.7- QFARIiF/ 14 WIA..AVA 1A A £ 'Llrr-I GUIDE LECTURE TOU RS Next week's guide-lecture tours for ,the general public at Field Museum of N-%atural History1 will begin Mon- day. November 5, at 3 o'clock, with1 "'Men of the StoneAge,." On other days at the same hour subjects will be as fo.llows:- Tuesday, "Plants Native' to the Americas"; Wednesday, «"Asiatic Animal Life"; Tbursday, a general tour of anthropological, botanical, geological and zoological exhibits, and Friday, "Life in the Far North." These tours, conducted by staff lecturers, are offered witboul charge to ail museum visitors.. Par- ties assemble inside the, north en- t ra nce. Mrs.' William Freudeiireicb, .14 Abbotsford road, Kenilwortb, is en- tertaining at a tea today from 4 until 6 ini honor of. ber niece. Mrs. Jolhn I.ittlefield. of Bangor. Maine. Her ýýutests are nienibers of lier sew- ing club and . ler immiediate nle:gh - bors. -o- Nlrs. Catherine Schwa'l. Wilmnette avenue and I-ibbard road, wholil ~s been seriously ilI, is slowly recovering. Rc'fcrcnce Books Refçr'ence wvork and the openiflg of school are almosi .synonymous in 1 pub)lic 1.il)raries. Opi nions must bt supported byr facts, and brief text- books must be enriched by outside reading. Boys and girls corne.to the lil)rary to discover the correct pronun- ciation of names, the private lives of authors, the public lives of statesmnf, details of the bronze age, Romanesque cathedrals iin France, the organizatioil of the N.R.A., vocational guidance, and a thousand other things. The Wilmette public library bas been collecting -Ready Reference Books" for years and is alvvays adding. These books are designed to give facts briefly and concretely. The new "*Webster's International, Dictionary' telîs bow to pronounCe and define the very youngc,,est as well as the oldest word, and "The Shorter Oxford Dic-- tionary- gives the highlights of its- -k. .. f Çrst l1sP(I 'sCmel Thfe Wilmiettc Uibrary has receivcdl thje followig new books "owt-New England Short Stories-. Mansfield-Stories.. ('Bilet-Best Short Stories of 1934. O'Brien-At-room. Peattie-Wfe to Caliban. Van D.ine-Casino Murder Case. Young-This Little World. l<ow-FIctlofl Adams-Your Child Is Normial. Goodenough-Developmefltal Psycholngy. Hoovr-Challenge to Liberty. Young-The Go-Giver. Warburg-Money Muddle. Bierstadt-Eiiter Murderers. Morrisofl-BasiC Principles in Eduvation. Brooke-Giri and Her Job. Rvder-Make Your Own Job. Aiken-New Plan of English Granuinav. Henderson-Ele ments of Navigation. Cooper-Boss Elephant. Roberts-Bird Portraits in Color. Davenport-The Farm. Smith-Modernl Beauty Culture. Cartwright-Soflg Treasury. Smith-Guide to Play Selection. Thomson-MaSters of Mystery. Trarel ofistra-ne sfor aons and' bhatit--Johnson-Pirate Junk. of ts ranforatins nd hatit ý,Lattiniore-Turkestan Reunion. to<Iay. Haslund-Teflts ln Mongolia. Brief and Compact Santayafa-Character and Opinion the United States. Brief and compact articles on people. Faris-Roamning the Eastern oîN-111ta places and things are found iin the Ii- Gannett-wSweet Land. orary's four encyclopedias - 'lcnography Britannica," "The Americana," '*'hc 1î'hIaunîîet-Roia n Spring. .New International', and -The Caltholic Hçc,er-For-ty-twO) Years ini the- AW Ei ne ve 1pe(hia. '1 he ion)ig , g.iin ar- flouse. ticles ini "The Britannica" hiav-e t-ver Laniidaul-II'5 ed,,a. s beciî surpasse( l tr teîîîîg alit nIa. one d 1-Hflre Dys wants to knôÔw-for examples sec!:kt'cent Iooks for eiclhînigs. Napoleon, Psychology. etc.. BoYs and (Girls Then for facts and figures thc, îi- Stories and pletures for thi ery Y<' reader- braryt lias vearbooks: "The States- "Rowena., Teena, Tot, and the IBla mian s Yearbook," -The \Vorld AI- bei-ries,"1 by Blumborg. Three I)ii. iiï,.iac. "Th"e Dailv News Alinaîîac. 1 ninnies in the rural south, thieir îilin "heAI)src and their old horse Rosie. 6src f the Fifteenith Censuis 'Nicodenmus iand the littie Blaf-k Il )f the LUnited States," *'Tlîe lllinlo'3 by- Hogan.