WILMETTE LIFE November 1, 1934 FOR RENT-IIOUSES pou SALE--HOUSES_ __ACREASE AND ESMATE 7 .RM. IHOUSE NEWLYý DECORATE. 211 COLFAX ST. RFEM0DELED FARM HOUSE ON 5 1-car garage., 1929 Birchwood Ave., acres close to Winnetka. 5 bdrns., 4 Wilmette.: Phone Wilmette 2934. DRIVE. PAST THIS BEAUTIFUL baths, 2-car garage. Stable for 6 horses. -97LTN26-ltp etofle house, nestled arnong; centUry Owner orders quick sale. ---Zý:77 old elms and, oaks.. If you wiâh we will LEVSTDO D FrOug N-FUmIS m uens be pleased to show, the interior. Here L W ST O D 6 RMS. NICELY- FURNISHED, $62.50. làaahome of charming Engllsh architec- Winnetka 1111 '170(> Willow R d.ý Good location. Other good values; ture. Just 5 years old. 8 rms. , 3 baths, 1241LTN26-Ite furnished and unfurnished. rec. rm., att. gar for 2 cars. Perfectly landscaped grounds 70x190. Out of town *K,, ESTrATE LOANs B. H BARN TT onerwants quick action. Here Is your 526 Center St. Winnetka 965 Wc Deire ppliatio ______ ___siA 'r&GOLE E, Inc. FOR FIRST, MORTGAGES IN AON WANTrED TO RENTr-HOUSES 1564 Sherman Ave. University 0283 $2,500 to 810,000 on. North Shore resi- 111LTN2-ltc dences, Evanston to Lake Forest. We RELIABLE PARTY WANTS TO RENI ....fnsaalbefrImdaec. 7 or more rooms, 2 or 1% baths. Price, SE ILO FRN imns hmest e rasoncabe. Wli give1your Spaciou s 7 rm. home, 2 baths, Sun parlor, McGUIRE '& ORR- hoetrtcas ae9inoQL26fltp brkfst. and slpg. porches. At- vr4YesofDpnalSric _______ ___ i tached garage. 011 burner. Near Ov 40.,YeasondaleSrve.10 WANTED TO RENT-FURN. flous"s High school. 75 Abbottsford Rd. 530 avi St, Evnstn G e08 Owner m ust sell on account oif!17-T2-t WANTED TO RENT - 3 OR 4 BRM. illness. -Miss Cronk. First Mortgage Loans wot coldsrit illaefromi BAIRD & \VARNER, hie.$,0-2,O now until June lst. Phone Winnetka! 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH $,fl$0W l90 OLTN26-ltc. Kenilworth 4785 Rogers Park 6151 AMORTIZED OVER A PERIOD 0F WANTED TrO mENT-GARAGEOS 111LTN26-ltc years with easy payments. Prompt service at a low cost. Full information WANT TO RENT GARAGE, HEATED IN TfHE WOODS given by calling our loan department. or unheated in vicinity of Vine & Lo- BANK LIQUIDATION 0F ATTRA C-1 cust, Winnetka. Ph. Winnetka 3293. 1 tive white Colonial, 5 bdrins., 3 baths,!S A T&G LE e _____________________103LTN26-ltp' in excellent Winnetka section, adjoining'16- hra v. nvriy08 FOR giAtE -E estate properties. One of our best1 offer- 127A-LTN26-ltc -HOUES ngs. Caîl Mrs. Mead. ___________1 Winnetka WVhite Colonial ONE 0F THE MOST ADM[RED homes ln the Village. 7 rooms wth' 3% baths, garage, oil heat with B. & G., bot water heater; large screened porci., Very attractive grounds of 100 foot fron- tage with trees. Situated ln a most popular section and convenient location. Owner has authorized a reductioîi in price from $30,000 to $17.500 for quiek sale. Smiall amount of cash with balance first mortgage. An outstanding buy. SMITH & GOSS 725 Elm St. Winnetka 3500 STUCCO HOUSEýx-1226 MAPLE AVE.. Wilnlieuet. ti rnis., eticiused asun .porch,' sleeping porch. All rms. heated. H. W.