WILMETTE LIFE October 11, 19.34 At any tim cndi teWant A£ds and you w*Ilfind. Il CLASSIFIED AD VER TISEMENTS Gênerai Notice-. Ciaaatfied advertement wll be c=areloniy Glenseoe. inclusive, whose namn appear latheRi telephonedlrectory, or 'who are regular subscribers to sither WILMETrEI LIFE, WIr4N5ETTA TALK or GLECNCOE NEWS. Rats- 25 cents a lino. Advertisementa run In ail three pàpers. MINJIMUM CHARGE 01ÇB DOLLAR. Average of Iv word. to the linlo. No black face type used. 28% dise0ount on il cash advertise- monts when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnotka. '18% dlseoitat on ail advertisements run four c onsecutlvo iusuesb Dedie frIseto Classlfled advertisements wilI be ac- DeadaneforIflS7tifl5 cepted up to Tuesday 9 P. M. for * LMETTE LIFE or ahl three papera: Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETKA TALK and Thureday 6 P.- M. for GLENCON NEWU. Telephones: Wllrnette 4300, Wlnnetka 2000 (Wlnnetka 500 atter 6 ]P. M.). Greenleai 4M* or Sheidrako 1216-1217. LOUT AND POUND Lost-a black and white SPRINGER SPANIEL Friday, Oct. 5. Caîl Winnetka 2317 3LTN23-Itp Lost October 4 LADYS7 WRIST WATCH Phone Winnetka 758. Reward. 3LTN23-Itin LOST-SIGMNA CHI FRAT PIN BE- tween San Pedro and Georgian hotel Sunday evening. Reward. Weber. Gre. 4100. 3LTN23-ltp L O ST - LITTLE GIRL'S SLIVER %% is watch in or~ near Forest Pre- serve. Reard. Phone Gece79 3LTN23-i te IMST-WHITE WIRE HAIRED TER- rier, black and tan markings. Licencel tag No. 1114. Reward. Cail Wilmette1 1142. 3LTN23-It,' LOS,1T-WNHITE, LG-ii. LPOODLE TYPE dog, with black spots. Collai' has Deer- field licence No. 2769. Rewaî'd. Ph. Win- netka 3676. N' LTN2.3-Itl REWAttj)--PHO.NE WINNEý1TKA 247 u heîe bouts of Spot, our' brown and white maie springer spaniel. Lost Fi j- day, Sept. 28. 3LTN23-1t.' LOST-BIftOWN POCKE'rBOOK CON- taining glasses. Reward. Phone Win- netka 2008. 3LT'N23-Ite LOST-KEYS TO DEPOSIT BOX NO. 1234. Reward for return. Cali Win- sietka 3130. 31,23-1te ANTIQUES R~ARE, RUBY BRISTOL BELLS AND finger bowls. Pink and copper luster. Set of Aiken sport printis (dated). Eng- lish tea caddies. 'tany small objects if interest suitable for Christmas gifts. 813 £7hestnut Ct. Winnetka -%574. 71,TN23t-ltj), *FOR SALE SEVERAL QUILTS. -ONE twin to finest prize quîlt at WVorldI.-; Fair. Few interesting antiques. 815ç J"orest Ave., Wilmette. 7LTN23-ltp BUILDING AND CONTRACTING CEMENT CONTRACTOR ALIKINDS 0F CEMENT AND brick work. Leaky basenients re- palred. Masonry and plasterwork. JOSEPH KNEIP 1714 Washington Ave. Wllmette 26184 15LTN2O-4tp MODERNIZATION i General Contracting and Alterations, Chicago Construction Company s Estimates given on Request. t 160 N. LaSalle Wllmette 2705. t 15LTN21-4tp Plastering Stucco Cernent -Basements made waterproof- Geo. A. Thursby-Whitewashing Wilnmette 3387. *CARPENTER WORK NEW WORK. ALTERATIONS AND repair. -Pred. C. Schur. Wilmette .1587. _________16LTN20-tf c BAGS-BEADS RE STRUNG, LEATH- er and petti point bags relined, repaired. Jewelry, antique jewelry, novelties, Christmas gifts. Gentsch, 130 N. State St.', Roomn 65-A, Chicago. ____ 16LT2-ltp FIREPLACE XWOOD1 $EASONED BIRCH AND 'MAPLE Iogs. Reasonable. Hearthstone Wood *o. Phdone- Hollyeourt 0846. Reverse charges. 