- Nieodeius bas a iî'wii i Bfie I3ok." and "'lic Stati-dical'Ab- "Mike the Cat,"é by Peet. A >t- stract of the Uniited S,-tates" Thesel book. ý-oluines gîve 1)population igue, r- ..Fire engine book," by 11'yrS..lI'il( ductin an indutry..1eues, pon graphs and words tell the story of t : ductoîî ui(l iiidstrv eduatitirile dei)artînent and how it w',îks. justi.ce, commerce, nîonev, dipflonîatic The steamishilp book," by 1'ry4r. representativ-es. basebal perceiitage. . ittle girl and lier brother sail fr'oni messages aii(l executîve oýr(lers, Ibunit- York to the Ianamia Canal l.a îng andl fising licenses, Pulitzer prîze new liner. Pliotograplhs. %vitiners. farim acreage and value, re- ljd.-lqdCidc tai1 distribuitioni, manufactures, etc. 'in a.TI.ç Brief Biographies Biography in smlall coxnpass is reli reseIite(l hv "\ho's WVho in Amierica- andi "\\ho's \\'ho" for Great Britain. 'fhcse answver questions about oui- Standling contemporaries. ",iving Auithors" and "Authors foday and 1 \estertla\,"give rietails of literarn careers. A -slendidlyN edited piihlica tion is *i)ictionarv of Ainerican Biogý on1 great Anierîcatîs no longer living, Shepherd's "Historicai Atlas" givu-s 01(1 boundaries, tbe sites of famous.- battles, territorial groupings. Social questions find good answvers iii the -new "'nyclopedia of thec So- cial Sciences." It is the vade mecuni of ail activities in social welfare anI tbougbt, and is splendid for debate- aînd themes. Troublesomne quotations are foun"I iin "Bartlett's" anid,"RZobert's"- indexes': to. quotations. Lost poems are foutid through "Granger." Songs' are found tbrough a song index. Musical ques- tions are. looked up in, Grove's "Dic- tionary of Music." There isa con- cordance to Shakespeare, "Famous First Facts" answer such questions as When. was the first high school opened? sulphuric acid prodùiced, th#" first iypewriter? "Reader's Guide" is an index to pe- riodicals. by author and subject, and the bound periodicals. are on the shelves for use. The obvious points of the reference collection have been toucbed upon. but, every book in the Wilmette public library is a potential reference book!i h r.. A . Nt»\%- rd a "Little Tony of Italy-," by i3r-ondeiS.' A littleby in modem i taly-. *Uzobmn.- 1v < 'lî, aiys ' u thîrd grade boys and girls. ".Jann- a iea nd bier golden uid liv l>billiî,s-. A m-intf-r at graîîdmother's farm. "Tono Antonio," by :v rA'laîn ing Story 'of a Sîî:nish boy a îid tIlleliv- 1c-t goats. "'Robin on the m-otiîîtiin," ly Simoni. Ajolly story of a littie Ozark m'>un- ta ineer. "Lending Mary,', by White. A vaca- tion Stnry for littie girls. to Older Girls "House of ber own," by Alîe.» Catih- erinîe, the heroine, js, a youniger sister to -.Judith Lancester.'l ""Growing Up with the Grapers" by Corbett. Sequel to *,The Grapet- Girls." "Katrina 'Van Ost mdit the silver rose," by Gale. How in 1638, Katrina 'caine from Holland to Manhattan, solveti a niystery and gained a dowry. "Bowlful of staî-s,". by 'Means. FJaneY Grant nt nineteen is the heroine of this fine pioneer adventure. "Riddle at Live Oaks' and "1inn of the TwIn Anchors,"1 by Seaman. Two short' mysteîles by this well ýknown author. There Arce.Çea Tales, Sports, M-stri'is.. and Indians for'the Older Boys "Southworth Scores," by Barbour. A basebali story. "S.Ilver," by Hinkie. The story of. a wild, white Arabian colt. "Silver Run,"1 by Heyllger. Mystery of the sardine fisherles. "Boy Scouts Yeai Book , 193."1 Mat- iews has collected another fine group of stories of special lnterest to. Boy Scouts- aviation, huntlng, sports, mining, life at sen. and mystery. "Ship Without a Crew," by Pease. The strange case of the "Mary.Celeste'* a brig diseovered adrift and deserted. "Greenhorn's Luàck," by Sublette. Pron- tier life, action and Indian batties. se ON A VIEAI"' A drearn of corntort and loveliness! A one- pieceegarment of two-way-stretch Lastex and silk. Wll fot. run. The new, slightly rounded bust effect-low cut back-adjust- able straps-"2Fantom. grip" garters in f ront. A complete underwear ensemble beneath your clinging evening f rock. $5 Blush and white ................. THE EVANSTON STORE MÂRSALLFIELD &COMPANY Wilmette Library News No.ve.niber 1, 1934 *ý, '00b, ni 1 y U ip Y -r 1p * - ir, 'y ip 10 .