~ lit. Separate Pittsburgh Hot Waterl heater. Tile bath and shower. ShowerlI toilet and laundry ln basement.Oa floors; curtains and shades firatcls condition and up to-date, lot 6Oxl7O; 1 HE BILLS REALTY. me.. FOR UALE-HOUSEHO LD GOODS 529 [)AVIS ST., EVANSTON Sale Extraordinary (ire. 1166 Wiliiette 3740 PIAE ARY OF S OW 97T2-1_ý, furnishings. Imported chairs, coffee HOM E, ON TlHE LAKE tables, taborettes, brc-a-brac. antns MODERATELY. PRICED. MODERN jects books, lamps, vases, oriental rugs. rooni English brick residence '%vtil Sac. 'for cash-moving west coast. Dis- minimum cost of maintenance; tIIie played daily and Sunday, open tilI 9 p.m beach, full riparian rights; owner leav - at North Park hotel, lst fi., 1932 N. Clark, ing city wants offer; will sacrifice. Chicago. _____129L26-ltp MeG IRE *& RRmc. $225 CHIPPENDALE RADIO-9 TUBES' Olc('r[40 I",,earsfDeedberv ice. - 3$27.50. Spinet desk $7.50; library table Over40 earsof epenabl Serice $350-, radio and victrola $15; oak book- 530 Davis St., Evanston. Gre. 1080 case $33.50; mah., tea wagon $10; silver 11lLT2~ ~'tea -service $8.95; sun lamps $7.50; Thor ULDSTONE HOUSE aIl electric mangle nearly nwol BEAT..NEW MOERN L K$ 12.50; chair, tables, lamps, mise,arils BEAT.,NEW MOERN BLCK;Winnetka 2fl67. 129LTN2i-ilp1 fron, lake. 9 charming rms., 3 bs.' libr., playrm.,, recreation rm. Many fea- PIANO tures. For Sale at ýý of construction Steinway grand, parlor size, malhogany vs nsa ireunisfinives 1 finish. wonderful tone. $490. Can beý -T 2-car gar.; paved aliey; fine lawn, tres MR. FULLER &WM. PICKAD se tIeaeSoagCne tWn .L ahruba, flowers, etc.; ail taxes paid; 746 Fi,, St. Winnetka 36031 netka. Ph. owner, Glencoe 117. Krier B*uffet ....13 5 ready to move in. Price $9,600. Tit.le îllLTN26-Itc 129L26-ltlp Edelweiss .... 12 6 guaranteed; have a $12,000 owners'-- - Hugo and Bingo ..1i1 7 pollcy from C. T. & T. Co. Sec owncer. SACRIFICEGrnfte TELEtCHROINlck ualBleser's 9 9 15.17 Washington Ave., Wilmette, or anfte Electrieclok u SunsetVil...9 9 phone Wilmette 1994. 111LTN23-.4tp OWNER WANTS $500 FOR EQUITY chimes, practically ncw. North Park imteTlos81 MU T B O DIin excellent 6 iroom br. bung. in Wil- Hotel, 1932 N. Clark, lut Fl., Chicago., Wilmct'steTalrs 8612 mette. 3 blks to transp. AIl nice rooms. 129L26-ltp IHrystaen61 Out q f town oxvner desires immiiediate 60t. lt t.gr oWlet 8 HANDSOME DINING ROOM CHAIRS, Cce ni41 liqudaton f carbrickrm CoLTNonlc mhogLy itxceelt locdt phWHITEsbrik Clonal.Excllen WHIE BIIC. EGLIH ACHIEC-stey, lipl ovps ncldcd A- cod.! Mr . Hrol SA-1îy. 27 5lî condition. Priced at $18,500 fori turc, 4 bdrni., 2 baths, oul ht., scr'd. 'ý original price. 196 Beach rd., Glencoe1 land avenue, %vill entertain lier lunicl- quick sale. Mr. Harris. pqorcl-. 1-car att. gar. $17,000. 903. 129L26-ltip eoni bridge club> Fridav. flAID &WARERInc AN MOELAND FLL SIZE MAH. BED, D)ELUXE NTC 663 Vernon Ave, Glencoe 305 NOtTICE. pins,.ice 346 PARK AVENUE, GLENCOE 11LT26ltnah. floor lamp, ehild's -ivory desk. Th olwn ecaniewl esl Glencot- 155,4 Briargate 1855 ______________________l'pIh. Wilmiette 3031. 