16LTN23-ltfp *USINESS SERVICE FOR SALE - HARDWOOD PIRE- place .Iogs, split and eut in 2-ft. lengths, other lengths by order. $8 ton, $15 cord, delivered. Birch 'wood $11.50 ton del. Kindlîng wood %k ton $5. A-i black soul 4 yds. $6. Compost manure $8 4 yards, rotten cow manure $10 4 yards. Samples at 514 Birch Street. E. G. Haglund, phone Winnetka 2108. 16LTN.Ç23-1tp SEASONED H.ARDWOOD $8 per ton delivered. Black dirt=3 yard load $5. Sod, 4c sq. ft. Phone Wil- mette 452. Gust Anderson 435 Ridge Road 16LTN22-4tp Rats, Roaches, etc. P. J. UEDEÈLHOFFEN, EXTERMINÂT- lng engineer, Ph. Wiimette 3867. 16LTN15-tfe WILL PAINT YOUR CAR COMPLETE in enamel finish $25. Also ail kinds sign painting. Cail in person at 1318 Wilmette Ave., upper fiat or phone Wil- muette 3415. 16LTN23 -2te UPHOLSTERING IN YOUR HOME. Dav'enport rewebbed, $6. Chair $2.50. Best references. Write A-169, Box 40, wilmlette, 111. 16LTN19-5tp COLLETTE SOEURS DESIGNERS AND -MAKERS Gown-MWraps-Suits-Colits Or-igina l--Copied-Restyled-Altered 833 EIm St. Winnetka 1011 22LTN23-4tp -PR1E % OD ELIN G FtJR-éC OA T S ALI, SEWING IN LADIES' LINE Learned trade abroad. 411 Linden St., W'innetka. Phone Winnetka 3673. 22LTN23-1 tli Perennials.......... 5 and 10 cents eaeh Shrubs, Trees, Evergreens Real Bargain JOHN OSTROWSKY NURSERY 2343 West Park ave., Highland Park 2 blocks west of. new Skokie Road PHONE HIGHLAND PARK 49 27LTN22-4tp LANDSCAPE AND) GARDENING Evergreen and nursery stock reason- ably priced. Black soul, 3 yards, $5. 435 Ridge Rd., Wilinette. Ph. Wil. 452. 27LTN23-tli INSTRUCTION REMlEDIAL TUTORING BY EXPERI- eneed teacher. Elementary and high s<'hool puîuiis brought up tô grade and taught how to study. Miss Mae Schriber'* telephone Winnetka 3303. 30LTN23-Iti, MUSICAL INSTRUCTION EDITH RAY YOUNG Teacher of Piano. Private and Curtis Class Instruction. Chlldren accepted, as yôung as 5 vears. Studio 1133 Cen- tral Avenue, Phono Wihznette 3651. 21LTN2-4tp PIANO LESSONS WIT;H DAILY PRACTICE SUPERVISIO'N Including Children 's ;;Symphony Concer'ts once a month. For further informà- tion pîhone Jane Mit Wilniette 2223. ______________ 1LTN23-1t1î LAUNDRY FIRSTÈ CLASS HAND LAUNDRY. Cali for and deliver. Call Glencoe 1355, 34L23-ltp CABINET BATHS SWEDISH MASSAGE Treatments in pArlors or your home. TECKLA HEALTH & REDUC. BATHS 833 Elm St. Winn. 356 38LTN20-4tp 3 TREATMENTS $5. Cabinet bath, massage, needie shower, 'Ultra-violet and infra-red iamps. 627 Grove St.' Phone Gre. 1642. S8LTN20-tfp FOR SALE--FEMALE BITLL TER- rier, 8 month.s old. A. K. C. registra-ý tion. Very reasonable to good home.i Phone Winnetka 1832. 44LTN23-ltt' HEALTHY PEDIGREED MALEý Pekinge.se for sale-!9 months ()Id. Ph. Wilmette 3548. 44LT23-ltp PIANO TUNINO Pianos Tuned & Regulated WORK OGVXRANý%TEED Factory, Dealer, Acoustie Laboratorv experience; good referenees. E. I. VAN HARLINGEN l123 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2744 (Chi'ago-4218 Lowell Ave. *Kildare 8642 45=T3I-lfp EXPERT PIANO TUNqING $3. RE- pair work guara.nteed. 