd Plo..or Bias-Cut SiIk Lingerie In a Notable Selection Costume Slips Dance Sets fr" imortnt eatresofehessda ChmieAdjustable shoulder strops are 1 shades including tearose. White too. of co'ursel Here aesmartamodas ..I.~~A re t ailored m s w as fhose richly lace-trimmed. Choos froma . .....complefe range of regular sizes aft tbk specal Y FounersSale price. Ligere-Secn Ioor * FOR OST EOPL" WimeI*M1i0 OCTOBER il, 1934