816 Greenleaf Ave.rorThaes lifnot ecae r olorbefsore 11ILTN26-ltc 128 ROBSART RD., 10 ROOMS, 3½,, 129LTN26-1t<. fov heser 2, 1934: onorbeor bath 78x60,bestsee. E.Kenlworh. SOLID OAK DINING ROOM TABLE, 6 Mrs. J. H. Beuchier, 720 Hinman Ave., .AI1R C 1E 1iC SeIl or trade for smaller. F. Wanner, chairs -omth npretcn.$. ývntn l. n umrEmn UNUSVALLY -DISTINCTIVE IlP- 1 .Laal. tt 11 r ei. 5111.mth npretcn.$aEantn I. n umrEmn pearanc, tue rof, 3 brms., 1 baths5111LT Kn26ît; for quick sale. Phone Winnietka 655 Jacket $25.00; Mrs. H. Erenbcrg, 5432 pear__________rof,_3___________________________ i-ltl days; evenings, Winnetka 2273. Drpxel Blvd., Chicago, Ill., One Raccoon 2 porche-, 2-car garage. uii heat, closc tii. WANTIED TO *UV-HOUSES « 129L26-ltp roat $35.00, One Silver Muskrat coat schools. Price $15,OtiO. Owner wats.;1$750 rn cds elca 4.0 cash offer. WANTED - ATTRACTIVE MiDERN ABY FUjRNITURE - KRtol,.îî; 3.0,OeMnoaSelca,4.0 home with five family bedr<y,ins, and gy ; screened-in bed, mattreàss ; bath- M r.. P C. East, 120 Meadow Lane, Win- TlH F, IUISR IzA I.I,T- e.1iC.-ever-al acres of ground. Will cý,nsider tub. Ail fine cond. M.%any liai, lothes .retka, Ill., One, Red fox $7.50; Miss Della 524 DAVIS ST., EVANS*rCIN ieudfrewtfrn Winnlki30.nnetka to Lake Forest. Write givinglnuddre thur. intk O'Neal, 1380 Edgewood Lane, Wlnnetka, <Jre. 1166 XViI mA'tt.ý 3740 full particulars. Write B-15, Box 4f), 1__________1_Il.,_______________fx_$.50;______l ikins, 1125 Aystrs H>avée, Evanston, Ill., 111LTN26-ltc Wilmette, Ill. 113LTN2,-ltc LGE. THOR WASHER AND IRONER, i (>ný! .Muskrat .Jarfkft 88.50. als Aiwayvacuum cleaner. Cheani -\UI'H k>EN\LUh FOR SALE-VACANT for cash. Phone Greenleaf 4646. M. B-. OkeÀan Piurrierm, Imc. ATTRACTIVE SIX-ROOM HOME ONXT I129LýTN26-ltp 1 540-548 .in<'oiln Ave-nue, Wlnnetka. alarge lot has been taken over by L V X ST FOR SALE- TWO ROLL TOP OFFICE! the rnortgagee, who has instructed us to C desks. Large, size $18. Medium, size iimtesO l make qulck sale at.less than their mort-, For a -onr Home $12. Phone Kenilworth 1528. gage. Investigate! J3ETWEEN: 3 & 4 ACRES IN INDIAN 12qlàTNý26-ltt<*,erofSorg o ~~~~Hill Club section in the immnediateI___________ ___ Mc U R R yInC. neighborhood of soine of the finest homi TDT BY-SHOD.GOD Warehouse Offers Over 40 Years of Dependable Service, on the. North Shore. Uwner of this itc - __. 216 Park Ave., Glencoe. Phone Glen. :13 now. lives in Pasadena, Calif., and wvill WTD. USED GRAND PIANO 17110, Security ________ 11LTN26-ltc. trade fo odpqet u hreor private party. Caîl Mrs. Pate, Van .\eNv Englald. Colonial willappeal to one who desires plenty of' FOR SALE-MISCELLANOUS Elcec clea p.opety n te NrthShoe. Tis ure 688. 3OLN2S2tcResponsibility. CHARMING WELL BUILT HOME, gromid with superior environmient and 21CT IH M T S-','3.-$wt t t2 COTS WoTH MATTRESSESvalue.thoit bdrms., slp porch, 3 bathsý; -îav., on; certainty of incrgreas in value.ot mote lst fi., baek stairs; ser. porch, oil burner large shade and apple treles.Wodru ech ag cpat> oa1ot~tr hte,$10. Gas clothes dryer, $25, 4ostMoiPakn and oil h. %v. he;ter; 100 ft., lot -in cx-'-'(il for a garden. $5. 