OpenngSaturday Bakery and' De.licatessen 346 Linden Avenue (Opposite "L" Terminal) Under the! management of the former opera-, tors of the Village Bakeéry.. We wish tO serve out many friends and former patrons., OPEN SUNDAYS Pull Line of Bakery, Goods Fruit.çakeiq'tciýCokies - Delicious Cream Cakes Cooked Foods Chop> Suey,- -Baked Beans - Salads m Meats el mILLER MOTOR SER VIC E announce- that they have moved III on Saturda. v enin g of this wpeek the Theta 'UPsi Rho P1a3'ers wiII present 'Jum.' Time," a three-act'comedy upritten bLv SalUy Shute. Pictured. above: First row (lefi 10 right) Parl Pettinger, illyrtle Koll, Dora Bur- rows, Robkrt 3qdtdge; tecond rt'vv (it fo right) Betty Colins and Anita 1 The story deals with a young lady, Constance Wilbur, who sublets ber summer home to a young doctor, Curtiss Brown. The day comes for the moving and Florette, Constance's maid falîs ill. This results in the two parties remaining under tbe saine roof for several days. The resuit is both comical and romantic. Earl Pettinsger will play the lead Ahns is riorette,. miss uora DUr- ýws plays the part cf Dr. 'Brown's ter, Mabel, and Miss Anita john- ,n portrays the part of Eloise The o'clock. in the. cu rtain will risel The being1 .auditorium of ýthe at 8:15 presented] Win Football Letters, Numerals, at Kenyon Fourteen members of the Kenyon college football squad have beený awarded varsity letters. Freshman numer als went to sixteen. Four north shore men are among those honored. Lester Wood of Highland Park re- ceived bis third monogram, Harry ment ju'st l oan 1 ~lannun ce- f rom the collrgie;' ECONOMY SHÔP NEEDS Economy Shop is deep in its yearly task of helping people who have very littie to spend bring Christmas joy to their children. And, as usual, its, success in the effort depends upon the aid of its SGeorge MILLER. PIhone WILMETTU 50 .Leo 413 ,Linden Avenu. Lui Wilmeffe 4126, 4 / i