22 years Chick- ering, Boston. H. C. Thomas, 517 Fair- view, Park Ridge 699-R. 45LTN22-4tp suW§NG MACHINE REPAIRING SEWING MACHINES AND VACUUM CEANERS, ALL! kinds repalred. Established more than fifty years ago. Now ilocated in WiI- .mette. L. E. Blunt, Tel. Wilmette 754 or 4368. 53LTN29-tfc WEARING APPAREL- FIl' IC(OATS. LEFT WITH US FOR storage and repaiî's, butt unc'alled for' 13l:tek jon Y '< - t, $i1s: hrown ('aractili, $24: grv ay it$28:-.leoparcl cat, $32; A neria nhrodtal,$26-. blaek <aracul, $34; raevl'(oofl $34: Hudson Seal, $581ý zenn'ne mnink, $150: andi many others worth four timeés their price. Also 20 icquettes nt $13 and 39 fur searf-i at $4. Economyv Section, Miller Fur Co., 1661 North Michigan Ave., Chic'aLm, open e~ onn"'s591,TN21-3ltc REAL BARGAIN TUXEDO SUIT WITH 2 VESTS, SIZE 38. 2 top. coats.. ovéeat, size 36. zpleîdd condition. Phone Wilmette 2758. 59LTN23-1 te PRIVATE PARiTY WILL SACRIFICE $1.600 long white Russian Ermine coat, fox trimrned, sizes'38-40. Can be seen by apnointment at storaee furriers. E. Crichton, 34 S. Parkside. Phone Austin 7229. 59LTN23-ltt» FOR SAL-M'%AN'S WINTER OVER- coat. siv.e 42. Good as, new. Tt is a bargain. Phone Wilmette 413. 1121 Ash- land Ave., Wilrnette. 59LTNý23-ltp PRACTIC. NEW. SIZE 14. 2-PANTS suit $5. Overcoat $4. Cail Wilmette 3010. 59L23-ltp LOANS LOANSON.AUTOMOBILES Confidential service, legal rates MOTOR LOAN CO. State Bank Bldg., Evanston. Gre. 3200 65LTN36-tfc GOVERNESS-NURSE. FRENCH, GER- man. Physical care of childreri. Expd. Refs. Sewing,. Also travel. Miss'Audrit, 824 Center St." Chicago. Lincoln 3021. 41LTN23-ltp PAINTING AND DECORATING Paint, Paper 5 Rnis., $34.50 CEILINGS CALC., $1 UP SANITAS AND CANVASING WORK. Rm. wallpaper cleaned, $1; bathroom enameled, $5 up; kitchen painted, $6 up. 5 rm. tirsz. washed, varnished, $8. Stueco finish, outside painting, porches $15. Windows, 50e. Refs. Free estimates. 'Matet ials furnîlshed. MELVIN Wilrnette 3413' Ceiling Calcirnined, $1 Up RM. PAPERED,.$3; KIT. PAINTED, $6 up; wall paper clnd., 75c; bath rm. ena m., $5 Up ; glazed walls wshd., stchd., $?.50; also ext. paint. Refs. furn. Louis Skolnik, Wil. 5034, Winn. 2511. 42L23-1 tp :1 PARTI-COLORED COCKER SPAN- iel puppies from registered litter. E-x- cellent blood line. Phone Wilmette 3990, 3122 Wilmette Ave., Wiimette. 44LTN23-Ite PEDIGREED SPRINGER> SPANIEL .puppies, healthy, beautifully marked, reasonable to good homes. Avondale breeding. 730 Laurel Ave., Despiaines. Phone Despiaines 127-M., 44L23-1 t, PEDIGREED PEKINGESE, BEAUTI- fui black, red, fawin. Champion stock. Reasonable. Rudy, 840 Northwest High- way, Park Ridge, 111. 44LTN23-ltlp COM'%PETENT G 1 R 1, X LE'I ('00k, capable taking full charge gen- eral housework. Best north shore refs., including present employer. WVilinettê' 2573. 68LTN23-ltlp EX P ER. WHITE WOMAN WITH child school age, wishes position as general or housekeeper. Best, North Shore ref. Phone Winnetka 270. 68L23-1 tj SITUATION WANTED BY COMPE- tent nurse, care of 1. or 2 small chul- dren in good home. Do neat mending, care of children evenings. Phone Win- netka .590. 6SL2l-ltp POSITION WANTEDl- FOR HOI'SE- work frv day or week. Getting up diii- ners. %Vhite. Phnne Wilrnette 23~45. 68LTN23-1 tl REGISTERED NURSE, EXP. HOUSE- keepet' andi cook, wants position in home wîth children. Phone Glencoe 328. 68LTN23-ltlp WýýANTIED-11OSITION 'l'O DO LIGHTI housework or to take <'are of ehil- dren by the day or week. Phone Gleneoe 1612. 68LTN2-Iti) ENI-'EH. GIRL, M-IGH SCIIOOL GRAD- uate, will ('are for children by the hour ()r d Reasonahie terms. Cali VI 1neftU'181.68L,23-itp EPR. GIRLWISHES LAUNDRY or cleaning by day or hour. $2.75 per day. Good refs. Phone Winnetka 3218, ask for Mrs. Kowel. 68L23-Itp A COMPETENT WOMAN WISH-ES TO cook and serve dinners, luncheons, weddings, parti' es. Mrs. Clausen. Phone Wilmette 1733. 68LTN22-4tp EXP. COOK WANTS COOKING ANi) ,serving by appointment, Sunday din- ners specialty. Refs. Phone Glencoe 1004. 68L23-ltp COMPETENT WHITE GIRL WANTS cooking and downstairs work; or gen-. eral, Swedish-Afferiean. N. S. reference. Phone Winnetka 3349, 68L23-ltl, WANTED-SITUATION 'BY (WHITE) eateress as cook In private family. Ex- cellent refs. Phone Ujniversity 0934. 681,23-1 tii COLORED A-I NURSE WOULD CON- sider other work. Serve smail parties on ,hort notice. Good N. S. refs. Phone Wilmette 3526. 68LT23-ltp EXPERIENCED COL OR E D IRL wishes general housework 1/ days. Phone Glencoe 73. 68L23-ltp) RELIABLE CO0LO0R ED WOMAN wants day work ail kinds. Best N. S. refs. Phone Glenene 1004. 68L23-ltjî) COOK, FIRST CLASS, 1{SWK. WHITE, age 27. N. S. refs. $16 week. Phone Wilmette 1696. 68LTN23-ltlp G;RADUATE NURSE WILL TAKE hourly c,#ases. Any case. Phone WiI- mette 2490. . 68LTN23-Itii FOSTER NJSTLýE ohl burner service. All burners at ail hours. 'WILME1'TE 278. 16LTN20-4tp SITUATION WANTUD--FEMALE COMPETENT HELP No CHARGE. TO EMPLOYER Efficient Service for North Shore Homews WE INVESTIGATE REFERENCES WE ARE THE ORIGINAL, Pauline's Emp. A gency WILMETTE 2171 Fourth and Linden Opposite "L" Ter. 68LTN47-tfe EXPERIENCED H.ELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE domestie help, ail nationalities. No charge to employers. References in- vestigated. Under State supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elmn St. Winnetka 3399 68LTN25-tfc- DOMESTIC HEI4P EXP. AND WELL RECOMMENDED Good Openings at Once Lindgren Empi. Agency 'Established 25 years 799 Elm St. Wînn. .1017 68 LTN 19-t t'u Carlson's Empi. Agency 804 ELM STREET WINNETKA 3321 RELIABLE HELP Al domestie positions OCHIÂRGE TO EMPLOYERS 68LTN18-tfc REFINED YOUNG WOMAN, GOVERl- ness to children, or companion to at young or elderly woman. Free to travel. Can assume responsibility and drive a car. Best references. Wilmette 2113. 681,TN23-ltlp A RELIABLE WOINAN, DAY W<V()RK1 3, datys a week. Good lëeaner and laundress. $2.50 at day. ('are for <liii- dren evenîngs. $1 night. Winnetkt 1530. October 11, 1934 WILWETTE LIFE