2Elm t. Wnntk. n Stoa'ein IL. lIent neighborhood. $20,000. MecGUIRE &'ORR, Ine. __________________and 131L26-ltî Frances J. \\ inscott Over 40 Years of Dependable Service. 1 T.T U-ICLAEU Services 902, Spruce St. Winnetka 1267 530 Davis St. Evanston Gre. 1080 B ladTbe Estimates Furnished Fine7 rom 11LTN26-ltc 114LTN261ltcPUL illiTHdCOMPleTEUI WtotOlgin Fie romcolonial house FL BARGAINOPET QI -Wihu Olgain 2-car attachcd garage BA GANni. ent. For home use. Must be reas. ephn 812,000 EXCEPTIONALLY CHOICE VACAN' Write -4, Box 40, Wilmctte, 111. Also vacant, 5Ox183, facing south, $900ji paroel in exclusive section. Beach 1__________ 132LTN25-tt'pl for quick sale. Winnctka 269. privileges. Must sacrifice for less than WANTED TO BUY-CELLO IN GOOD E es c 11 620 FOREST AVE.. BEST SECTION E. i B-il, Box 40,, Wilmctte, Ill., work. ('an pay $ -15. Write B-9, Box 40, Wilmettc, 9 spacious rooms, 2 baths !. 114LT2C-ltc Wilmette, Ill. 132LTN26-ltl) 521 Main Street, Wilmnette and shower, brick, 100x185, ow price. MUST SELL AND WILL CUT PRICE WANTED-WINTER SUIT FOR MAN Poe 'Take amaller N. Evans. to WII. F. Wan-I to less than %. of original crist. N. E. 5 ft. 9. in. taîl, weight 175 lbs. $5,In Poe iler, Exe]. Agt., 19 S. LaSalle, Chicago. Wilmctte vacant, near lake. $75 per f t. good condition. Phone Glencoe 1239., WILMKE 32 UNmuHsiTY 7317 ll1LTN26-ltp! Phone Wilmette 1786. 114LTN26_ltp 132L26îltp Sportsman League Bowlers Hit Stride The Krier Buffet team's hold on first place dwindled to the slim margin of .one game last week in-the Sports- man Bowling league. The second place Edelweiss team won two out of three games f rom Krier's, closing in on* the league leaders. Krier's now have won thirteen games and lost five. The. Edelweiss record stands at twelve victories and six defeats. Scores made by the first and second place teams, in their matches last week were comparatively low.. Edel- weiss won the first two games, 865 to 853 and 864 to 816. By a margin of only four four pins, 863 to 859, Krier's copped the last game. Totals : Krier's, 2532; Edelweiss, 2588. .Tailors Take Tnxnble One game behind the second place Edelweiss boys are Hugo and Bingo of Winnetka who last week sent the Wilmette Tailors sprawling in three' games, 908 to 786, 921 to 857 and 864 to 763. This gave Hugo and Bingo a total of 2693 compared to 2406 for the Tailors. Sunset Villa of Winnetka showed a reversai of form in its games last week. After turning back Edelweiss, three games to 'none, the previous week the Villa bowlers were unable to win a single game from Bleser's. The Bleser victories were by scores of 784 to 752,,866 to 855 and 912 to 819. Totals: Bleser's, 2562; Sunset Villa 2426. TaveraWin Harry's Tavern won two out of three games from the Cycle Inn. Cycle Inn took the first one, 884 to 852, and Harry's Tavern the next two, 886 to 792 and 916 to 814. Totals: Harry's Tavern, 2654; Cycle Inn, 2510. Teani standings: November 1, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE.