Nov~nbtr 1, 1934 WrL-MRTTB LIFE 31 New Trie to Meet Deýerfield-' Sh&:ld on Grdi eron Sat urday Teams Will Rattie te Keep Out: ot Suburban League Celle,- New Trier Higb school's football team, beaten by Oak Park, 16 to 6, last Saturday, will go to Higbland Park Saturday of tbis week to battle Deer-. field-Shields. Al- tbougb botb teanis are members of the Suburban league, the outcome of the gaine will bave nu effect on the chani- pionship aspirations of any of tbe league teams. Both Bill McFadzean Proviso last Satuir-1 dav, 14 to 0, clinclied at least a tic for the championsh ip. Evanston, co-chain- pion with Oak Park last véar, may run into trouble ini ts final gaine with New~ Trier next week, but tliis is considered unlikely. Evaiton)i's record thus far is impressive. while New Trier's is nlot. The Newv Trier-Deerfield scrap this weck is expecte(l to be the sanie kind of hard-fought battle that the tw< scliools wage every- vear eadeso their standingýý li the league. If com- parative scores 'are t(> be used as a basis for picking the wininer. Newv rrier sliould be ta\vored(. New Trier la Favorite IlcXrtîeld was nable to score against O>ak Park. the final count of that gaine be-ing 14, to O, wbile New Trier lost tu Oak Park, 16 to 6. Against Pro- viso. New Trier w a s better than Deerfield 1) y a touchdowvn. T ,h e Maywood b o y s whipped New.Trier by a single point, 14 to 13, and won f rom Deerfield, 14 to 6. Evanston, which lias not met New Trier. wal- loped Decrfield, 21 to 7. Jc 'er By winning from ak 'eai New Trier last Saturday Oak, Park remained in the riunning for Suburban league cbampionship. honors, althougb the bestthe west side school could do wvould be a tie ini the event that New Trier should whîp Evanston next week. Two touchdowns and a 'field goal made Oak Park's total of 16 points against New Trier. Botb touchdowns were scored by the Oak Park captain and rigbt balfback, Jack Major. Porter, right guard, made the field goal and one point after toucbdown.. -Bill McFadzean. rigbt balfback, car- ried tbe bail across when New Trier scored its lone touclidown. Fumbles Prove Costly Costly fumbles contributed muchi to- ward Nýew Trier's defeat, and ünless tbe. teani can Win f rom Deerfield-Sbields tbis Saturday- it is likely that it will wind up in the Suburban league cellar. In the event of a, defeat by Deerfield and a win over 1Evanston, New Trier would share the cellar spot witb Deer- field. A New Trrier victory over Deer- field would shove the Highland Park *school into last place alone regardless of the outcome of the Evanston-New Trier game. Injuries kept two New Trier regu- lars, Bill Snyder, fullback, and Jack O'Leary. tackle, out of the starting lineup last Saturday. Homanin went in at f ullback and Tad Harvey handled ()'l.ear's left tackle j ob. Geneva Statesmen Shown in'Drawings at Chicago Gallery 1Violet Oakley spoke hast Monday, at an exhibit of ber Geneva (Switzer- Iand) drawings at the Robert Breck- enridge galleries in Chicago. Her iliterest. in the statesmen of Geneva Jwas due to ber study in connection Iwith William Penn, as she bas been commissioned by tbe State of Penn- sylývania to do mural paintings of tbe lîfe of WVilliam Penn for tbe gover- nor 's reception room. Representing the League of Na- tions association at Miss Oakley's address last Mondaywere Mrs. Wil- îliam G. Hibbard and Mrs. William B. Hale of Wiinnetka, Mrs. Emmons Blaine, 'Mrs. Joseph Bowen, and Mrs. George de -Tarnowsky. L t is con- sidered that Chicago is fo.rtunate in having this exhibit of the League of Nat'ions representatives as it is under- stood that it wvill probably be a per- marient exhibit, at tbe league in Ge neva. 1During Miss Oakley's stay in tbe citv she was tbe guest of Florence ,rle lennison at IHull buse. HEAR'TRAVEL TALK H. G. Moore, world traveler and official lecturer for the Canadian Pa- cific Travel system, gave an illustrated talk ini the ballroom of the Orrington hotel, Evanston. Monday evening, October 29, to a large north shore audience. T'he subject was, "Around the Wvorld In Seventy-Six Minutes," and the lecture was sponsored by tbe North 'Shore Travel service, affiliated witb the State Ba.nk and Trust com- pany, Evanston. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED PERMANENTLY Also Moles and Warta Elizabeth DeBourg. Room Inj 6, Hahn flldg. Ph. Uni. Z444 161iS Orrington Ave. Evanston WANTED LI WIli buy men's ued Bute slhees, overcoatog aise ft eoats. Best prie.. Prompt J. MARKS-mUni. 2220 74t, Custer St., Evanston IIIHEAINGSEVICE CO. 011 Ruiner Service MI ALL MAKESIl Owlnnetma 375 MW o,NIght OLIVER HANSEN .~J. il 66r5 ArfisficaIIy Mounfed Phone for Appoinitmet WILMETTE 2526 In Our New and Larg.r Studio at 1152 Central Ave., Wilmette We de NOT de tele ph one or door-to.doortoeliciting lu -P y 1J ..i- E T T 3 LrF 19: 1, 1934 '31 -