October 11, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE Welfare Chairman Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simmons, 1040 Ashland avenue, returned early this week f rom a fortnight's motor trip through the east, particularly Penn- Photo by Grinsted sylvania and Ohio. Mrs. Ednzund Burke, 205 Eigli- tcenth street, is thé encwly ectedJ iitcipbcrsh il chairnian of the Ken- ilworth ccnter of tlwe Chicago In- fant JJ"elf are socicty. I WiII Speak af Meetingi Monday, of County Clubs The Cook Countv Federation of Wonien's Clubs, Mrs. Burnett D. Warner, president, will hold its regu- lar mionthly meeting Monday, Octo- ber 15, at 10 :30 o'clock in the morn- ing, in the Palmer House. Miss Betty Lohmueller of the department of institutions, will be chairruan of the day. Speakers on current subjects wiÏl be Richard J. Finnegan, who will speak on "Safety Drive and Enforce- ment of Traffic Laws," and Mrs. Phillip W. Moore, who is to give a talk on the ",Conimunity Fund of Chicago." Luncheon will be -at 12:45 o'clock. At 2, Dr. D. Doseif of the Medical staff, Municipal Tuberculosis sani- tarium, will speak on "The Fountains of Infections," and at 2:30, Dr. Jacob J. Minke, head physician at Oak For- est infirmary, will discuss, "Bringing 'Home' to the Oak Forest Institu- tions." 1Is Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart, 207 Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Darwin. P. Kingsley of New York, son of Mrs. D.P. Kingsley and the late Mr. Kingsley of New York. Miss Eck- hart is a senior at Vassar, having prepared at the Madeira schol in Washington, D. C. Mr.. Kingsley was graduated f rom Groton, Yale, and the Hiarvard Law school, and is now practicing law in New York. Miss Eckhart is the.youngest of Mr. and Mrs. Eckhart's- four daughters. Mrs. James G. Badger, 801.Forest avenue, entertained 'the Evanston Fortnightly at* tea Monday. Mrs. Edward McDermott of, Evanston and Mrs. C. S. Graves read papers on the Mie of Barry, Galsworthy, and G. B. Shaw., The year's work, consîsts of talks and papers on English and American contemporary drama. North Shore Club W'iUIl Tour Bahai Temple Members of the North Shore Wom'- an's club and, their guiests will visit the Bahai temple, conducted by, a special guide, on TÈhursday, October 18, at Il o'clock. At 2 o'clock the group will repair to Shawnee Coun- try club for luncheon. Arrangements for the tour are un-, der the direction of Miss Sarali Hornbrook, chairman of civics and education, and the following com- mittee: M.\rs., Harry F. Brand, Mrs. Lillian R. Dale, Mrs. Paul Myr Mrs. John W. Schwab, Mrs. George Veesenmeyer, Mrs. H. Weber, and Mrs. Lillia Wint erhalter. Mrs. G. S. Scheckula is chairman of 'publicity. Th& tNarissa"o Conc.ived by the. master stytist and of standard. Wmnk.Iman bench mode quality, we could offer you nothing -finer nor newer than the IINaissa." In Blatk or Brown Suede with 1 orud leather hees.. $8.W0 OM THE.D;:HuB liEN4RYC.LYTTON & SONS WOMENS SHOP--Shermen end Church EVANSTON I ASte-In as NEW as Tomorrow's in iint Meeting On Tuesday, Oct ober 16, at 2:30, o'clock, the Neigbbors of Kenilworth will hold a joint, meeting *ith the Kenilworth League of, Women Vot- ers. "Issiqes of the Congregational Election"' will be discussed witb Mrs. John Huett Rosenstiel, -former na- tional regional director of the League of Womenr Voters, the speaker. Mrs. W. H. Smythe is to be hostesg. Mr. and Mrs. S. Baker Williams of Shabona lane will entertain at an evening bridge on Saturday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A.. G. McCaleb of Evan ston. LEGANT* of y~u?~ai] k - smooth, seamless hips - n wrinkles or, ripples -justç a lovely flowing line. -Talon slide fastener hiddev away in the small of the bacli where it won't show. Easy tc close against strain. - fine, gleaming satin witl "feather-stitching" trim at cen- ter front and concealed bones to smooth tummy. Just look how it grips domi over the bacfr hips -it always stays in place, too, because it'.q of firmýly woven Youthlastic.* A "Ring-Low" brassiere is fasi tened down. to the girdie jin back 1. giving a.-bare back cleai to the waist, yet it softly round: andm~plifts the bust., $5.00 "p jLxa I !..I Newspaper! DAVIS'YS11REET UN&M en WV13 "MFULT ORMULM eau imbu october 11, 1934 Is WILMETTE LIPE