Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Nov 1934, p. 60

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November 1, 1934 CLAYTON F. SMITH, DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE for President and Member of County Board., t the CiIizens of Cook County Your civic duty demands that you acquaint yourselvçs with the records and qualifications of the candidates now aspiring to public office. In turn it becomes the duty of the candidates to invite a careful scrutiny of these records and qualifications. The candidates should also state their position on matters pertaining to the office tbey seek. The honest and economic operation of the departinents of government isto me the essence of good government. That I not only preacli this principle, but practiced it.long before civîc bodies and the public generally demanded it, is shown from the record. As City Treasurer, for two terrns, I gave a proper account of the receipt and disbursement of millions of dollars. At my suggestion legislation was enacted which permitted the City to invest idle funds in the City Treasury, in City Securities.- This law, since its enactment, made it possible to save the. taxpayers of Chicago twenty million dol- lars that otherwise would have been pajd out in interest, As Recorder of Deeds I reduced.the cost of operating that office from One Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars to Five Hundred and Forty-Six Thousand Dollars, or 54',4 per cent. This is not a promise, but an accomplislied fact. It was by practicing this and other similar economies that the sumn total of rnoney- raised I)v taxa- tion was reduced by One Hundred Million Dollars in the last. four years by the cooperation of aIl public officials in the present City and County administration. This is now reflected in your *reduced tax bills. While economy as indicated should have strict attention- at al times, the providing of adequate and efficient essential service, such as education, police, fire and health protection must not be irnpaired. The efficiency of the county departments would be greatly in- creased by the strict enforcement and extension of the menit system to ail departmentsi Shortly after, taking office as Recorder I spon- soredthe passage of a Civil Service law to accomplish this end. In commenting on the matter the editorials of our newspapers said that "Clayton F. Smith's suggestions gave other officiaIs abundant reasons for joining in this. intelligent an& public spirited stand and that it was many years over-due." I believe and submit for your careful consideration that my ex- perience as Warden of the County Hospital, my familianity with municipal service and finance acquired as City Treasurer, as a'mem- ber of the Finance Copimittee of the City Council, as Vice President of the Board of Local Improvements, as Deputy Commissioner of Public Work and mny record in administering one of the largest and most important fee offices in the County Government-insure an hon-. est, efficient administration of the institutions and departments under the County Board's jurisdiction. la seekimg the office off President and mnember off the conty Board, 1 have mot and wiII mot appeal for your Support on theories and promilses, tiie accomplishmnent. er fulfifinient off which is entirely deopeedet on the action off other individitals or departments of ovuent. 1 cameot maure the. adoption off theories unless they fani within th.e scope of my' duties. My respect for your inteligence and My selff-resp.ct wiII mot permit me to make such an appeal. Instead, 1 invite you to scrutinirze my record and character, to famtiliaârize yourself with my experience with the. management off institutions and departîments tliat cone under the juriadiction Off the. Couanty Commissioners and ffeel confident that sucli investigation om your part wII resuit in your finding that 1 have mot misguided or J. Toman for Sherifi Buisinless. civic onganizations. groups of American legio)nnaînes. and inen and * vmnof organize(l labor have joi ned the Aldermian John 'Tomian for sheniiff of Cook Counity campaign. Th'IelEx-Service M'en'-, Political club. ,of Mavwood, wr'ites: "Our organization bas .unanimously endôrsed the candidacy, of. Aldermani John Toman, the Democratic nominûe for *the important office of Sheriff of Cook couiîty. He bas hefniended thoil- sands of war veterans since 1918, neyer missing an opportunity of lending aid to the men of the late war. Alderman1 Toman's record in the City Council of Chicago lias been one of consistent, effortin behaîf.of the ex-service men." Secretary-treasurer, M. J. Kelly o f Local No. 546, Meat Cutters, states in a letter to Alderman Toman.. "I have been instructed by our. board of directors. to notify, you that our organization endorses. your candidacy whole-heartedly, and we -pledge. our- selves to work faitlifully. and collec- tively for you froff now until elec- tion ,day.'