ma1~s oay. This number remains from the list of sixty-four children published in last week's issue of Wu<mIenzLiE. At this writing thirty-eight children had been formally invited to spend theunity inhoesnithp mthhlda nhoe Arrive at 10 A. M. 4The, children are brought to WiI- mette each year on Christmas Day by the. Philathea ' class of young Women in the Wilmnette ParishMeth-. rodist churçh. Tbey arrive. on a spe- cial train at 10 o'clock, are assembled t at the Village hall and im mediately distributed te the bhost families. They return to Lake Bluff at 5 o'clock. Families wishing te have an. orphan guest, on .Christmas day are invited to communicate with Mrg. R. L. .Haskin, Wilmette 700Y-M. 26 Renias. on Loist Here is the. list of children $611, te be assigned to homes: Angel, Leslie (boy):... ý........... 13 Booth, Paul........................ 9 Bowman, Matr... ......... ........14 Bo h Robert . ..... Bueli, Eddie............ ..........8 Chaparas. Anna............. ......-12 Conley, Betty ............ ........... 6 Conley, Faye...... ........ ...... 9 Coy, Calvin.......................... 8 Craske, Geneva. ................. .13 Craske, John ............ Current, EKari........... DeWitt, Mary.................... il DeWitt, Robertk .........8 Elliott, Mae........ ............ .14 Franklin, Janice................. -.10 Franklin, Betty LOU ................. 8 Franklin. Charles...... .......... 7 Garkte, Elmira............ ......... 12 Horine, Gertrude................. -7 Hutchéraft, Patril .... . ... .....i Hutchcraft, fRichard ......--ý........10 Hutchcralt, Rose... - ,............... 7 Tvanovich. Mary..................0 Keisling, Ralph . .................... 7 Kransburg, Esther...... ...........9 Kransburg, Rose........ ........ Mattàon, James........... ........i Mansfleld, Louise .............i Mansfield, Louis- ............. Metz, 'George...........12 Pglhegyl., Gloria-.......... Paulos, George ........ ............1 Payne, Beverly................. 12 * Payne, Dorot.......... ....10 Payne, EvelVfl. .................. 8 Sherwood, Warren-.............1 Singer, Paul . . .. .. .. . . . 8 * Stamp Club Invites ~1 first in the words of . prophecy up to the birth of Christ; the setond in the 'éPiàodesof adorat-on.which followed the nativity.. A series of nine, scenes leads through these two,' phases, cul- minating with thé, adoration- scene in. which the wbole, cast, chorus. and congregation joi n. A.large cast, di- rected' by a group1 of leaders' and suppemetedby a chorus, will render the pageant-dramia. The cast is as foliowà; in the Order of appearance:, Balaam-Pauàl Venekiasen Balak--Charlen Kremer Solders: Mark Foflansbee, Dick Torrey,% Paul Emrick. King. Davd-Robert Henderson Ellab, the scribe-Rodger Venekiasen Hushal, the scribe-Philip Osb'>rni Eleazar, the courter-Frank Xoenen Court wonei-Jane Lamprey,. Priseilla, *Polack, Vers. Johnson, Janet Colvin Nathan, the prophet-Charles Keller *saIl.h, the prophet~--DudIey Venel1asefl Ahaz the king-1Laiold Osborn .MevryFYUes Brow The Angel-Beyyt Sherwpod Angels-Ellen Jean Torrey, Helen Con- dit. Betty Ellis, Betty Dodds, Jane t Hollister Joseph-Bertram Colvin Tnn-keeper-Dr. Harold. Condit Shepherds - William Moody, Lowell Peterson, Fra.nk Condit Wise men-Edward Otis, Harold Me- Cormick, William Gibsoin Ak group of cblîdren-the Beginnera' department A. group of ail natons-the Primary department A group of worshipers-the Junior de- Costmes-rs.Stanley Peterson and committee In charge of worshipers-Mrs, B. Col- vin, Mrs. R. H. Henderson, Miss Sarah Brownlee Directors-The Rev. and, Mrs. J. T. Venekiasen Presiding-Ralph Rice. Bill'Hàlrridge, 1440 Forest avenuet who is a,. student at Culver Military academy, is returnifig Friclay ta spend SIJNNYF IELO FAM ILV F4/2LOIJ LB.84 AêJmond Meà.aI, * ** LB45c Duded Walnais . .L& 25C Mmvin Datu, unplfttd .~194 MI.coma, Qum An». $ P C Spalsh iPenutusalt. . W25e -GRAPEFRUIfANCV OAN10 Debe" bistlow pila.a »Ci -me -$MUR" &'OAICE PUREPMAIN SAUSAGE I KooDsset 3 P m& 13c Robets Oak* V.aILouf L 1Sc M.B.C.McuoWmChil» . L8.15C N.. CU. ExcelISoda CkckesI*â1 7c Graham Crcksnu&& 2WIP*9c OR 5'&?&25c UAT 2 27' RAJAH DDESSIG 'JARC Io* pfie lU. Ire1W 7Ui UKrU, Ir$Ua Dure= VIOOROUS AND WIN"l BOKAR COFFEE L& 25C Lon laou fo it favo-Bkcw r ta olbnd tht. ntai redoe ~>Io. I'.a godopportunity to beome aoqDmuhs to attend theI ities and bail.