. .From the Central Improvement As-1 sociation cornes an endorsement which- is. siniilar in import to the hundreds whicli have been received in the Tonian headquarters since the Alderman first opened headquarters in the Morrison hotel, tliree or four weeks ago. "Unanimous endorsement is given Aldermnan, Tornan's candidacy for Sheriff off Cookc County. His election will mean .a reward for a public service which bas been a benefaction to Chicago.' Many Groups-Endorse Bidwill for Senate Arthîur J. Bidwill of River Forest, Republican candidate for state senaton f rom the Seventh district, which in- cludes New Trier township lias neceived the endorsemnent of. many leading civîc groups and profession "al organiza- tions. Here are a few: Legislative Voters league, Chicago Medical society, Illinois Medical so- ciety, Illinois Manufactunens' associ- ation. The Better Government associ- ation, Roosevelt Country Towns Democratic organization, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Suburban Independent Voters, and the Woman's Republican clubof Winnetka. Wili Lecture Monday on .Christian Science A free lecture explanatory of Chris- tian Science will be given Monday evening, November 5, under tlie auspices 'of, First Churcli of Christ, Scientist, of Winnetka, in the churcli édifice at Ridge avenue and Cherry street, Winnetka. The speaker is to be Robert Stanley Ross, C.S.B., 'of New York City, a member off the, Board of Lectureship of The First Churcli of Christ. Scientist, in Bos- ton, Mass. The coinmunity is invited to attend, it is announced. The lec- ture will begin at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Kirk Taylor and lier son. Kirk, Jr., 515 Cumnor road, Kenil- wortli, spent last Sunday visiting friends in Milwaukee. âines FrieiQdsPush: EXPERIECDProbate Judbe Campaign The friends of Harry C. Kinne, -1324 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, re- publican. candidate for the office of Probate judge are making a determin- ed and effective campaign bis election. next Tuesday. ...... Mr. Kinne njoys to anr unusuial degree, say bis sponsors, the con- fidence and respect of the people of New Trier township, among wliom ie lias lived for tlie past twelve years, taking an active part ini the civic and religious activities of the community. He is now serving his second term as a Wilmette Village trustee, and is republican comrittee- man for the 22nd precinct. That the important office of Pro- bate judge may be filled by a manî of sterling character, rugged hionesty and unswerving devotion to public initerests, those who know 11n. Kinne best are rallying to lis support, it is asserted. By education, tnaining and experience, it is pointe(l out, lie is preeminently qualified to adinister the affiairs of the probate court to Cliiaitoit F. Snîitlî. deniocrotic cal,- the higiest interest of the cotunt% ilidait, for nim'mber and presideîît of and advantage to those wlio cone the Cointvy board. j*ç well kiioî b to ithin its jurisdiction. W'hile lav-- v.<>fs ()j Cook <it. haviîîq oc- men recognize and properly evaluiate cupied arioîîs acj nid appoint- these qualifications. it is1 to his ire offic-es. lnit frapik Ca>lipa(iiJ compeers in tlie legal profession, it stateint hi-lias said 1/uit li, will is said. that the nost weighity en- niot appeal for suippor t othew laxis1 dorsenient must corne. In tliis Con- of promnisesteflicfilfillicn,;t of nection the vote of the Chicago Bar îchlicli dcpends upon otiier personis association is pointed to. Ini a (YI departicuts. questionnaire in %lîich its mnembers graded the qualifications (if opposing Mr., Smith's expenience enîbraces: candidates on a percentage basis, Mr. Chicago city treasunen; wanden of Kinne was awarded 97 points out, of Countv hospital ; finance cornmi.ittee'Chi'- a po.sible 100, while bis opponent Nvas cago city council;- vice-president -Chii- j gîven 83 points. This constittutes the cago board of local imnprovemients, and hlighiest recominendation eéver -given deputy commissioner of public works. bx'thie association*, it is sai(l. On his record in serving the puiblic Mr. Kinne is professor of probate tlirough the above offices, M.\r. Sîniti lav, ills and kindred subjeets at bases bis dlaimi to position lie 11(iV seks DePaul university, whene lie bas Expressing belief ini the value of econ- served for the past 25 years:. He bias on11v, lie asserts that efficient public serv- 'pnacticed law in Chicago for 31 ice must flot lie neglected. . years. He is a niember of the 1Delta _____________________ Teta Phi law fratennity, tlîc IHam- ilton club and various civic and Cite Endorsements of fraternal organizations. WILMETTE LIPE .

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